在 spring 中起 socket serialport webservice 服务
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??????????????? </configuration>
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??????????????? <artifactId>maven-dependency-plugin</artifactId>
??????????????? <version>2.1</version>
??????????????? <executions>
??????????????????? <execution>
??????????????????????? <phase>validate</phase>
??????????????????????? <goals>
??????????????????????????? <goal>copy</goal>
??????????????????????? </goals>
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??????????????????????????? <outputDirectory>${endorsed.dir}</outputDirectory>
??????????????????????????? <silent>true</silent>
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??????????????????????????????? <artifactItem>
??????????????????????????????????? <groupId>javax</groupId>
??????????????????????????????????? <artifactId>javaee-endorsed-api</artifactId>
??????????????????????????????????? <version>6.0</version>
??????????????????????????????????? <type>jar</type>
??????????????????????????????? </artifactItem>
??????????????????????????? </artifactItems>
??????????????????????? </configuration>
??????????????????? </execution>
??????????????? </executions>
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??? <context-param>
??????? <description>通信端口</description>
??????? <param-name>SocketServer_SocketPort</param-name>
??????? <param-value>4900</param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <context-param>
??????? <description>空闲时间</description>
??????? <param-name>SocketServer_WaitTime</param-name>
??????? <param-value>6000</param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <listener>
??????? <listener-class>anole.server.common.comm.socket.SocketServerListener</listener-class>
??? </listener>
??? <context-param>
??????? <description>端口号</description>
??????? <param-name>SerialServer_PortName</param-name>
??????? <param-value>COM3</param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <context-param>
??????? <description>读取超时</description>
??????? <param-name>SerialServer_TimeOut</param-name>
??????? <param-value>4000</param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <context-param>
??????? <description>传输速率</description>
??????? <param-name>SerialServer_Rate</param-name>
??????? <param-value>9600</param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <context-param>
??????? <description>数据位</description>
??????? <param-name>SerialServer_DataBit</param-name>
??????? <param-value>8</param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <context-param>
??????? <description>停止位</description>
??????? <param-name>SerialServer_StopBit</param-name>
??????? <param-value>1</param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <context-param>
??????? <description>校验</description>
??????? <param-name>SerialServer_Parity</param-name>
??????? <param-value>0</param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <listener>
??????? <listener-class>anole.server.common.comm.serial.SerialServerListener</listener-class>
??? </listener>
??? <servlet>
??????? <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name>
??????? <servlet-class>org.apache.cxf.transport.servlet.CXFServlet</servlet-class>
??????? <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>
??? </servlet>
??? <servlet-mapping>
??????? <servlet-name>CXFServlet</servlet-name>
??????? <url-pattern>/webservice/*</url-pattern>
??? </servlet-mapping>
??? <context-param>
??????? <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name>
??????? <param-value>classpath:/config/spring/applicationContext.xml</param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <listener>
??????? <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class>
??? </listener>
??? <filter>
??????? <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
??????? <filter-class>org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.FilterDispatcher</filter-class>
??? </filter>
??? <filter-mapping>
??????? <filter-name>struts2</filter-name>
??????? <url-pattern>*.action</url-pattern>
??? </filter-mapping>
??? <filter>
??????? <filter-name>characterEncodingFilter</filter-name>
??????? <filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter</filter-class>
??????? <init-param>
??????????? <param-name>encoding</param-name>
??????????? <param-value>UTF-8</param-value>
??????? </init-param>
??????? <init-param>
??????????? <param-name>forceEncoding</param-name>
??????????? <param-value>true</param-value>
??????? </init-param>
??? </filter>
??? <filter-mapping>
??????? <filter-name>characterEncodingFilter</filter-name>
??????? <url-pattern>*.jsp</url-pattern>
??? </filter-mapping>
??? <context-param>
??????? <param-name> log4jConfigLocation </param-name>
??????? <param-value>classpath:/config/log4j.properties </param-value>
??? </context-param>
??? <context-param>?
??????? <param-name>log4jRefreshInterval</param-name>?
