python 与 ruby 之间的区别
Number 类型
python 是 int 和 long
ruby 是 Fixnum 和 Bignum
num = 87.times do print num.type, " ", num, "\n" num *= numend produces: Fixnum 8Fixnum 64Fixnum 4096Fixnum 16777216Bignum 281474976710656Bignum 79228162514264337593543950336Bignum 6277101735386680763835789423207666416102355444464034512896
isinstance(object, classinfo) #是否为类或继承类的实例class A(object):... pass... class B(A):... pass>>> b = B()>>> isinstance(b,B)59: True>>> isinstance(b,A)60: True
instance_of?(object, classinfo) #是否为该类kind_of?(object, classinfo) # #是否为类或继承类的实例
>>> type("s")20: <type 'str'>>>> type(u"s")21: <type 'unicode'>
irb(main):236:0> "dd".type=> String
>>> print '%s %s' % ("hi","world")>>> print '%(name)s %(v)s' % {"name":1 ,"v":2}
>>> a= "world">>> puts "hello \t #{a}"
>>> print "hi world" #换行>>> print "hi world", #不换行
>>> puts "hi world" #换行>>> print "hi world" #不换行
astring = """ The body of the string is the input lines up to one ending with the same text that followed the '<<'"""
aString = <<END_OF_STRING The body of the string is the input lines up to one ending with the same text that followed the '<<'END_OF_STRING
>>> %q {hi world} #single-quoted string >>> %Q {hi world} #double-quoted string
>>> range(10)>>> xrange(10)
>>> (0..9).to_a >>> 0..9
>>> a = "Fats Waller" >>> a =~ /a/ #这里返回匹配位置
>>> d = re.match(r"(.+)+","abc\nccc",re.DOTALL)>>> d.groups()42: ('abc\nccc',)
>>> re.subn(r"(hello)","\g<1> edisonlz's","hello world")51: ("hello edisonlz's world", 1)
irb(main):020:0> "edison:lz".gsub(/(\w+):(\w+)/,'\2,\1')=> "lz,edison"
>>> type(r"dd")52: <type 'str'>
irb(main):021:0> /dd/.type=> Regexp
class ModelBase(type): """Metaclass of the Model.""" def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct): return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs): """ intialize name base modle attribute param: name:string bases:base model attrs: attribute """ super(ModelBase, cls).__init__(name, bases, attrs) cls._initialize_attributes(cls, name, bases, attrs) cls._initialize_manager(cls) def _initialize_attributes(self,model_class, name, bases, attrs): """ Initialize the attributes of the model. param: model_class:object name:string bases:base model attrs:attribute """ #主要功能:添加属性列表 model_class.attributes = {} for k, v in attrs.iteritems(): if isinstance(v,Attribute): model_class.attributes[k] = v = or k def _initialize_manager(self,model_class): """ Initializes the objects manager attribute of the model. param: model_class:object """ model_class.objects = ModelSet(model_class) passclass Model(object): __metaclass__ = ModelBase
class Array def inject(n) each { |value| n = yield(n, value) } n end def sum inject(0) { |n, value| n + value } end def product inject(1) { |n, value| n * value } end end [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].sum ? 15 [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ].product ? 120
>>> _cache = {}... def cache(sec=10):... def wrap(f):... def func(*args,**kwargs):... data = _cache.get(",".join(args))... if not data:... data = f(*args,**kwargs)... _cache[",".join(args)] = data... print "no cache"... else:... print "in cache"... return data... return func... return wrap... ... @cache(10)... def page(html):... return "response %s" % html>>> page("haha")no cache70: 'response haha'>>> page("haha")in cache71: 'response haha'
class Object def memory(name) ori = "ori_#{name}" alias_method ori,name define_method(name) do cache = instance_variable_get("@#{name}") if cache return cache else cache = send(ori) instance_variable_set("@#{name}",cache) return cache end end endend class A def run puts "sleeping" sleep 5 "a" end memory(:run)end a = A.newputs a.runputs
def select(n) t = [] for i in n t.push(i) if yield(i) endreturn t end=> nilirb(main):052:0> select([1,2,3]){|i| i>2}=> [3]
