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命题改革与预测试卷·大学英语6级考试(标准15版)(附赠MP3光盘1张)(附赠听记锦囊1本)(附赠解题技巧1本) |
命题改革与预测试卷·大学英语6级考试(标准15版)(附赠MP3光盘1张)(附赠听记锦囊1本)(附赠解题技巧1本) |
·页码:209 页
内容简介 《命题改革与预测试卷·大学英语6级考试(标准15版)》内容为:屡次命中:上海交能大学既是CET考试中心的所在地,又是CET考试的阅卷中心。本卷编者都是上海交通大学外语教育第一线的精英教师,具有多年阅卷经验掌握第一手的信息。华研外语曾9次命中CET-4真题作文、7次中CET-6真题作文,以及4级听力长对话题等!网上点击率超过千万的“4、6级作文锦囊16篇”就是本卷的经典之作。
作者简介 潘晓燕,上海交通大学破格副教授,已出版56本作品,1994年开始参4、6级考试阅卷工作,曾担任过4、6级考试阅读卷组组长。1997~2008年连续12次荣获上海交通大学及上海市优秀教师称号。她主讲的4、6级培训班,曾经创造出将考生成绩从12分(100分制)提高到432分(710分制)的奇迹!
编辑推荐 《命题改革与预测试卷·大学英语6级考试(标准15版)》:华研外语是国内第一家采用科学实验的手段来提高学习效率的文化开发科研机构,多年来致力于大学英语教学法和测试学的研究。“方法第一”,即TOPWAY,是他的做事原则,方法得当就会事半功倍,让您花最少的时间取得最好的学习效果;“沙里淘金”是他的思维方式,通过电脑分频等诸多科学手段,让您抓住问题的关键,用20%的精力取得80%的成绩,体现“2/8”原则;封面上那个可爱的青蛙兴杠铃的Logo,寓意华研的方法可起到真正的“四两拨千斤”的奇效。
文摘 插图:
Auto-Tune's inventor is a man named Andy Hildebrand, who worked for years interpretingseismic data for the oil industry. Using a mathematical formula called autocorrelation, Hildebrandwould send sound waves into the ground and record their reflections, providing an accurate mapof potential drill sites. It's a technique that saves oil companies lots of money and allowedHildebrand to retire at 40. He was debating the next chapter of his life at a dinner party whena guest challenged him to invent a box that would allow her to sing in tune. After he tinkeredwith autocorrelation for a few months, Auto-Tune was born in late 1996.
Almost immediately, studio engineers adopted it as a trade secret to fix flubbed notes, savingthem the expense and hassle of having to redo sessions. The first time common ears heard Auto-Tune was on the immensely irritating 1998 Cher hit"Believe." In the first verse, when Chersings "I can't break through" as though she's standing behind an electric fan, that's Auto-Tune——but it's not the way Hildebrand meant it to be used. The program's retune speed, which adjuststhe singer's voice, can be set from zero to 400."If you set it to 10, that means that the outputpitch will get halfway to the target pitch in 10 milliseconds," says Hildebrand. "But if you letthat parameter go to zero, it finds the nearest note and changes the output pitch instantaneously"——eliminating the natural transition between notes and making the singer sound jumpy and automat-ed. "I never figured anyone in their right mind would want to do that," he says.
Like other trends spawned by Cher, the creative abuse of Auto-Tune quickly went out offashion, although it continued to be an indispensable, if inaudible, part of the engineer's toolbox.But in 2003, T-Pain(Faheem Najm), a little-known rapper and singer, accidentally stumbled ontothe Cher effect whi