??????? <param-value>30000</param-value>?
??? </context-param>??
??? <listener>
??????? <listener-class>org.springframework.web.util.Log4jConfigListener</listener-class>
??? </listener>
??? <session-config>
??????? <session-timeout>
??????????? 30
??????? </session-timeout>
??? </session-config>
??? <welcome-file-list>
??????? <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file>
??? </welcome-file-list>
-------------------spring 配置------------------------
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<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
?????? xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
?????? xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop"
?????? xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"
?????? xmlns:lang="http://www.springframework.org/schema/lang"
?????? xmlns:tx="http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx"
?????? xmlns:p="http://www.springframework.org/schema/p"
?????? xmlns:jaxws="http://cxf.apache.org/jaxws"
?????? xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-3.0.xsd
????????? http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop/spring-aop-3.0.xsd
????????? http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-3.0.xsd
????????? http://www.springframework.org/schema/lang http://www.springframework.org/schema/lang/spring-lang-3.0.xsd
????????? http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx-3.0.xsd
????????? http://cxf.apache.org/jaxws http://cxf.apache.org/schemas/jaxws.xsd
??? <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml" />
??? <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-extension-soap.xml" />
??? <import resource="classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf-servlet.xml" />
??? <bean id="serialServerManagement" ref="serialServerManagement"/>
??? </bean>
??? <bean id="socketServiceImpl" ref="socketServerManagement"/>
??? </bean>
??? <jaxws:endpoint id="serialService" implementor="#serialServiceImpl" address="/SerialService"/>
??? <jaxws:endpoint id="socketService" implementor="#socketServiceImpl" address="/SocketServcie"/>
?* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
?* and open the template in the editor.
package anole.server.common.comm.socket;
import anole.server.common.util.CodeConvert;
import anole.server.common.util.NoByteException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
public class SocketServerHandler extends Thread {
??? private InputStream in;
??? private OutputStream out;
??? private boolean isComplate = true;
??? private byte[] readBuffer;
??? private int bufferSize = 10240;
??? private long timeOut = 4000;
??? private boolean isFirst = true;
??? private Socket client;
??? private int waitTime = 8000;
??? private String socketKey;
??? private boolean state=true;
??? public Socket getClient() {
??????? return client;
??? }
??? public void setClient(Socket client) {
??????? this.client = client;
??? }
??? public InputStream getIn() {
??????? return in;
??? }
??? public void setIn(InputStream in) {
??????? this.in = in;
??? }
??? public OutputStream getOut() {
??????? return out;
??? }
??? public void setOut(OutputStream out) {
??????? this.out = out;
??? }
??? public void setWaitTime(int waitTime) {
??????? this.waitTime = waitTime;
??? }
??? public SocketServerHandler(Socket client) throws IOException {
??????? this.client = client;
??????? in = this.client.getInputStream();
??????? out = this.client.getOutputStream();
??? }
??? @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
??? public void run() {
??????? try {
??????????? long curr = new Date().getTime();
??????????? while (state) {
??????????????? int numBytes = 0;
??????????????? byte[] bs = new byte[bufferSize];
??????????????? while (getIn().available() > 0) {
??????????????????? //将数据读入readBuffer中。?
