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What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works | |||
What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works |
网友对What the CEO Wants You to Know: How Your Company Really Works的评论
This is truly a great book to know the basics and yet fundamentals of a company - cash generation, growth, profit margin, velocity, ROTA. Moreover, the author clearly explains how every single associate of a company can help to contribute in terms of the 5 factors mentioned above, from the most senior leader to desk receptionist, from supply to demand. For anyone who has little or none experience in a company, this is a great book to start KNOWING what you should and must know about how the business works.
1、其实就是CEO自己知道什么,2、许多企业规模越来越大员工越来越多却一直不赚钱,应该看看这里面的道理,特别是其中的 Return = Margin * Velocity,以及由这些考量分析自身的处境和战略,3、这本小书篇幅短小精干,用最简单的语言、公式、案例把看似很深奥的生意经讲得再浅显易懂不过,不管你是20万人的500强还是一个人摆的路边摊,生意经是一样的,4、推荐看英文原版,当前大陆对外文书籍往往翻译得驴唇不对马嘴(常常某教授挂名而实际由几个没毕业的学生翻译),而这本书恰恰是您练习英语的好起点,此书的英语简单到不能再简单,如果您连这本书的英文都读不懂,建议要么此生就跟英语永别吧,要么赶紧开始好好学学英语吧 :-)
成功企业的运作法则都一样:IBM/华为叫Integrated Product Development,丰田叫One Piece Flow,沃尔玛叫Social Operating Mechanism,海尔叫人单合一,GE叫Quick Market Intelligence,实质都一样,都是把最初的需求和最终的产品这个时间轴上所有环节、资源、人力智力合成到一起来保障产品的市场成功。Synchronize和Integrate是这些同质异名法则的两个精髓关键词:对外协同整个市场"rest":"、产业链、生态环境的以有利自己的战略和运作,对内协同不同业务部门之间步调一致的做同一件事、保证同一款产品从原始需求到概念到设计到开发验证到上市到生命周期的闭环管理,换个大家熟悉的词就是“矩阵管理”。这是20万人的公司和一个人摆的地摊最不同的地方。<br /><br />三、一个好领导应该是什么样?<br />《CEO希望你懂什么》介绍分别作为下属和主管该如何实践的那一章中,有一段非常好的解释了领导的意义——不是评定下属的工作绩效、而是领导下属的工作内容。想起2011年9月在德国柏林的Global Mobile Broadband Forum上,我需要用一页PPT概括华为移动宽带的总体框架和业务理念,我写了一天,总想试图深入浅出面面俱到,都没有让朱总满意,他最终化繁为简仅用四个不同颜色的框每个框里一个英文单词,之间连线都没用,仅以方框之间上下左右的位置就精确概括了所有架构和理念,令我茅塞顿开,我深知我的业务水平也因此一页PPT而大增。这才是真正的领导!所以,选择一个好的领导就像学习下棋一定要找高手过着才有长进。"
Ram Charan is a prolific business writer. I have read two other books from him, "Execution" and "What the customer wants you to know". The last one I recommend for being thorough, giving many concrete examples and many templates to follow and adapt to your own needs.
Unfortunately, this book is not like that. Apart from a single chapter outlining the main drivers of the business (cash, growth, margin, velocity, and customer satisfaction) most of the pages he just talks about how brilliant certain CEO's are in their leadership, without making it sufficiently clear how exactly they did this. E.g. they "picked the right people", as if managers want to pick the wrong ones! The problem is that it is trying to cover too wide a scope with all types of companies. For me, this book just touches the surface and does not provide anything new.
For me this is a perfect book for persons who want to be a leader inside an organization it will teach you how to solve and specify problems depending on the situation and how to handle people inside your team/organization. Make this book a guide for leading your company/group this is not a cheat sheet but more of a guidance to your successful working ethics.
This book offers keen insight into how success in the business world, regardless of size or form, is achieved. It provides a great foundation to understanding the fundamentals of organizational structure and the universal principles of business acumen. After reading this book, I feel assured of my ability to make a meaningful difference in a company, as well confident in my capacity ask intelligent business questions. Highly recommended reading material for those whom have C suite aspirations.
The book is a good read, if you're still worried about Y2K. There are some underlying principles of business that are timeless, but weeding through the outdated anecdotes and incorrect information (Westinghouse still exists, albeit at a fraction of its former glory) is a monotonous task. Read it if you have nothing else to do with your life.
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