module ActiveRecordExtension def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) base.class_eval do class << self p "Aliasing find" # Used to check if alias_method isn't called twice alias_method :find_without_someting, :find alias_method :find, :find_with_someting end end end module ClassMethods # :nodoc: def find_with_something(*args) p "0" x = find_without_something(*args) p "1" return x end end end
irb(main):015:0> c = "1"irb(main):015:0> class << cirb(main):016:1> def to_ffirb(main):017:2> self.to_firb(main):018:2> endirb(main):019:1> end=> nilirb(main):020:0> c.to_ff1.0
>>> def f(x):... return x*2... >>> f(3)>>> g = lambda x: x*2 >>> g(3)
>>> g = lambda { |x| x*2 }>>>
def nTimes(aThing) return proc { |n| aThing * n } end p1 = nTimes(23) ? 69 ? 92 p2 = nTimes("Hello ") ? "Hello Hello Hello "
>>> import re... def mre(dic,text):... rc = re.compile("|".join( map( re.escape,dic.keys() ) ) )... print rc... def get_value(match):... return dic.get( return rc.sub(get_value,text)>>> dic = {"a":"A","b":"B"}... mre(dic,"abab")<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at 0x01A8CED0>115: 'ABAB'
>>> def y(n):... for i in xrange(n):... yield i... for g in y(10):... print g ,0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
def any(n) t = [] for i in n return true if yield(i) endreturn false end=> nilirb(main):052:0> any([0,1,0]){|i| i!=0}=> true'edison','lz')
class Base(): passclass Car(): passclass BMW(Base,Car): pass
The blocks used by iterators (such as loop and each) are a little different. Normally, the local variables created in these blocks are not accessible outside the block. [ 1, 2, 3 ].each do |x| y = x + 1end[ x, y ] produces: prog.rb:4: undefined local variable or method `x'for #<Object:0x401c0ce0> (NameError)
What happens when you copy a frozen object? That depends on the method you use. If you call an object's clone method, the entire object state (including whether it is frozen) is copied to the new object. On the other hand, dup typically copies only the object's contents---the new copy will not inherit the frozen status. str1 = "hello" str1.freeze ? "hello" str1.frozen? ? true str2 = str1.clone str2.frozen? ? true str3 = str1.dup str3.frozen? ? false
>>> class Base(object):... def __p(self):... print "private"... def _prot(self):... print "protected"... def p(self):... print "public">>> b = Base()>>> b.__p()Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#24>", line 1, in <module> b.__p()AttributeError: 'Base' object has no attribute '__p'>>> b._prot()protected>>> b.p()public>>> b._Base__p0: <bound method Base.__p of <__main__.Base object at 0x01985C70>>>>> b._Base__p()private
class Base def aMethod puts "Got here" end private :aMethodendclass Derived1 < Base public :aMethodendclass Derived2 < Baseend
Use ClassName.instance_eval to define class methods.Use ClassName.class_eval to define instance methods.That’s right. Not a typo. Here are some examples, shamelessly stolen from his post:1# Defining a class method with instance_eval2Fixnum.instance_eval { def ten; 10; end }3Fixnum.ten #=> 104 5# Defining an instance method with class_eval6Fixnum.class_eval { def number; self; end }77.number #=> 7
def method_missing(method_id, *arguments, &block) if match = DynamicFinderMatch.match(method_id) attribute_names = match.attribute_names super unless all_attributes_exists?(attribute_names) if match.finder?class DynamicFinderMatch def self.match(method) df_match = df_match.finder ? df_match : nil end def initialize(method) @finder = :first case method.to_s when /^find_(all_by|last_by|by)_([_a-zA-Z]\w*)$/ @finder = :last if $1 == 'last_by' @finder = :all if $1 == 'all_by' names = $2 when /^find_by_([_a-zA-Z]\w*)\!$/ @bang = true names = $1 when /^find_or_(initialize|create)_by_([_a-zA-Z]\w*)$/ @instantiator = $1 == 'initialize' ? :new : :create names = $2 else @finder = nil end @attribute_names = names && names.split('_and_') end attr_reader :finder, :attribute_names, :instantiator def finder? !@finder.nil? && @instantiator.nil? end def instantiator? @finder == :first && !@instantiator.nil? end def bang? @bang end end