??????????????????? numBytes = getIn().read(bs);
??????????????? }
??????????????? if (isFirst) {
??????????????????? isFirst = false;
??????????????????? socketKey=CodeConvert.ByteToString(Arrays.copyOf(bs, numBytes));
??????????????????? System.out.println("注册数据" +socketKey);
??????????????????? SocketServerManagement.clientSocket.put(socketKey, (SocketServerHandler)Thread.currentThread());
??????????????? } else {
??????????????????? System.out.println("接收数据" + CodeConvert.ByteToString(bs));
??????????????????? setReadBuffer(Arrays.copyOf(bs, numBytes));
??????????????? }
??????????????? if (numBytes > 0) {
??????????????????? curr=new Date().getTime();
??????????????? } else {
??????????????????? if (new Date().getTime()-curr > waitTime) {
??????????????????????? getIn().close();
??????????????????????? getOut().close();
??????????????????????? getClient().close();
??????????????????????? SocketServerManagement.clientSocket.remove(socketKey);
??????????????????????? break;
??????????????????? }
??????????????? }
??????????????? getOut().write(Arrays.copyOf(bs, numBytes));
??????????????? getOut().flush();
??????????? }
??????? } catch (IOException e) {
??????????? System.out.println(e);
??????????? Logger.getLogger(SocketServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
??????? }
??? }
??? public synchronized void setReadBuffer(byte[] readBuffer) {
??????? isComplate = false;
??????? while (isComplate) {
??????????? try {
??????????????? this.wait();
??????????? } catch (InterruptedException e) {
??????????????? e.printStackTrace();
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? byte[] temp = readBuffer;
??????? if (this.readBuffer != null) {
??????????? if (temp != null) {
??????????????? int rLen = this.readBuffer.length;
??????????????? int tLen = temp.length;
??????????????? byte[] ins = new byte[rLen + tLen];
??????????????? System.arraycopy(this.readBuffer, 0, ins, 0, rLen);
??????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, ins, rLen, tLen);
??????????? }
??????? } else {
??????????? this.readBuffer = temp;
??????? }
??????? isComplate = true;
??????? this.notifyAll();
??? }
??? public synchronized byte[] getReadBuffer() {
??????? while (!isComplate) {
??????????? try {
??????????????? this.wait();
??????????? } catch (InterruptedException e) {
??????????????? e.printStackTrace();
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? byte[] temp = this.readBuffer;
??????? this.readBuffer = null;
??????? this.notifyAll();
??????? return temp;
??? }
??? public void setTimeOut(long timeOut) {
??????? this.timeOut = timeOut;
??? }
??? public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
??????? this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
??? }
??? public int send(byte[] bs) {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? try {
??????????? getOut().write(bs);
??????????? getOut().flush();
??????? } catch (IOException e) {
??????????? flag = 2;
??????? }
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public byte[] recevie(int dataLength, long timeOut) {
??????? this.timeOut = timeOut;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? byte[] temp = null;
??????? int cLen = 0;
??????? int tLen = 0;
??????? int lLen = 0;
??????? long curr = new Date().getTime();
??????? while ((bs == null || bs.length < dataLength) && new Date().getTime() - curr < this.timeOut) {
??????????? try {
??????????????? //获取缓冲区数据
??????????????? temp = null;//临时数据清空
??????????????? temp = getReadBuffer();
??????????????? tLen = 0;
??????????????? if (temp != null) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("临时数据:" + CodeConvert.ByteToString(temp));
??????????????????? tLen = temp.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? //计算要返回数据长度
??????????????? if (bs != null) {
??????????????????? cLen = bs.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? System.out.println("当前数据长度:" + cLen);
??????????????? //若 当前要返回数据长度 加上 临时数据长度 大于 要求的数据长度
??????????????? if ((cLen + tLen) > dataLength) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("长度超出" + (cLen + tLen));
??????????????????? //计算需要拷贝的数据长度
??????????????????? lLen = dataLength - cLen;
??????????????????? byte[] ins = new byte[cLen + lLen];
??????????????????? System.arraycopy(bs, 0, ins, 0, cLen);
??????????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, ins, cLen, lLen);
??????????????????? bs = ins;
??????????????????? break;
??????????????? } //将临时数据追加到要返回的数据之后
