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  1. The excessive number of safety regulation that the federal government has placed on industry poses more serious hardships for big businesses than for small ones. Since large companies do everything on a more massive scale, they must alter more complex operations and spend much more money to meet governmental requirements.

  Which of the following , if true, would most weaken the argument above?

  (A) Small companies are less likely than large companies to have the capital reserves for improvements.

  (B) The operation codes are uniform, established without reference to size of company.

  (C) Safety regulation codes are uniform, established without reference to size of company.

  (D) Large companies typically have more of their profits invested in other businesses than do small companies.

  (E) Large companies are in general more likely than small companies to diversify the markets and products.

  2. Banning cigarette advertisements in the mass media will not reduce the number of young people who smoke. They know that cigarettes exist and they know how to get them. They do not need the advertisements to supply that information.

  The above argument would be most weakened if which of the following were true?

  (A) Seeing or hearing an advertisement for a product tends to increase people’s desire for that product.

  (B) Banning cigarette advertisements in the mass media will cause an increase in advertisements in places where cigarettes are sold.

  (C) Advertisements in the mass media have been an exceedingly large part of the expenditures of the tobacco companies.

  (D) Those who oppose cigarette use have advertised against it in the mass media ever since cigarettes were found to be harmful.

  (E) Older people tend to be less influenced by mass-media advertisements than younger people tend to be.

  3. The average normal infant born in the United States weighs between twelve and fourteen pounds at the age of three months. Therefore, if a three-month-old child weighs only ten pounds, its weight gain has been below the United States average.

  Which of the following indicates a flaw in the reasoning above?

  (A) Weight is only one measure of normal infant development.

  (B) Some three-month-old children weigh as much as seventeen pounds.

  (C) It is possible for a normal child to weigh ten pounds at birth.

  (D) The phrase “ below average” does not necessarily mean insufficient.

  (E) Average weight gain is not the same as average weight.

  4. According to a recent survey, marriage is fattening. Cited as evidence is the survey’s finding that the average woman gains 23 pounds and the average man gains 18 pounds during 13 years of marriage.

  The answer to which of the following questions would be most relevant in evaluating the reasoning presented in the survey? (A) Why was the period of time studied in the survey 13 years, rather than 12 or 14?

  (B) Did some of the men surveyed gain less than 18 pounds during the time they were married?

  (C) How much weight is gained or lost in 13 years by single people of comparable age to those surveyed?

  (D) Were the women surveyed as active as the men surveyed, at the time the survey was made?

  (E) Will the reported gains be maintained over the lifetimes of the persons surveyed?

  5. The cost of the average computer logic device is falling at the rate of 25 percent per year, and the cost of the average computer memory device at the rate of 40 percent per year. It can be concluded that if these ratess of cost decline remain constant for a period of three years, at the end of that time the cost of the average computer memory device will have declined by a greater amount than the cost of the average computer logic device.5.

  Accurate information about which of the following would be most useful in evaluating the correctness of the conclusion above? (A) The number of logic devices and memory devices projected to be purchased during the next three years

  (B) The actual prices charged for the average computer logic device and the average computer memory device

  (C) The compatibility of different manufacturers’ logic devices and memory devices

  (D) The relative durability of logic devices and memory devices

  (E) The average number of logic devices and memory devices needed for an average computer system

  6. The population of peregrine falcons declined rapidly during the 1950’s and 1960’s and reached an all-time low in the early 1970’s. The decline was attributed by scientists to the widespread use of the pesticide DDT in rural areas.

  Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest support to the scientits claim?

  (A) DDT was not generally in use in areas devoted to heavy industry.

  (B) In the time since the use of DDT was banned in 1972, the population of peregrine falcons has been steadily increasing. (C) Peregrine falcons, like other birds of prey, abandon eggs that have fallen out of the nest, even if the eggs remain intact.

  (D) Starlings, house sparrows, and blue jay-birds the peregrine falcon prey on-were not adversely affected by DDT in their habitats.

  (E) Other birds of prey, such as the osprey, the bald eagle, and the brown pelican, are found in the same areas as is the peregrine falcon.