class Module define_method(:const_missing) do |name| name.to_s endA =》 'A'
python sys.pathruby $:rails $LOAD_PATH$: == $LOAD_PATH
require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'boot') # All that for this: Rails.boot! def boot! unless booted? preinitialize end end def preinitialize load(preinitializer_path) if File.exist?(preinitializer_path) end def pick_boot (vendor_rails? ? VendorBoot : GemBoot).new end class Boot def run load_initializer end end class GemBoot < Boot def load_initializer self.class.load_rubygems load_rails_gem require 'initializer' end end # do |config| # config.frameworks -= [ :action_mailer ] # end class Initializer def = :process, configuration = yield configuration if block_given? initializer = new configuration initializer.send(command) initializer end def process Rails.configuration = configuration check_ruby_version install_gem_spec_stubs set_load_path add_gem_load_paths require_frameworks set_autoload_paths add_plugin_load_paths load_environment preload_frameworks initialize_encoding initialize_database initialize_cache initialize_framework_caches initialize_logger initialize_framework_logging initialize_dependency_mechanism initialize_whiny_nils initialize_time_zone initialize_i18n initialize_framework_settings initialize_framework_views initialize_metal add_support_load_paths check_for_unbuilt_gems load_gems load_plugins # pick up any gems that plugins depend on add_gem_load_paths load_gems check_gem_dependencies # bail out if gems are missing - note that check_gem_dependencies will have # already called abort() unless $gems_rake_task is set return unless gems_dependencies_loaded load_application_initializers # the framework is now fully initialized after_initialize # Setup database middleware after initializers have run initialize_database_middleware # Prepare dispatcher callbacks and run 'prepare' callbacks prepare_dispatcher # Routing must be initialized after plugins to allow the former to extend the routes initialize_routing # Observers are loaded after plugins in case Observers or observed models are modified by plugins. load_observers # Load view path cache load_view_paths # Load application classes load_application_classes # Disable dependency loading during request cycle disable_dependency_loading # Flag initialized Rails.initialized = true end def default_load_paths paths = [] # Add the old mock paths only if the directories exists paths.concat(Dir["#{root_path}/test/mocks/#{environment}"]) if File.exists?("#{root_path}/test/mocks/#{environment}") # Add the app's controller directory paths.concat(Dir["#{root_path}/app/controllers/"]) # Followed by the standard includes. paths.concat %w( app app/metal app/models app/controllers app/helpers app/services lib vendor ).map { |dir| "#{root_path}/#{dir}" }.select { |dir| } paths.concat builtin_directories end return to environment.rb proceed......
class NilClass def try(*args) nil endend=> niluser = User.find(100)user ? : niluser.try(:name)
class Objectdef blank? return respond_to?(:empty) ? empty? : !selfenddef present?!blank?endend=> nila = ""=> ""a.present?=> falsea.blank?=> true
yes = "yes"ok = "ok"String.class_eval do define_method(yes) do print ok endendputs "123".yes #=> ok#create singleton methods#String.class_eval do# class << self # define_method(yes) do# print ok# end# end#end#puts String.yes #C:/Users/liuzheng/Desktop/a.rb:46:in `singletonclass': undefined local variable#or method `yes' for #<Class:String> (NameError)# from C:/Users/liuzheng/Desktop/a.rb:45:in `block in <main>'# from C:/Users/liuzheng/Desktop/a.rb:44:in `class_eval'# from C:/Users/liuzheng/Desktop/a.rb:44:in `<main>'#because class << self has new scopeyes = "yes"ok = "ok"metaclass = (class <<String; self;end)metaclass.class_eval do define_method(yes) do puts ok endendputs String.yes => "ok"