??????????????? else if (temp != null && bs != null) {
??????????????????? //将临时数组添加到当前数组之后
??????????????????? System.out.println("附加数据");
??????????????????? byte[] in = new byte[cLen + tLen];
??????????????????? System.arraycopy(bs, 0, in, 0, cLen);
??????????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, in, cLen, tLen);
??????????????????? bs = in;
??????????????? } else if (temp != null && bs == null) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("初始化数组");
??????????????????? bs = temp;
??????????????? }
??????????????? //若 数据长度不够 则 线程睡眠1000ms
??????????????? if (bs != null) {
??????????????????? cLen = bs.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? if (cLen < dataLength) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("线程睡眠1000ms");
??????????????????? Thread.sleep(1000);
??????????????? }
??????????? } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
??????????????? Logger.getLogger(SocketServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? int aLen = bs.length;
??????? bs = Arrays.copyOf(bs, aLen);
??????? System.out.println("当前返回数据:" + CodeConvert.ByteToString(bs));
??????? return bs;
??? }
??? public byte[] recevie(byte endFlag, long timeOut) {
??????? this.timeOut = timeOut;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? byte[] temp = null;
??????? int cLen = 0;
??????? int tLen = 0;
??????? int lLen = 0;
??????? int iIndex = -1;
??????? long curr = new Date().getTime();
??????? while (iIndex < 0 && new Date().getTime() - curr < this.timeOut) {
??????????? try {
??????????????? //获取缓冲区数据
??????????????? temp = null;
??????????????? tLen = 0;
??????????????? temp = getReadBuffer();
??????????????? if (temp != null) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("临时数据:" + CodeConvert.ByteToString(temp));
??????????????????? tLen = temp.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? //计算要返回数据长度
??????????????? if (bs != null) {
??????????????????? cLen = bs.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? System.out.println("临时数据长度:" + tLen);
??????????????? for (int i = 0; i < tLen; i++) {
??????????????????? if (temp[i] == endFlag) {
??????????????????????? iIndex = i + 1;
??????????????????? }
??????????????? }
??????????????? System.out.println("位置:" + iIndex);
??????????????? lLen = tLen + cLen;
??????????????? //若 临时数据中未发现结束符
??????????????? if (iIndex < 0) {
??????????????????? //扩容 追加到要返回的数据之后
??????????????????? byte[] ins = new byte[lLen];
??????????????????? if (temp != null && bs != null) {
??????????????????????? System.arraycopy(bs, 0, ins, 0, cLen);
??????????????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, ins, cLen, tLen);
??????????????????????? bs = ins;
??????????????????? } else if (temp != null && bs == null) {
??????????????????????? bs = temp;
??????????????????? }
??????????????????? Thread.sleep(1000);
??????????????? } else {
??????????????????? if (temp != null && bs != null) {//非第一个包中就包含了结束符号
??????????????????????? //扩容 追加到要返回的数据之后
??????????????????????? byte[] in = new byte[lLen];
??????????????????????? System.arraycopy(bs, 0, in, 0, cLen);
??????????????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, in, cLen, iIndex);
??????????????????????? bs = in;
??????????????????????? break;
??????????????????? } else if (temp != null && bs == null) {//第一个包中就包含了结束符号
??????????????????????? bs = Arrays.copyOf(temp, iIndex);
??????????????????????? break;
??????????????????? }
??????????????? }
??????????? } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
??????????????? Logger.getLogger(SocketServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? int aLen = new String(bs).trim().length();
??????? bs = Arrays.copyOf(bs, aLen);
??????? System.out.println("返回的数据:" + CodeConvert.ByteToString(bs));
??????? return bs;
??? }
??? public int send(String comCode, String splitFlag) {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? try {
??????????? bs = CodeConvert.StringToByte(comCode, splitFlag);
??????? } catch (NoByteException ne) {
??????????? flag = 1;
??????? }
??????? flag = send(bs);
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public int send(String comCode) {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? try {
??????????? bs = CodeConvert.StringToByte(comCode);
??????? } catch (NoByteException ne) {
??????????? flag = 1;
??????? }
??????? flag = send(bs);
