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报检员资格考试模拟考试试卷 续(1)

a business;invoice;contract
b foreign;trade contract;invoice
c business;lc;contract
d foreign trade;invoice;contract

a plastic drum;gunny bag;wooden case
b wooden case;plastic drum;gunny bag
c wooden case;gunny bag;plastic drum
d plastic drum;wooden case;gunny bag

43、英译汉:“bill of loading;l/c;buyer”
a 信用证;提单;买方
b 提单;信用证;买方
c 提单;信用证;卖方
d 信用证;提单;卖方

44 my friend told me that( )
a the english language is difficult
b english is difficult
c the english is difficult
d what english is difficult

45 is it necessary ( ) the book immediately?
a for him to return
b that he retutns
c his returning
d to him return

46 my wife has three brothers,all ( ) than she. ( ) _george,is an officer
a elder…the oldest
b older…the oldest
c elder…the old one
d older…the oldest

47 people greatly differ ( ) their view of life
a form
b in
c at
d to

48 with computer users linker to the internet growing ( ) every year,business is trying to cash in on the world wide network.
a at million
b with a million
c with one million
d by million

49 i bite my hairs,i must break ( )
a the habit tome
b the habit with myself
c myself of the habit
d of the habit myself

50 tom said he () with us if he () free the next day.
a will go,is
b went,were
c would go,was
d will go,was

51 we thank you for your e-mail of november 25 ( ) your purchase of 10 m/t wild rice.
a confirm
b confirming
c conform
d confiremed

52 contracts must be renewed one week ( ) their expiration
a on
b against
c the moment of
d before

53 i think chinese is more popular than ( ) subject
a other
b the other
c any other
d another

54 i was writing in my room ( ) a ball broke window
a when
b as
c where
d while

55 miss jones is a ( ) engineer than miss smith
a best
b bad
c worser
d worse

56( ) beautiful car he is riding ( )
a what a …on
b what…in
c how..in
d what a …in

57 i don’t want ( ) sugar in my coffee
a any
b some
c a
d an

58 the team is good but not as good as ( )
a we
b us
c ours
d ourselves

59 of my three students,one is form english, ( ) are form london
a the other
b the others
c another
d others

60 they ( ) until the bell rang
a stopper on shout
b stopped shouting
c didn’t stop shouting
d didn’t stop shout  
