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课程代码:00413 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选 ...




1.教学媒体应用于教学过程的主要依据和指导思想是(   )

a.经验之塔 b.个别化教学

c.程序教学 d.计算机辅助教学

2.在_____运动等背景下,所得出的定义认为教育技术是教学过程中所应用的技术手段和技术方法。(   )

a.程序教学 b.系统设计教学

c.视听教学 d.媒体教学

3.把信息符号转换为信息意义的过程称为(   )

a.信道编码 b.信源编码

c.信道译码 d.信宿译码

4.在下面的媒体中_____最有利于信息的反馈。(   )

a.计算机教学系统 b.录像

c.电视 d.幻灯

5.以下非投影视觉媒体中抽象程度最低的是(   )

a.图表 b.照片

c.实物 d.简略图

6.画有基本图形和文字,但又没全部完成的投影片,教师可在上面边讲边画,此投影片一般为(   )

a.单片 b.基图片

c.复合片 d.活动片

7.照相机上,用来控制曝光时间长短的部件是(   )

a.快门 b.镜头

c.取景器 d.调焦装置

8.如果运动、动作是要掌握的概念中的要素时,______就比其他视觉媒体材料具有明显的优势。(   )

a.文字材料 b.静止图像

c.图文对照材料 d.活动图像

9.利用线路方式录音时,录音设备的连机方式正确的是(   )

a.信号源的line out插口接录音机的line in插口



d.信号源的line out接录音机的外接话筒插口

10.计算机在教育和培训中的主要应用是(   )

a.计算机辅助教学 b.计算机管理教学

c.计算机辅助教学和计算机管理教学 d.计算机教育应用

11.微软公司推出的窗口式操作系统是(   )

a.windows b.LINUX

c.dos d.unix

12.计算机或网络用户之间通过计算机网络传送的数字信件,信件的内容不仅仅是文字,还可以包括声音、图片、图像和活动视频图像。这种网络的信息服务功能属于(   )

a.电子邮件系统 b.布告牌系统和新闻组

c.远程登录 d.文件传输

13.五六十年代是程序教学思想迅速发展的时期,其代表人物是哈佛大学的(   )

a.克劳德 b.斯金纳

c.戴维·约翰逊 d.罗杰·约翰逊

14.教学设计为了追求_____的优化,不仅关心如何教,更关心学生如何学;因此在系统分析、解决具体教学问题的过程中,特别关注把人类对教与学的研究结果和理论连接起来并应用于教学实践。(   )

a.学习理论 b.教学效益

c.教学效果 d.教学过程

15.智力技能中,最高一层是(   )

a.辨别 b.形成概念

c.使用规则 d.解决问题




  1.下列各组织中属于政府监管组织的是( )

  a.中国银行业监督管理委员会 b.中国银行业协会

  c.中国证券业协会 d.上海证券交易所

  2.证券价格反映了过去所有的价格和交易信息的是( )

  a.弱有效市场 b.中度有效市场

  c.强有效市场 d.非有效市场

  3.债券按是否通过中介机构发行分为( )

  a.公募发行和私募发行 b.招标发行和非招标发行

  c.直接发行和间接发行 d.正常发行和非正常发行


  10%,则根据红利稳定增长模型a公司当前的股价应该是( )

  a.170元 b.175元

  c.180元 d.185元

  5.在双方的交易关系中,合约赋予买方权利,卖方没有任何权利,随时准备履行相应的义务的是( )

  a.期货交易 b.期权交易

  c.现货交易 d.外汇交易

  6.一般来讲,政府债券与公司债券比较( )

  a.政府债券风险小,收益低 b.政府债券风险大,收益高

  c.政府债券风险小,收益高 d.政府债券风险大,收益低

  7.以下证券投资风险中不属于系统性风险的是( )

  a.市场风险 b.财务风险

  c.利率风险 d.政策风险

  8.证券场内交易市场是指( )

  a.证券交易所市场 b.柜台交易市场

  c.第三市场 d.第四市场

  9.商业银行是货币市场的主要参与者,商业银行参与货币市场的主要目的是( )