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public int send(char[] comCode) {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? bs = CodeConvert.CharsToBytes(comCode);
??????? flag = send(bs);
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public byte[] recevie(String endFlag, long timeout) {
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? byte ef = 0;
??????? try {
??????????? ef = CodeConvert.StringToByte(endFlag)[0];
??????? } catch (NoByteException ne) {
??????????? int flag = 1;
??????? }
??????? this.recevie(ef, timeout);
??????? return bs;
??? }
??? public byte[] recevie() {
??????? return readBuffer;
??? }
??? public void setState(boolean state) {
??????? this.state = state;
??? }
package anole.server.common.comm.socket;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.net.ServerSocketFactory;
public class SocketServerManagement extends Thread {
??? private int socketPort = 4900;
??? private int waitTime = 8000;
??? private int maxConnect = 100;
??? protected static Map<String, SocketServerHandler> clientSocket = new HashMap<String, SocketServerHandler>();
??? private boolean state = true;
??? @Override
??? public void run() {
??????? ServerSocketFactory serverSocketFactory = ServerSocketFactory.getDefault();
??????? System.out.println("------------------获取连接工厂------------------");
??????? try {
??????????? ServerSocket server = serverSocketFactory.createServerSocket(socketPort);
??????????? System.out.println("------------------创建服务端口------------------");
??????????? Socket request = null;
??????????? System.out.println("------------------ ServerSocket已经启动 ------------------");
??????????? while (state) {
??????????????? request = server.accept();
??????????????? System.out.println("------------------ 客户请求成功 ------------------");
??????????????? SocketServerHandler ssh = new SocketServerHandler(request);
??????????????? ssh.setWaitTime(waitTime);
??????????????? ssh.start();
??????????? }
??????? } catch (IOException ex) {
??????????? Logger.getLogger(SocketServerManagement.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
??????? }
??? }
??? public SocketServerHandler getSocketServerHandler(String key) {
??????? return clientSocket.get(key);
??? }
??? public void setSocketServerHandler(String key, SocketServerHandler socketServerHandler) {
??????? clientSocket.put(key, socketServerHandler);
??? }
??? public void removeSocketServerHandler(String key) {
??????? SocketServerHandler t = clientSocket.get(key);
??????? try {
??????????? t.getIn().close();
??????????? t.getOut().close();
??????????? t.getClient().close();
??????????? t.setState(state);//设置结束标识
??????????? t.interrupt();//打断线程
??????????? clientSocket.remove(key);
??????? } catch (IOException ex) {
??????????? Logger.getLogger(SocketServerManagement.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
??????? }
??? }
??? public int close() {
??????? state = false;//结束线程标识
??????? Iterator<String> iter = clientSocket.keySet().iterator();
??????? String key;
??????? System.out.println("---------------需要关闭的线程个数:" + clientSocket.size());
??????? while (iter.hasNext()) {
??????????? key = iter.next();
??????????? removeSocketServerHandler(key);
??????? }
??????? System.out.println("--------------关闭主线程");
??????? this.interrupt();
??????? try {
??????????? Thread.sleep(2000);
??????? } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
??????????? Logger.getLogger(SocketServerManagement.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
??????? }
??????? System.out.println("--------------关闭主线程结束");
??????? return 0;
??? }
??? public int send(String hexString, String clientId) {
??????? SocketServerHandler ssh = getSocketServerHandler(clientId);
??????? return ssh.send(hexString);
??? }
??? public byte[] receive(String clientId) {
??????? SocketServerHandler ssh = getSocketServerHandler(clientId);
??????? return ssh.recevie();
??? }
??? public byte[] receive(String clientId, String endFlag, int timeOut) {
??????? SocketServerHandler ssh = getSocketServerHandler(clientId);
??????? return ssh.recevie(endFlag, timeOut);
??? }
??? public byte[] receive(String clientId, int dataLength, int timeOut) {
??????? SocketServerHandler ssh = getSocketServerHandler(clientId);
??????? return ssh.recevie(dataLength, timeOut);
??? }
??? public int getSocketPort() {
??????? return socketPort;
??? }
??? public void setSocketPort(int socketPort) {
??????? this.socketPort = socketPort;
??? }
??? public int getWaitTime() {
??????? return waitTime;
??? }
