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struts-jquery-grid-tags 学习札记

struts-jquery-grid-tags 学习笔记java 代码:??package com.topdt.message.web.action?import java.util.

struts-jquery-grid-tags 学习笔记

java 代码:



package com.topdt.message.web.action;


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Collections;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;


import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;

import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Action;

import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Namespace;

import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage;

import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result;

import org.apache.struts2.interceptor.SessionAware;

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;


import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;

import com.topdt.message.entity.Business;

import com.topdt.message.service.BusinessManager;




@ParentPackage(value = "gloab-package")

@Namespace(value = "/message")

@Action(value = "business", results = {




public class BusinessAction extends ActionSupport implements SessionAware {


private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BusinessAction.class);

private List<Business> gridModel;

private Integer rows;

private Integer page;

private String sord;

private String sidx;

private String searchField;

private String searchString;

private Integer totalrows;

private String searchOper;

private Integer total;

private Integer records;

private boolean loadonce;

private List<Business> myCustomers;


private BusinessManager businessManager;

public BusinessAction() {

this.rows = Integer.valueOf(0);


this.page = Integer.valueOf(0);


this.total = Integer.valueOf(0);


this.records = Integer.valueOf(0);


this.loadonce = false;


public String show() {

return "show";



public String query() {

this.myCustomers = businessManager.query();

if ((this.sord != null) && (this.sord.equalsIgnoreCase("asc"))) {



if ((this.sord != null) && (this.sord.equalsIgnoreCase("desc"))) {





this.records = businessManager.getCustomersCount(this.myCustomers);


if (this.totalrows != null) {

this.records = this.totalrows;



int to = this.rows.intValue() * this.page.intValue();


int from = to - this.rows.intValue();


if (to > this.records.intValue())

to = this.records.intValue();


if (this.loadonce) {

if ((this.totalrows != null) && (this.totalrows.intValue() > 0)) {

setGridModel(this.myCustomers.subList(0, this.totalrows


} else {




} else if ((this.searchString != null) && (this.searchOper != null)) {

Long id = new Long(this.searchString);

if (this.searchOper.equalsIgnoreCase("eq")) {

log.debug("search id equals " + id);

List cList = new ArrayList();

Business business = businessManager.findById(this.myCustomers, id);

if (business != null)




} else if (this.searchOper.equalsIgnoreCase("ne")) {

log.debug("search id not " + id);

setGridModel(businessManager.findNotById(this.myCustomers, id, from, to));

} else if (this.searchOper.equalsIgnoreCase("lt")) {

log.debug("search id lesser then " + id);

setGridModel(businessManager.findLesserAsId(this.myCustomers, id, from, to));

} else if (this.searchOper.equalsIgnoreCase("gt")) {

log.debug("search id greater then " + id);

setGridModel(businessManager.findGreaterAsId(this.myCustomers, id, from, to));


} else {

setGridModel(businessManager.getCustomers(this.myCustomers, from, to));



this.total = Integer.valueOf((int) Math.ceil(this.records.intValue()

/ this.rows.intValue()));

return "query";



public String getJSON() {

return query();



public Integer getRows() {

return this.rows;



public void setRows(Integer rows) {

this.rows = rows;



public Integer getPage() {

return this.page;



public void setPage(Integer page) {

this.page = page;



public Integer getTotal() {

return this.total;



public void setTotal(Integer total) {

this.total = total;



public Integer getRecords() {

return this.records;



public void setRecords(Integer records) {

this.records = records;


if ((this.records.intValue() > 0) && (this.rows.intValue() > 0)) {

this.total = Integer.valueOf((int) Math.ceil(this.records


/ this.rows.intValue()));

} else {

this.total = Integer.valueOf(0);




public List<Business> getGridModel() {

return this.gridModel;



public void setGridModel(List<Business> gridModel) {

this.gridModel = gridModel;



public String getSord() {

return this.sord;



public void setSord(String sord) {

this.sord = sord;



public String getSidx() {

return this.sidx;



public void setSidx(String sidx) {

this.sidx = sidx;



public void setSearchField(String searchField) {

this.searchField = searchField;



public void setSearchString(String searchString) {

this.searchString = searchString;



public void setSearchOper(String searchOper) {

this.searchOper = searchOper;



public void setLoadonce(boolean loadonce) {

this.loadonce = loadonce;



public void setTotalrows(Integer totalrows) {

this.totalrows = totalrows;


public void setSession(Map<String, Object> session) {






package com.topdt.message.service;


import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Hashtable;

import java.util.Iterator;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Map;



import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;


import com.topdt.message.dao.BusinessDao;

import com.topdt.message.entity.Business;

import com.topdt.message.entity.Product;




@Transactional(readOnly = false)

public class BusinessManager {

private static Map<Long, Product> MAP_ID = new Hashtable<Long, Product>();

private static Map<String, Product> MAP_CODE = new Hashtable<String, Product>();


private BusinessDao businessDao;

@Transactional(readOnly = true)

public List<Business> query() {

return ?businessDao.queryAll();


public static List<Business> getCustomers(List<Business> list,

int from, int to) {

return list.subList(from, to);



public static Business findById(List<Business> list, Long id) {

for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) {

Business business = (Business) i$.next();

if (business.getBusinessId()== id)

return business;


return null;



public static List<Business> findNotById(List<Business> list, Long id,

int from, int to) {

List sResult = new ArrayList();


for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) {

Business Business = (Business) i$.next();


if (Business.getBusinessId() != id)




return sResult.subList(from, to);



public static List<Business> findGreaterAsId(List<Business> list,

Long id, int from, int to) {

List sResult = new ArrayList();


for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) {

Business Business = (Business) i$.next();


if (Business.getBusinessId() > id)




return sResult.subList(from, to);



public static List<Business> findLesserAsId(List<Business> list,

Long id, int from, int to) {

List sResult = new ArrayList();


for (Iterator i$ = list.iterator(); i$.hasNext();) {

Business Business = (Business) i$.next();

if (Business.getBusinessId() < id)




return sResult.subList(from, to);



public static Integer getCustomersCount(List<Business> list) {

return Integer.valueOf(list.size());



public BusinessDao getBusinessDao() {

return businessDao;



public void setBusinessDao(BusinessDao businessDao) {

this.businessDao = businessDao;




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