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The reason why they behave so can be broadly classified into two types:

        Some students participate in school activities such as clubs and sports. Other students do not take part in such activities because they spend more time on their studies. Tell why you think the two groups of students spend their time differently. Which type of student do you prefer to be? Explain why?
  一.条件: 学生/俱乐部/运动之类的校内活动/有些学生参加这类活动/有些学生因花在学习上的时间较多而不参加这类活动.

  二.要求: 解释这两种学生在使用时间方面不相同的原因,并说明你选择成为哪种学生及理由

  三.写作分析: 本题为学生话题,人人皆有话可说,难度在于分析两种学生的心理因素.人的行为受多种因素制约,当我们讨论某种类型的群体行为时,应注意同一行为背后的不同制约因素.就学生的活动而言,思想起作用,性格也起作用,人与人之间各不相同,应在分析中指出.自己的选择和理由可以以分析为基础.

  There are always two kinds of students: those wo take an active part in school activities such as clubs, sports, and parties and those who shun school activities and spend more time on their studies.

  The reason why they behave so can be broadly classified into two types: subconscious and conscious. The subconscious reason is related to personality. Some students are active because of their sociable personality while those with a lonely personality feel more comfortable when they are on their own. The conscious type is complex and consisits of a number of heterogenous reasons, all of which are related to conscious choices. Some students choose to take an active part in school activities because they want to get morre experiences, make more friends,train themselves physically, relax themselves mentally or simply enjoy themselves. Other students spend more time studying because they think their study is more improtant than everything else or because they have difficulties in their study and have to cut out all nonacademic activities. 
  As a student myself, I'm always of the view that we should make full use of our precious time and try our best to study well. At the same time, we should arrange our time reasonably so that we can get some physical exercise, relax ourselves from time to time, gain some new experiences,and have some social contacts. These may take us some time but they can also benefit our study. The key point is that we should appropriately handle the relationship between our studies and school activities. Though personality plays a role in our way of behaviour, it is not something that decides everything. As human beings, we can adopt a sound policy of life and adapt ourselves to our surroundings.

