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From Asian to Global Financial Crisis: An Asian Regulator's View of Unfettered F |
From Asian to Global Financial Crisis: An Asian Regulator's View of Unfettered F |
基本信息·出版社:Cambridge University Press
·页码:504 页
·International Standard Book Number:0521134153
内容简介 《十年轮回(从亚洲到全球的金融危机)》从内部人的视角对当前世界金融风暴进行了独特描述。作者是一个亚洲金融的监管者,曾亲身参与有关监管政策和国际金融体系设计的重要讨论。在书中,他结合自身经历,从制度及其演进的角度,在历史、宏观、微观三个层面审视了导致20世纪90年代后期和2007~2009 年这场目前仍在进行的全球危机的种种原因:陈旧的思维模式、市场原教旨主义、宽松的货币政策、利差交易、松懈的监管、贪婪、裙带关系以及金融工程等。作者全面生动地回顾了亚洲金融危机期间各国(地区)的遭遇和危机发生前后的经济金融状况,并对危机各国(地区)采取的应对措施及国际金融机构的救援措施进行了反思,读者可以从中了解到,日本抵抗通缩的零利率政策诱发了利差交易,利差交易催生了亚洲的泡沫,而泡沫的破灭则摧毁了亚洲的经济。这一研究的主要目的是要表明,全球金融互相关联、互相影响的程度是如此之深,以致我们目前用以应对关键事件的工具和组织结构完全是过时的。《十年轮回(从亚洲到全球的金融危机)》揭示了目前的金融政策和监管是无力应对全球泡沫的,并对需要变革的领域提出了建议。作者认为,“没有一次金融危机是完全相同的,但它们有着共同的因素,有望帮助我们发现并且缓和下一次危机。”“一国的危机与国内市场、政策和制度的失败相关,而全球危机则与在网络化世界中通过各国经济相互依存而传导的失败有关。”“我们一直未能及时察觉危机的出现,因为我们在社会行为准则、政策制定及实施上,在思想、法律和行政体系上有太多的条条框框在起作用,每一方面都有盲点。如果这在一个国家里是很糟糕的事,那么它在全球范围中就是灾难性的。”这可以看作是一个金融监管者最深刻的反省。《十年轮回(从亚洲到全球的金融危机)》披露了相当多的重要文献,并涉及国际金融界的许多重要人物,他们在历史重要时刻的言行堪称《十年轮回(从亚洲到全球的金融危机)》的一大看点。
This is a unique insider account of the new world of unfettered finance. The author, an Asian regulator, examines how old mindsets, market fundamentalism, loose monetary policy, carry trade, lax supervision, greed, cronyism, and financial engineering caused both the Asian crisis of the late 1990s and the current global crisis of 2008-2009. This book shows how the Japanese zero interest rate policy to fight deflation helped create the carry trade that generated bubbles in Asia whose effects brought Asian economies down. The study's main purpose is to demonstrate that global finance is so interlinked and interactive that our current tools and institutional structure to deal with critical episodes are completely outdated. The book explains how current financial policies and regulation failed to deal with a global bubble and makes recommendations on what must change.
作者简介 沈联涛(Andrew Sheng)现任中国银监会首席顾问和国际咨询委员会委员、召集人,中国投资公司国际咨询委员会成员,上海市推进国际金融中心建设领导小组国际咨询委员会委员,马来西亚总统经济顾问。曾于1998年10月~2005年9月连续三届担任香港证监会主席,并在2003~2005年间担任国际证监会组织技术委员会主席,1993~1998年问担任香港金融管理局副总裁。目前,他主持经合组织一亚洲开发银行主办的一年一度的亚洲资本市场论坛。沈联涛是马来亚大学访问教授和清华大学经济管理学院兼职教授,曾经撰写有关货币及金融领域的文章及著作,包括个人专著《银行业重组:1980年代的教训》(世界银行,1996年出版)。他毕业于英国Bristol大学,并获该校颁授经济学一级荣誉学位,1999年被该校授予荣誉法学博士学位。
Andrew Sheng is currently the Chief Adviser to the China Banking Regulatory Commission and a Board Member of the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority, Khazanah Malaysia Berhad and Sime Darby Berhad, Malaysia. He is also Adjunct Professor at the Graduate School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing, and at the Faculty of Economics and Administration at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur. Professor Sheng was Chairman of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong from 1998 to 2005. A former central banker with Bank Negara Malaysia and Hong Kong Monetary Authority, between 2003 and 2005 he was Chairman of the Technical Committee of IOSCO, the Organization of Securities Commission, the standard setter for securities regulation. He is a columnist for Caijing Magazine, the largest and most widely read finance journal in China. He edited Bank Restructuring: Lessons from the 1980s (1996) and holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Bristol.
