outlandish 1: of or relating to another country: foreign 2 a: strikingly out of the ordinary: bizarre b: exceeding proper or reasonable limits or standards 3: remote from civilization syn see strange —— out.land.ish.ly adv —— out.land.ish.ness n
shoddy 1 a: a reclaimed wool from materials that are not felted that is of better quality and longer staple than mungo b: a fabric often of inferior quality manufactured wholly or partly from reclaimed wool 2 a: inferior, imitative, or pretentious articles or matter b: pretentious vulgarity 2shoddy adj shod.di.er ; -est (1847) 1: made wholly or partly of shoddy 2 a: cheaply imitative: vulgarly pretentious b: hastily or poorly done: inferior c: shabby —— shod.di.ly adv —— shod.di.ness n
【解题分析】由given 因果关系可得b,d,再由consequently可得b。
【重点词条】 replenish 1 a: to fill with persons or animals: stock b archaic: to supply fully: perfect c: to fill with inspiration or power: nourish 2 a: to fill or build up again <~ed his glass> b: to make good: replace ~ vi: to become full: fill up again —— re.plen.ish.able adj —— re.plen.ish.er n —— re.plen.ish.ment n