Richfaces 4 ExtendedPartialViewContextImpl swallows exceptions
??????????????????????????????????????????????????? "PhaseId passed to " +
????????????????????????????????????????????? " PhaseAwareContextCallback: " +
??????????????????????????????????????????????????? curPhase.toString());
??????????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? catch (IOException ex) {
??????????????? ex.printStackTrace();
??????????? }
??????????? // Once we visit a component, there is no need to visit
??????????? // its children, since processDecodes/Validators/Updates and
??????????? // encodeAll() already traverse the subtree.? We return
??????????? // VisitResult.REJECT to supress the subtree visit.
??????????? return VisitResult.REJECT;
??????? }
JSF 2.1.17 PartialViewContextImpl:
public VisitResult visit(VisitContext context, UIComponent comp) {
??????????? try {
??????????????? if (curPhase == PhaseId.APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES) {
??????????????????? // RELEASE_PENDING handle immediate request(s)
??????????????????? // If the user requested an immediate request
??????????????????? // Make sure to set the immediate flag here.
??????????????????? comp.processDecodes(ctx);
??????????????? } else if (curPhase == PhaseId.PROCESS_VALIDATIONS) {
??????????????????? comp.processValidators(ctx);
??????????????? } else if (curPhase == PhaseId.UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES) {
??????????????????? comp.processUpdates(ctx);
??????????????? } else if (curPhase == PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE) {
??????????????????? PartialResponseWriter writer = ctx.getPartialViewContext().getPartialResponseWriter();
??????????????????? writer.startUpdate(comp.getClientId(ctx));
??????????????????? // do the default behavior...
??????????????????? comp.encodeAll(ctx);?????????
??????????????????? writer.endUpdate();
??????????????? } else {
??????????????????? throw new IllegalStateException("I18N: Unexpected " +
??????????????????????????????????????????????????? "PhaseId passed to " +
????????????????????????????????????????????? " PhaseAwareContextCallback: " +
??????????????????????????????????????????????????? curPhase.toString());
??????????????? }
??????????? }
??????????? catch (IOException ex) {
??????????????? if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
??????????????????? LOGGER.severe(ex.toString());
??????????????? }
??????????????? if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
??????????????????? LOGGER.log(Level.FINE,
??????????????????? ex.toString(),
??????????????????? ex);
??????????????? }
??????????????? throw new FacesException(ex);
??????????? }
??????????? // Once we visit a component, there is no need to visit
??????????? // its children, since processDecodes/Validators/Updates and
??????????? // encodeAll() already traverse the subtree.? We return
??????????? // VisitResult.REJECT to supress the subtree visit.
??????????? return VisitResult.REJECT;
??????? }