??? public void setWaitTime(int waitTime) {
??????? this.waitTime = waitTime;
??? }
package anole.server.service.comm;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebService;
public interface SocketService {
??? public int open(@WebParam(name = "socketPort") int socketPort);
??? public int close();
??? public int send(@WebParam(name = "hexString") String hexString, @WebParam(name = "clientId") String clientId);
??? public byte[] receive(@WebParam(name = "clientId") String clientId);
??? @WebMethod(operationName = "receiveByEndFlag")
??? public byte[] receive(@WebParam(name = "clientId") String clientId, @WebParam(name = "endFlag") String endFlag, @WebParam(name = "timeOut") int timeOut);
??? @WebMethod(operationName = "receiveByDataLength")
??? public byte[] receive(@WebParam(name = "clientId") String clientId, @WebParam(name = "dataLength") int dataLength, @WebParam(name = "timeOut") int timeOut);
package anole.server.service.comm.impl;
import anole.server.common.comm.socket.SocketServerManagement;
import anole.server.service.comm.SocketService;
import javax.jws.WebService;
@WebService(endpointInterface = "anole.server.service.comm.SocketService", serviceName = "SocketService")
public class SocketServiceImpl implements SocketService {
??? private SocketServerManagement socketServerManagement;
??? @Override
??? public int open(int socketPort) {
??????? socketServerManagement.setSocketPort(socketPort);
??????? try {
?????????? socketServerManagement.start();
??????????? return 0;
??????? } catch (Exception e) {
??????????? return 1;
??????? }
??? }
??? @Override
??? public int close() {
??????? return socketServerManagement.close();
??? }
??? @Override
??? public int send(String hexString, String clientId) {
??????? return socketServerManagement.send(hexString, clientId);
??? }
??? @Override
??? public byte[] receive(String clientId) {
??????? return socketServerManagement.receive(clientId);
??? }
??? @Override
??? public byte[] receive(String clientId, String endFlag, int timeOut) {
??????? return socketServerManagement.receive(clientId, endFlag, timeOut);
??? }
??? @Override
??? public byte[] receive(String clientId, int dataLength, int timeOut) {
??????? return socketServerManagement.receive(clientId, dataLength, timeOut);
??? }
??? public SocketServerManagement getSocketServerManagement() {
??????? return socketServerManagement;
??? }
??? public void setSocketServerManagement(SocketServerManagement socketServerManagement) {
??????? this.socketServerManagement = socketServerManagement;
??? }
?* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
?* and open the template in the editor.
package anole.server.common.comm.serial;
import anole.server.common.util.CodeConvert;
import anole.server.common.util.NoByteException;
import gnu.io.CommPortIdentifier;
import gnu.io.NoSuchPortException;
import gnu.io.PortInUseException;
import gnu.io.SerialPort;
import gnu.io.SerialPortEvent;
import gnu.io.SerialPortEventListener;
import gnu.io.UnsupportedCommOperationException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TooManyListenersException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
?* @author Administrator
public class SerialServerHandler implements SerialPortEventListener {
??? private SerialPort serialPort;
??? private long timeOut = 4000;
??? private String portName;
??? private OutputStream os;
??? private InputStream is;
??? private int rate = 9600;
??? private int dataBit = SerialPort.DATABITS_8;
??? private int stopBit = SerialPort.STOPBITS_1;
??? private int parity = SerialPort.PARITY_NONE;
??? private boolean isComplate = true;
??? private byte[] readBuffer;
??? private int bufferSize = 10240;
??? public synchronized void setReadBuffer(byte[] readBuffer) {
??????? isComplate = false;
??????? while (isComplate) {
??????????? try {
??????????????? this.wait();
??????????? } catch (InterruptedException e) {
??????????????? e.printStackTrace();
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? byte[] temp = readBuffer;
??????? if (this.readBuffer != null) {
??????????? if (temp != null) {
??????????????? int rLen = this.readBuffer.length;
??????????????? int tLen = temp.length;
??????????????? byte[] in = new byte[rLen + tLen];
??????????????? System.arraycopy(this.readBuffer, 0, in, 0, rLen);
??????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, in, rLen, tLen);
??????????? }
??????? } else {
??????????? this.readBuffer = temp;
??????? }