媒体推荐 "In this fascinating study, Andrew Sheng combines the insights of a well-trained macroeconomist, a hard-nosed financial supervisor, and an astute inside observer of Asian politics and culture. The result is a broad-ranging, occasionally idiosyncratic, and always thought-provoking analysis of the Asian financial crisis; and a trove of lessons for thinking about the current global crisis." ― Sir Andrew Crockett, JP Morgan Chase
"There can be no-one better placed than Andrew Sheng to explain the Asian financial crisis of the 1990s and its links to the credit crunch we are now enduring. His deep knowledge of the dynamics of Asian economies is complemented by an insider's understanding of the networks of global finance. The result is a fascinating panorama, full of valuable insights." ― Sir Howard Davies, London School of Economics
"Andrew Sheng brings his extensive Asian and global regulatory experience and his analytic and expositional abilities to bear in this remarkable book. The bulk of the book consists of a fascinating and hard-hitting account of the Asian financial and economic crises, which is an essential read. As a bonus, the book is enriched - as is the reader - by Sheng's insightful analysis of the current financial crisis and its ramifications, with which it concludes." ― Stanley Fischer, Governor, Bank of Israel
"Andrew Sheng's knowledge of financial events and institutions in East Asia make him the quintessential insider. But this book is much more than a chronicle of the period from the great Asian crisis of 1997-98, up to and including the present global crisis. Nowhere will one find a more insightful analysis of this period, in particular of what happened in the impacted debtor economies of Thailand, Indonesia, Korea, and Malaysia, but also of the destabilizing financial events in Japan as their principal creditor, which so greatly aggravated the 1997-98 crisis." ― Ronald McKinnon, Stanford University
"Until now, there have been very few books that have compared the Asian financial crisis in the 1990s to the current global financial crisis that has also greatly impacted Asia. Mr. Sheng has a rich and unique experience in the financial sector that enables him to systematically analyze both financial crises. This book will enlighten us and deepen our understanding of the roots of the crisis, and help us in our scientific outlook on development." ― Liu Mingkang, China Banking Regulatory Commission
"If you want to understand the current global crisis and its precursor, the Asian crisis, Andrew Sheng's book is a good book well worth reading. Its analytical framework brings forth clearly the relationship between the two crises from the perspective of macro-history, macro financial structural, and micro-institutional details." ― Wu Jinglian, Chinese State Council Development Research Centre
A FinReg21.com Editor's Pick
专业书评 想要理解全球金融危机和作为其先兆的亚洲经济危机,沈联涛博士的这本《十年轮回:从亚洲到全球的金融危机》是十分值得一读的好书。它的分析框架严整可靠:在制度和思想演进的大历史、金融体系的宏观结构和微观组织的具体状况等三个层面上详细剖析,使十年前的亚洲金融危机和当前的全球金融危机之间的关联脉络清晰可见。它的另一个引人入胜之处,是本书作者长期担任多个中央银行和监管机构的高官,交游广阔,非常熟悉金融界的内情。他在书中提出的许多深邃见解,无不是亲身体验和深度观察的结晶。他不时以自己的所见所闻作为佐证,更有助于读者加深对问题的理解。
目录 Introduction; 1. Things fall apart; 2. Japan and the Asian crisis; 3. The beam in our eyes; 4. Banking: the weakest link; 5. Washington consensus and the IMF; 6. Thailand: the karma of globalization; 7. South Korea: strong body, weak heart; 8. Malaysia: the country that went her own way; 9. Indonesia: from economic to political crisis; 10. Hong Kong: unusual times need unusual action; 11. China: rise of the dragon; 12. From crisis to integration; 13. The new world of financial engineering; 14. What's wrong with financial regulation?; 15. The global financial meltdown; 16. A crisis of governance; Appendices: From Asian to global crisis: chronology of notable events; Abbreviations and acronyms.