  10.推动同业拆借市场形成和发展的直接原因是( )

  a.存款准备金制度 b.再贴现政策

  b.公开市场政策业务 d.存款派生机制

  11.金融市场的参与主体中,既是资金的需求和供应者,又是市场活动的调节者的是( )

  a.家庭 b.非金融企业

  c.政府 d.金融机构

  12.股份公司在发行股票时,以流通市场上的股票价格为基础制定发行价格,这种发行是( )

  a.市价发行 b.平价发行

  c.中间价发行 d.时价发行

  13.根据市场组织形式的不同,可以将股票流通市场划分为( )

  a.发行市场和流通市场 b.国内市场和国外市场

  c.场内市场和场外市场 d.现货市场和期货市场

  14.某面额为60000元的票据90天以后到期,贴现后银行应付给持票人的金额为59100元,假设一年有360天,则贴现率为( )

  a.5% b.6%

  c.8% d.9%

  15.以下不属于外汇市场作用的是( )

  a.实现购买力的国际转移 b.为国际经济贸易融通资金

  c.提供外汇保值和投机场所 d.改善企业的负债结构

  16.以一定单位的外国货币为准,用折算成若干本国货币的数量来表示汇率的标价法叫作( )

  a.直接标价法 b.间接标价法

  c.应收标价法 d.美元标价法

  17.计算未来现金流现值时所使用的利率是( )

  a.票面利率 b.贴现率

  c.名义利率 d.贷款利率

  18.人民币特种股票是指( )

  a.a股 b.b股

  c.h股 d.n股

  19.平滑异同移动平均线是指( )

  a.ma b.macd

  c.kdj d.rsi

  20.以下不属于技术分析的基础有( )





part a:vocabulary
ⅰ.directions: add the affix to each word according to the given chinese, making changes when necessary.(10%)
1.extricable 无法摆脱的
2.fiction 想象的
3.period 周期的
4.produce 生产有经济价值之东西的
5.normal 异常的
6.justified 理由
7.habit 同居
8.class 标准的
9.field 外场
10.distinct 有特色的
ⅱ.directions: fill in the blanks, each using one of the given words or phrases below in its proper form.(10%)
take…into account burst forth to the tune of run for do…justice/do justice to…
in relation to cater for in response to after all draw on
11.he is going to __________________________ president.
12.he has two jobs; he can’t ______________________ both of them.
13.she used the map to discover where she was _____________________ her surroundings.
14.the company has changed some of its working practices _________________ criticism by
government inspectors.
15.don’t get discouraged by setbacks; we are new to the work _______________________.
16.the record company __________________________all tastes in music.
17.a writer has to _________________________ his imagination and experience.
18.when you are planning a garden party, you’ll have to ________ the weather ______.
19.bamboo shoots ________________ in spring.
20.the city council had financed the new building ______________ over twelve million dollars.
ⅲ.directions: fill in each blank with a suitable word given below.(10%)
contain first than protein in remain carbohydrates
later then with
proteins are nutrients that build and repair body parts. large parts of tissues-for instance, bone, muscle, and skin-come from 21 . foods such as chicken and other meats, eggs, fish, and nuts supply you 22 protein. fats are nutrients that supply your body with energy. fats 23 large amounts of energy. salad dressing, butter, and cooking oils are foods high 24 fat. carbohydrates are nutrients that also supply you with energy. what 25 is the difference between fats and carbohydrates? the body uses carbohydrates 26 for energy. the body stores fats; that is, it keeps them for 27 use. then, if necessary, it uses the fats for energy. foods that contain starches and sugars (for instance, bread and fruit) supply you with 28 . a person can 29 healthy only if he or she gets the correct amounts of each nutrient. you must not get more or less of a nutrient 30 your body can use.
part b:translation
ⅳ.directions: translate the following sentences into english, each using one of the given words or phrases below.(10%)
given gigantic untangle reinforce typify
ⅴ.directions: translate the following paragraph into chinese.(15%)
36.related to this issue is that of inequalities of impact of the green revolution on various social groups. quite apart from the advantages of scale, e. g. in the use of ground water for irrigation, large farmers inevitably had better access to information, credit and influence than did small farmers and they profited more from the new agricultural techniques, partly by adopting them earlier. however, adoption by small farmers eventually BECame widespread. the urban poor gained from the lower prices and greater supplies of food but the rural poor, especially the landless, have sometimes been disadvantaged. however, new agricultural technology should not be expected to stand proxy for social reform, and lipton concludes that the technology per se (本身) was not to blame for the inequalities of impact; it met the criteria he would have specified for a technology to help the rural poor. as frankel commented: "it is precisely the social blindness of modern technology that is encouraging the most disadvantaged sections of the agricultural community."
