基本信息·出版社:世图音像电子出版社 ·页码:236 页 ·出版日期:2009年06月 ·ISBN:9787887519634 ·条形码:9787887519634 ·版本:第4版 ·装帧: ...
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命题研究与预测试卷英语专业4级(突破2010)(第4版)(附光盘1张) |
命题研究与预测试卷英语专业4级(突破2010)(第4版)(附光盘1张) |
·页码:236 页
内容简介 《命题研究与预测试卷英语专业4级(突破2010)(第4版)》主要讲述了:华研外语是国内第一家采用科学实验的手段来提高学习效率的文化开发科研机构,多年来致力于大学英语教学法和测试学的研究。“方法第一”,即TOPWAY,是他的做事原则,方法得当就会事半功倍,让您花最少的时间取得最好的学习效果;“沙里淘金”,是他的思维方式,通过电脑分频等诸多科学手段,让您抓住问题的关键,用20%的精力取得研的方法可起到真正的“四两拨千斤”的奇效。
编辑推荐 《命题研究与全真试题英语专业4级(2002-2009)》:权威答案:上海外国语大学、广东外语外贸大学和北京外国语大学并称全国三大外语专业院校。其中,上海外国语大学更是英语专业四、八级的出题和阅卷院校。
文摘 In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements,each with foursuggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.
Mark your answers on your answer sheetTEXT A
People in the United States in the nineteenth century were haunted by the prospect that unprecedentedchange in the nation's economy would bring social chaos. In the years following 1820, after several decades ofrelative stability,the economy entered a period of sustained and extremely rapid growth that continued to theend of the nineteenth century.Accompanying that growth was a structural change that featured increasingeconomic diversification and a gradual shift in the nation's labor force from agriculture to manufacturing andother nonagricultural pursuits.
Although the birth rate continued to decline from its high level of the eighteenth and early nineteenthcenturies,the population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineteenth century. As thepopulation grew,its makeup also changed.Massive waves of immigration brought new ethnic groups into thecountry. Geographic and social mobility——downward as well as upward-touched almost everyone. Local studiesindicate that nearly three-quarters of the population——in the North and South,in the emerging cities in theNortheast and in the restless rural counties of the West——changed their residence each decade. As a consequence,historian David Donald has written, “Social atomization affected every segment of society, and it seemed to manypeople that all the recognized values of orderly civilization were gradually being eroded.”
Rapid industrialization and increased geographic mobility in the nineteenth century had special implicationsfor women because these changes tended to magnify social distinctions. As the roles of men and women played insociety became more rigidly defined,so did the roles they played in the home.In the context of extremecompetitiveness