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1.Although they lost their jobs, savings and unemployment benefits allow the couple to ________ their comfortable home.
A) come in for
B) catch up with
C) look forward to
D) hold on to

2.Although many experts agree that more children are overweight, there is debate over the best ways to ________ the problem.
A) relate
B) tackle
C) file
D) attach

3.An important factor in determining how well you perform in an examination is the ________ of your mind.
A) state
B) case
C) situation
D) circumstance

4.Research shows that there is no ________ relationship between how much a person earns and whether he feels good about life.
A) successive
B) subsequent
C) significant
D) sincere

5.Sadly, as spending on private gardens has ________, spending on public parks has generally declined.
A) heightened
B) lifted
C) flown
D) soared


benefit:n. 利益;v. 获益
comfortable:a. 舒服的,舒适的
come in for 接受, 受到, 继承 
catch up with 赶上
look forward to 盼望
hold on to 坚持


expert:n. 专家,行家;a. 老练的,内行的,专门的
relate:v. 讲,叙述,有关系
tackle:vt. 对付,处理;n. 用具,器具,滑车
file:n. 档案,公文箱,锉刀;v. 列队行进,归档
attach: v. 附上,使依恋,爱慕


state:vt. 陈述,阐明;n. 状态,国家,州
case:n. 情形,情况,案例
situation:n. 形势,情况,处境,境况,位置,场所
circumstance:n. 环境,状况,事件


successive:a. 连续的,连接的
subsequent:a. 继…之后的,后来的
significant:n. 意义,重要性a.有意义的,意味深长的,重要的,重大的
sincere:a. 诚恳的,真诚的