??????? isComplate = true;
??????? this.notifyAll();
??? }
??? public synchronized byte[] getReadBuffer() {
??????? while (!isComplate) {
??????????? try {
??????????????? this.wait();
??????????? } catch (InterruptedException e) {
??????????????? e.printStackTrace();
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? byte[] temp = this.readBuffer;
??????? this.readBuffer = null;
??????? this.notifyAll();
??????? return temp;
??? }
??? public void setTimeOut(long timeOut) {
??????? this.timeOut = timeOut;
??? }
??? public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
??????? this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
??? }
??? public int send(byte[] bs) {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? try {
??????????? os.write(bs);
??????????? os.flush();
??????? } catch (IOException e) {
??????????? flag = 2;
??????? }
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public byte[] recevie(int dataLength, long timeOut) {
??????? this.timeOut = timeOut;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? byte[] temp = null;
??????? int cLen = 0;
??????? int tLen = 0;
??????? int lLen = 0;
??????? long curr = new Date().getTime();
??????? while ((bs == null || bs.length < dataLength) && new Date().getTime() - curr < this.timeOut) {
??????????? try {
??????????????? //获取缓冲区数据
??????????????? temp = null;//临时数据清空
??????????????? temp = getReadBuffer();
??????????????? tLen = 0;
??????????????? if (temp != null) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("临时数据:" + CodeConvert.ByteToString(temp));
??????????????????? tLen = temp.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? //计算要返回数据长度
??????????????? if (bs != null) {
??????????????????? cLen = bs.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? System.out.println("当前数据长度:" + cLen);
??????????????? //若 当前要返回数据长度 加上 临时数据长度 大于 要求的数据长度
??????????????? if ((cLen + tLen) > dataLength) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("长度超出" + (cLen + tLen));
??????????????????? //计算需要拷贝的数据长度
??????????????????? lLen = dataLength - cLen;
??????????????????? byte[] in = new byte[cLen + lLen];
??????????????????? System.arraycopy(bs, 0, in, 0, cLen);
??????????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, in, cLen, lLen);
??????????????????? bs = in;
??????????????????? break;
??????????????? } //将临时数据追加到要返回的数据之后
??????????????? else if (temp != null && bs != null) {
??????????????????? //将临时数组添加到当前数组之后
??????????????????? System.out.println("附加数据");
??????????????????? byte[] in = new byte[cLen + tLen];
??????????????????? System.arraycopy(bs, 0, in, 0, cLen);
??????????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, in, cLen, tLen);
??????????????????? bs = in;
??????????????? } else if (temp != null && bs == null) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("初始化数组");
??????????????????? bs = temp;
??????????????? }
??????????????? //若 数据长度不够 则 线程睡眠1000ms
??????????????? if (bs != null) {
??????????????????? cLen = bs.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? if (cLen < dataLength) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("线程睡眠1000ms");
??????????????????? Thread.sleep(1000);
??????????????? }
??????????? } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
??????????????? Logger.getLogger(SerialServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? int aLen = bs.length;
??????? bs = Arrays.copyOf(bs, aLen);
??????? System.out.println("当前返回数据:" + CodeConvert.ByteToString(bs));
??????? return bs;
??? }
??? public byte[] recevie(byte endFlag, long timeOut) {
??????? this.timeOut = timeOut;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? byte[] temp = null;
??????? int cLen = 0;
??????? int tLen = 0;
??????? int lLen = 0;
??????? int iIndex = -1;
??????? long curr = new Date().getTime();
??????? while (iIndex < 0 && new Date().getTime() - curr < this.timeOut) {
??????????? try {
??????????????? //获取缓冲区数据
??????????????? temp = null;
??????????????? tLen = 0;
??????????????? temp = getReadBuffer();
??????????????? if (temp != null) {
??????????????????? System.out.println("临时数据:" + CodeConvert.ByteToString(temp));
??????????????????? tLen = temp.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? //计算要返回数据长度
??????????????? if (bs != null) {
??????????????????? cLen = bs.length;
??????????????? }
??????????????? System.out.println("临时数据长度:" + tLen);
??????????????? for (int i = 0; i < tLen; i++) {
