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python 资料插入第一行

python 文件插入第一行def file_insert(fname,linenos[],strings[]):Insert several strings to line

python 文件插入第一行

def file_insert(fname,linenos=[],strings=[]):      """     Insert several strings to lines with linenos repectively.      The elements in linenos must be in increasing order and len(strings)     must be equal to or less than len(linenos).      The extra lines ( if len(linenos)> len(strings)) will be inserted     with blank line.     """      if os.path.exists(fname):          lineno = 0          i = 0          for line in fileinput.input(fname,inplace=1):              # inplace must be set to 1              # it will redirect stdout to the input file              lineno += 1              line = line.strip()              if i<len(linenos) and linenos[i]==lineno:                  if i>=len(strings):                      print "\n",line                  else:                      print strings[i]                      print line                  i += 1              else:                  print line



