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  7. After Queen Isabella asked Admiral Columbus to describe the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), which was newly discovered, he had reached for a sheet of paper, crumpled it, and said, "It looks like that-beyond the mountains, more mountains."

  (A) After Queen Isabella asked Admiral Columbus to describe the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), which was newly discovered, he had reached

  (B) On being asked to describe the new discovery of the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti) by Queen Isabella, Admiral Columbus, reaching

  (C) Queen Isabella asked Admiral Columbus to describe the newly discovered island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), then he reached

  (D) When asked by Queen Isabella to describe the newly discovered island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), Admiral Columbus reached

  (E) After Queen Isabella had asked Admiral Columbus to describe the discovery of the island of Hispaniola (now Haiti), he had reached

  8. Sculptor Alexander Calder, who often made use of old pieces of junk in his art and also believed in recycling at home; he once turned a broken goblet into a dinner bell and a cake mold into a lamp.

  (A) Sculptor Alexander Calder, who often made use of old pieces of junk in his art and also believed in recycling at home; he

  (B) Alexander Calder, for whom old pieces of junk was often made into sculpture, believed in recycling at home and

  (C) A believer in recycling at home, sculptor Alexander Calder often made use for old pieces of junk in his art; he

  (D) Alexander Calder, for whom sculpture was often made from old pieces of junk, also believed in recycling at home, for example, he

  (E) Sculptor Alexander Calder, who often made use of old pieces of junk in his art, also believed in recycling at home; he

  9. A special Japanese green tea called genmai-cha contains brown rice and is considered as a delicacy fit for a gourmet by most Japanese, though it is virtually unavailable outside Yokohama.

  (A) A special Japanese green tea called genmai-cha contains brown rice and is considered as a delicacy fit for a gourmet by most Japanese, though it is

  virtually unavailable outside Yokohama.

  (B) Considered to be a delicacy fit for a gourmet by most Japanese, genmai-cha is a special green tea that contains brown rice, virtually unavailable outside Yokohama.

  (C) A special Japanese green tea called genmai-cha contains brown rice and is considered a gourmet delicacy by most Japanese, though it is virtually unavailable outside Yokohama.

  (D) Most Japanese consider genmai-cha, a special green tea which contains brown rice, as a delicacy virtually unavailable outside Yokohama.

  (E) Though virtually unavailable outside Yokohama, most Japanese consider genmai-cha, a special green tea that contains brown rice, a gourmet delicacy.

  10. The endurance and consistency of baseball star Lou Gehrig, known as "The Iron Horse," are legendary.

  (A) The endurance and consistency of baseball star Lou Gehrig, known as "The Iron Horse," are legendary.

  (B) The endurance and consistency of Lou Gehrig, a baseball star known as "The Iron Horse," is legendary.

  (C) Known as "The Iron Horse," the endurance and consistency of Lou Gehrig, the baseball star, is legendary.

  (D) The reason baseball star Lou Gehrig is known as "The Iron Horse" is because of his legendary endurance and consistency.

  (E) Known as "The Iron Horse," baseball star Lou Gehrig’s endurance and consistency are legendary.

  11. Income in a single year is a very poor guide to income and wealth over even a few years, much less a lifetime; in the longer run, a tax on what people spend is therefore not much different than a tax on their income.

  (A) than a tax on their income

  (B) from a tax on what they earn

  (C) than taxing income

  (D) from the income tax

  (E) than a tax on what people earn


  1. E 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. D 8. E 9. C 10. A 11. B|读书人收集整理
