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I am confident that with the concerted efforts of all its members, APEC will make ever greater achievements through cooperation and participation.
Dear Colleagues,
 I am very pleased to be with you all in Shanghai in this golden season of autumn to discuss economic cooperation in the Asia- Pacific region. On behalf of the Chinese Government and people and in my own name, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you.
 We, the APEC economic leaders, have a historical mission to fulfill: We must adopt a forward-looking approach and formulate, through discussion, a common development strategy that is responsive to the development requirements of the new century in the interest of promoting growth and prosperity in the Asia- Pacific.
 At the first APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in 1993, I said that what kind of world was to be brought into the 21st century was a crucial issue that we leaders of this generation must carefully think about and address. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, we have found the world situation and that of the Asia- Pacific both encouraging and worrying.
 On the one hand, peace and development remain the theme of our times. Economic globalization is developing in depth. Science and technology are advancing with each passing day and high-tech industries are booming. All this has offered us new opportunities for achieving national economic growth and improving our peoples' lives.
 On the other hand, development is uneven in the Asia-Pacific and throughout the world. The gap between the rich and the poor still exists. The “digital divide” is widening. Since early this year, some major economies in our region have witnessed a sluggish demand and a slow-down in their growth, which has affected trade and financial stability. The September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States, in particular, have produced serious consequences.
 All in all, there are both challenges and opportunities ahead. We should work together, take actions, seize opportunities, and rise to the challenges so as to promote greater economic growth of our region in the new century. This is a major responsibility for us leaders of the region. To strengthen cooperation so that all APEC member economies may benefit from economic globalization and scientific and technological progress should be an objective for APEC to strive for. How to take concrete and effective measures to bolster confidence and realize recovery and growth —— this is a pressing issue for this Meeting to address.
 The Asia-Pacific region, in the long run, will remain economically the most dynamic part of the world. It will surely usher in a new phase of development if all the countries and regions pull together in times of trouble to overcome difficulties. It is in the common interests of APEC that all its member economies enhance coordination in macro policies, deepen economic restructuring, stabilize financial markets and create a sound overall environment for economic recovery and sustainable development. Developed members are the major beneficiaries of economic globalization and an important force for worldwide economic growth. Therefore, they should lose no time in adopting further measures to restore market confidence, expand demand and promote an early recovery and development of the regional and global economy. They also have the obligation to help lift developing members out of the current difficulties at an early date, which will in turn facilitate their own sustainable development.