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英语中级口译岗位资格证书:考试练习·阅读300题 |
英语中级口译岗位资格证书:考试练习·阅读300题 |
·页码:204 页
内容简介 《英语中级口译岗位资格证书:考试练习·阅读300题》是“英语中级口译岗位资格证书考试练习”系列丛书之一,针对该考试中阅读题型设计编写。书中精选收入的阅读文章,按主题分为社会、经济、健康、科技和文化五个部分。每篇文章设计了五个题目,并提供答案和解析,供考生自测备考之用。
编辑推荐 《英语中级口译岗位资格证书:考试练习·阅读300题》:紧缺人才培训工程教学系列丛书
目录 第一部分 分类阅读
第二部分 答案与解析
序言 《上海市英语中高级口译岗位资格证书》考试是“紧缺人才培训工程”的项目之一,其宗旨是为上海、长三角地区和全国其他省市考核和遴选复合型英语口译人才。自1995开考以来,已进入第15个年头。其间,考试规模不断扩大,累计参考人数已达32万多人次;考试地区逐步外延,已从最初的上海扩展到南京、苏州、无锡、南通、扬州、青岛、烟台、深圳、武汉、杭州、宁波、南昌等地。目前,该项考试已成为具有重要全国影响的外语培训考试项目,该考试的资格证书,也成为外资、合资企业,乃至国有大中型企业招聘人才的重要依据。
文摘 With rapid growth identified as the most pressing of global population problems, the sceneshifts immediately to villages in rural Kenya or urban slums in Karaas or bedrooms in Sedale wherecouples are making decisions about their reproductive behavior. Unlike other global issues which canbe shaped directly by the actions of national and international power brokers, resolution of theproblems posed by the magnitude and pace of contemporary population growth in the worldultimately depends upon the actions and behavior of a very large number of individual actors. Rapidpopulation growth is the direct result of regular decisions made in private by literally many millionsof persons throughout the world.
Hence, we are all actors in the population drama. Each of us has the potential to aggravate theproblem of rapid growth just as each of us can change the distribution of populations simply bymoving. Population trends therefore represent nothing more than the combined decisions of manyindividuals, couples, and families. And, because these decisions are shaped and conditioned bycommonly held values, goals, and aspirations, there are patterns to them and the actors appear tofollow the broad outlines of a script.
It is then evident that efforts to decrease the rate of population growth must eventually influencethe decisions and behavior of many millions of couples if they are to be successful. Values andattitudes——the script that guides this behavior——-must be altered. To he even more specific, it meansthat couples, overwhelmingly poor and predominantly rural, in Africa, Asia, and Latin Americawhere population growth is so high, must choose to limit the number of their children to fewer thanthree and must have the means to accomplish their goal. Similarly, couples in Europe, NorthAmerica, and other low-fertility regions must continue to maintain their present patterns of havingsmall families. Each couple must stick to its decision for some twenty'to thirty years, or t