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  5.The satellite also demonstrated how it could provide help to people living in isolated areas where transportation is difficult.

  how引导的是一个宾语从句。我们很熟悉的是that引导的宾语从句,而且that常常可以省略。如:We must remember (that) things are easier said than done. (我们必须记住事情都是说起来容易,做起来难。)


  1)He didn't tell me where the shopping center was.(他没有告诉我购物中心在哪里。)

  2)Do you know what they were talking about?(你知道他们刚才在谈论什么吗?)

  3)Let's see how we can solve the problem. (我们看看怎么来解决这个问题。)

  4)I'm wondering if the letter is overweight.(我想知道这封信是不是超重。)

  5)We must find out who did this. (我们必须弄清楚这是谁干的。)

  provide是一个常用单词,通常可以有如下用法:provide sth. to/for sb.; provide sb. with sth.; provide sb. sth.;provide that…,在前一个单元中,我们已对provide一词有过讲解,再请看几个例子:

  1)It is impossible for the government to provide all young people with a job. (政府不可能给所有的年轻人都提供一份工作。)

  2)Can you provide 5 buses for/to the tourists? (你们能为游客们提供五辆巴士吗?)

  3)The agreement provides that the two sides shall meet once a month. (协议规定双方每月会晤一次。)

  6.He was then able to follow the doctor's instructions on how to care for the patient.


  1)He wrote a book on India. (他写了一本有关印度的书。)

  2)He gave us a report on the international economy. (他给我们做了关于国际经济的报告。)

  3)They exchanged views on questions of common concern. (他们就共同关心的问题交换了意见。)

  care of 在句子中的意思是“照顾”,可用attend; look after替换。例如:

  1)The whole society should care for the younger generation. (全社会都应该关怀年轻的一代。)

  2)You can't really find out how to care for children from books. (你从书本上不可能真正找到照顾孩子的方法。)

  care for 还可以解释为“担心”,“介意”,“愿意”,可用about替换for.

  1)He doesn't care about/for his clothes. (他不讲究衣着。)

  2)The old lady cared much for her daughter's safety. (老太太非常为女儿的安全担心。

  3)Would you care for a cup of tea? (来杯茶,好吗?)

  4)I don't care for him to read the letter. (我不愿意让他看这封信。)

  7.The most common use of telecommunication satellites, however, has been for transmitting telephone calls.however


  1)It is not, however, the only answer to the question. (然而,这不是问题的唯一答案。)

  2)I'd like to go and see the films, however,I don’t have the time. (我很想去看电影,但我没时间。)

  3)However, we still have 10minutes left. (不过,我们还有十分钟。)

  4)The composition is well written, there is room for improvement, however.

  5)I am sorry, but I won't be able to come this time. (很报歉,我这次不能来了。)

  6)He would like to go, but he was busy. (他想去,但他太忙。)

  7)It's not cheap, but it’s really good. (这个不便宜,但的确很好。)

  8.Telecommunication can make information from around the world available to use quickly and easily, but some people worry that this may be a risk to our privacy.


  1)I am sorry those shoes are not available in your size. (很报歉,那些鞋没你的尺码。)

  2)If I am not available when you call, leave a message. (你打电话来时如果我不在,请留个言。)

  3)If the tickets is available, I will go to the concert. (如果能弄到票,我会去听音乐会。)

  4)The ticket is available on the day of issue only. (此票仅发售当天有效。)

  9.We can prevent this from happening by carefully controlling the new technology.


  1)They tried every means to prevent the disease (from) spreading. (他们想方设法阻止疾病曼延。)

  2)Nothing can prevent him (from) going there.(什么也阻止不了他去那儿。)



  1.at the beginning of 2.means of

  3.over long distance 4.by the middle of

  5.such as 6.change into

  7.from…to… 8.be capable of

  9.not only…but… 10.in theory

  11.have access to 12.amount of

  13.provide…to… 14.follow sb's instructions

  15.care for 16.as well as

  17.at the same time 18.make…available

  19.pay for 20.isolate…from…



  1)…both radio and television had be come established means of transmitting sounds and pictures.


  1)…radio waves, which are then sent from a station on earth to an orbiting satellite.

  2)…back to earth, where another station picks them up and changes them back into television signals.

  3)The combination of satellites, which transmit information, computers, which store information, and television, which displays information, will change every home into an education and entertainment center.


  1)We must remember that technology alone is not the answer.

  2)The satellite also demonstrated how it could provide help to people living in isolated areas…。

  3.注意such as,as well as,as的用法

  1)In order to transmit an event such as the Olympics via satellite, …

  2)…printed materials such as books and magazines.

  3)…as well as get any information they need, …

  4)As one telecommunication expert days, …

  Text B What People Don't Know about Air



  We couldn't have finished the work so soon without your help.

  Without air, there would be no wind or clouds.

  2.adv. + past participle

  It is widely known that the earth goes around the sun.

  It is generally believed that the earth is getting hotter.


  Where there is a will, there is a way.

  Where there is hope, there is life.

  4.be forced to

  He was forced to drop out of school.

  They were forced to work 14 hours a day.

  5.shelter v.& n.

  Mother tried to shelter her from the blow of the tragic news.

  You have to find shelter from the blazing sun.

  6.protect from

  It is necessary that we protect our skin from being burned by the sun.

  She had his umbrella to protect her from the sun.

  7.deadly adj.

  They made a deadly attack on the enemy's air base.

  A drop of this poison might be deadly to man.


  As he braked a tire burst.

  All the boys burst from their tents.

  Everybody in the room burst out laughing.

  The little girl burst into tears.

  9.rest upon

  His arm rested upon the table.

  The task rested upon my shoulder.

  His eyes rested upon a strange object.

  10.gaze at

  He was standing at the window, gazing at the street.

  What are you gazing at?


  He didn't go out to play until he finished his homework.

  No one was to go to bed until further order.

  12.in the meantime

  His case won't come to court for several months, and in the meantime more than half of the people think him guilty.

  At last we were released. In the meantime, our friend had informed the newspaper.

  13.pay attention to

  Please pay more attention to your spelling next time.

  I didn't pay much attention to what he said yesterday.

  14.add to

  If you praise others more often, you can add great happiness to their life.

  What he said just now added to my confusion.

