The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Literary Theory
基本信息·出版社:Cambridge University Press ·页码:324 页 ·出版日期:2006年07月 ·ISBN:0521001684 ·条形码:9780521001687 ·装帧:平装 ·丛 ...
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The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Literary Theory |
The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Literary Theory |

基本信息·出版社:Cambridge University Press
·页码:324 页
·丛书名:Cambridge Companions to Literature
·外文书名:剑桥文学指南: 女性主义文学理论
内容简介 This is the most accessible guide available both for students of literature new to this developing field, and for students of gender studies and readers interested in the interactions of feminism, literary criticism and literature.
作者简介 Ellen Rooney is Professor of English and Gender Studies at Brown University, Rhode Island.
编辑推荐 Product Description Feminism has dramatically influenced the way literary texts are read, taught and evaluated. Feminist literary theory has deliberately transgressed traditional boundaries between literature, philosophy and the social sciences in order to understand how gender has been constructed and represented through language. This lively and thought-provoking Companion presents a range of approaches to the field. Some of the essays demonstrate feminist critical principles at work in analysing texts, while others take a step back to trace the development of a particular feminist literary method. The essays draw on a range of primary material from the medieval period to postmodernism and from several countries, disciplines and genres. Each essay suggests further reading to explore this field further. This is the most accessible guide available both for students of literature new to this developing field, and for students of gender studies and readers interested in the interactions of feminism, literary criticism and literature.