跟着应用Rails进行敏捷Web开发(第3版) 做例子。
书上的例子中css文件是放在public\stylesheets 中的,用这个方法在开发模式下出错,找不到css文件
The old rails, the css file, javascript & image are put in the public folder.
In the new rails about rails3.x.x, these files are put in the app\assets. And you can set assets path in the config/application.rb. Like below:
#Additional (fully qualified) paths can be added to the pipeline in config/application.rb.
config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("assets", "components")
rails will search the path app\assets\javascripts, app\assets\stylesheets, app\assets\images and app\assets\components(This folder was added by you.) if not find the target file. rails will search vendor\assets folder.
But this for development mode, after you deliver to production. In fact, these assets were in the public folder. You need to use 'rake assets:precompile' to compile these assets when you deploy.
Of course, you can also disable asset pipeline in the config/application.rb
config.assets.enabled = true
The detail you can see
Hope this can help you.