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Cradle to Cradle | |||
Cradle to Cradle |
网友对Cradle to Cradle的评论
不知道是不是二手书 如果是的话 那保护的很好 如果不是的话 应该是放了有些年头了吧 感觉有些旧
一年过去了 书居然涨了一倍的价格。。。。。。
Cradle to Cradle and it's following book (The Upcycle) describe how in practical terms people and businesses can affect the health of the planet. The authors are/have worked with companies and governments to put their theories into practice. It works and those companies who have gone that route have saved money and improved the environment around them. Individuals can also follow many of their ideas to improve our lives and the environment. The choices can be as simple as planting trees, recycling and buying products from companies who follow the authors stands to putting solar panels on your roof. Read the books, get to work.
Braungart & McDonough's beautiful rendition of the way my father wanted the world to work: renewably, collaboratively, intellectually honestly.
We could easily call "Cradle" a dream, but the real world fascination you will find here pins Nobel Prize-quality medals on the lapels of Michael & Bill.
Cradle gives us hope that the excesses of the Mechanical Age do not suffocate us with their formaldehyde gases, but will energize an age where taking a problem to its highest level of abstraction yields tools to solve the thorniest issue we face. Do our actions mirror our reputation?
I highly recommend this inspiring work. From the very surface it is printed on (not paper!) to the bold vision it conveys, McDonough and Braggart have gifted the world with this call to action. This should be required reading for every Industrial Designer, Interior Designer/Decorator, Architect, Engineer, et al. I will definitely be reading their next, "Upcycle". This book is now part of my permanent library, to always remind me when designing, "waste equals food." Highly recommend!
Cradle to Cradle encourages designers, engineers, and corporations to rethink the way things are made. It points out that although one may think they are making an impact by being "less bad" and using recycled products, this isn't always a good thing. Many times recycled products have actually been "down cycled" into products of lesser quality. McDonough and Braungart make the point that even paper that has been printed on isn't designed to be recycled. These actually require bleaching and other chemical processes to get rid of the ink and make it a blank slate for reuse. The product that results from these processes is a mixture of chemicals and toxic inks that shouldn't be handled. Before reading this book, this is a point that never had crossed my mind.
McDonough and Braungart go on to point out that "blindly adopting superficial environmental approaches without fully understanding their effects can be no better - and perhaps even worse - than doing nothing (59)." This means that people that buy into the whole "buying and using recycled products is an environmentally friendly decision" without actually understanding what it is they are buying may actually be doing more harm than good. Materials that are being forced into a new life may have chemicals that are harmful to humans and their health. This isn't to say that all recycled products are bad, it just means that we should learn to understand what it is that is being recycled, how it has been recycled, and if the result is actually environmentally friendly and of an equal quality.
By rethinking the way things are made, the hope is that we will see a future where there is no waste. The ideal future would be a world where everything was environmentally friendly and decomposable. "Transformation to an eco-effective vision doesn't happen all at once, and it requires plenty of trial and error - and time, effort, money, and creativity expended in many directions (181)." This vision will take a very long time to see through, but I think that by reading this book and opening our eyes to a new way of thinking, we can take one step towards this future.
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