(4)事件处理——(8)一个简单的风格切换器(A simple style switcher)To illustrate some event handling tech
(4)事件处理——(8)一个简单的风格切换器(A simple style switcher)
To illustrate some event handling techniques, suppose we wish to have a single page rendered in several different styles based on user input. We will allow the user to click buttons to toggle between a normal view, a view in which the text is constrained to a narrow column, and a view with large print for the content area.
为了研究一些事件处理技术,假定我们希望让一个网页由用户输入的来决定不同的渲染样式。我们将让用户点击按钮来让网页在三个样式中切换:一个正常视图,一个文本的行间距变窄的视图,一个文本区域是大号字体的视图。渐进增强Progressive enhancement
In a real-world example, a good web citizen will employ the principle of progressive enhancementhere. The style switcher should either be hidden when JavaScript is unavailable or, better yet, should still function through links to alternative versions of the page. For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll assume that all users have JavaScript turned on.
在真实世界中,一个好的we?b开发者将使用渐进增强的原则。在js不可用的时候风格切换器应该被隐藏,或者仍然可以通过链接到不同版本的网页来生效。为了这个教学的目的,我们假定所有用户的js功能都被开启了。The HTML markup for the style switcher is as follows:
<div id="switcher" class="switcher"><h3>Style Switcher</h3><button id="switcher-default">Default</button><button id="switcher-narrow">Narrow Column</button><button id="switcher-large">Large Print</button></div>
Combined with the rest of the page's HTML markup and some basic CSS, we get a page that looks like the following screenshot:
To begin, we'll make the Large Printbutton operate. We need a bit of CSS to implement our alternative view of the page, as shown in the following code snippet:body.large .chapter {font-size: 1.5em;}开始,我们先让大号字体的按钮可用。我们需要一些css去实现我们的可选的网页视图,就像下面到代码片段一样:body.large .chapter {font-size: 1.5em;}Our goal, then, is to apply the largeclass to the <body>tag. This will allow the stylesheet to reformat the page appropriately. Using what we learned in Chapter 2, Selecting Elements, the following is the statement needed to accomplish this:
However, we want this to occur when the button is clicked, not when the page is loaded as we have seen so far. To do this, we'll introduce the .bind()method. This method allows us to specify any DOM event, and to attach a behavior to it. In this case, the event is called click, and the behavior is a function consisting of our preceding one-liner:
$(document).ready(function() {$('#switcher-large').bind('click', function() {$('body').addClass('large');});});
Now when the button gets clicked, our code runs, and the text is enlarged, as shown in the following screenshot:
现在,当按钮被点击的时候,我们的代码将会运行,文字将会变大,正如下 main的截图展示的那样:
That's all there is to binding a behavior to an event. The advantages we discussed with the .ready()method apply here, as well. Multiple calls to .bind()coexist nicely, appending additional behaviors to the same event as necessary.
This is not necessarily the most elegant or efficient way to accomplish this task. As we proceed through this chapter, we will extend and refine this code into something we can be proud of.