??????????????????? if (temp[i] == endFlag) {
??????????????????????? iIndex = i + 1;
??????????????????? }
??????????????? }
??????????????? System.out.println("位置:" + iIndex);
??????????????? lLen = tLen + cLen;
??????????????? //若 临时数据中未发现结束符
??????????????? if (iIndex < 0) {
??????????????????? //扩容 追加到要返回的数据之后
??????????????????? byte[] in = new byte[lLen];
??????????????????? if (temp != null && bs != null) {
??????????????????????? System.arraycopy(bs, 0, in, 0, cLen);
??????????????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, in, cLen, tLen);
??????????????????????? bs = in;
??????????????????? } else if (temp != null && bs == null) {
??????????????????????? bs = temp;
??????????????????? }
??????????????????? Thread.sleep(1000);
??????????????? } else {
??????????????????? if (temp != null && bs != null) {//非第一个包中就包含了结束符号
??????????????????????? //扩容 追加到要返回的数据之后
??????????????????????? byte[] in = new byte[lLen];
??????????????????????? System.arraycopy(bs, 0, in, 0, cLen);
??????????????????????? System.arraycopy(temp, 0, in, cLen, iIndex);
??????????????????????? bs = in;
??????????????????????? break;
??????????????????? } else if (temp != null && bs == null) {//第一个包中就包含了结束符号
??????????????????????? bs = Arrays.copyOf(temp, iIndex);
??????????????????????? break;
??????????????????? }
??????????????? }
??????????? } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
??????????????? Logger.getLogger(SerialServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? int aLen = new String(bs).trim().length();
??????? bs = Arrays.copyOf(bs, aLen);
??????? System.out.println("返回的数据:" + CodeConvert.ByteToString(bs));
??????? return bs;
??? }
??? public byte[] recevie() {
??????? return readBuffer;
??? }
??? ;
??? @Override
??? public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) {
??????? switch (event.getEventType()) {
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.BI:
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.OE:
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.FE:
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.PE:
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.CD:
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.CTS:
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.DSR:
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.RI:
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY:
??????????????? break;
??????????? case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE:
??????????????? try {
??????????????????? int numBytes = 0;
??????????????????? byte[] bs = new byte[bufferSize];
??????????????????? while (is.available() > 0) {
??????????????????????? //将数据读入readBuffer中。?
??????????????????????? numBytes = is.read(bs);
??????????????????? }
??????????????????? setReadBuffer(Arrays.copyOf(bs, numBytes));
??????????????? } catch (IOException e) {
??????????????????? Logger.getLogger(SerialServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
??????????????? }
??????????????? break;
??????? }
??? }
??? public int open() {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? CommPortIdentifier portId = null;
??????? System.out.println("-------当前打开串口:" + portName);
??????? try {
??????????? portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(portName);
??????? } catch (NoSuchPortException e) {
??????????? flag = 3;//未找到端口
??????????? Logger.getLogger(SerialServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
??????? }
??????? try {
??????????? serialPort = (SerialPort) portId.open(SerialServerListener.class.getSimpleName(), 2000);
??????? } catch (PortInUseException e) {
??????????? flag = 4;//端口被占用
??????????? Logger.getLogger(SerialServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
??????? }
??????? try {
??????????? serialPort.setSerialPortParams(rate, dataBit, stopBit, parity);
??????????? System.out.println("开启端口:portName-" + portName + ":::rate-" + rate + ":::dataBit-" + dataBit + ":::stopBit-" + stopBit + ":::parity-" + parity);
??????????? //serialPort.setFlowControlMode(SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_NONE);
??????? } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) {
??????????? flag = 2;//端口设置错误
??????????? Logger.getLogger(SerialServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
??????? }
??????? try {
??????????? is = serialPort.getInputStream();
??????????? os = serialPort.getOutputStream();
??????? } catch (IOException e) {
??????????? flag = 5;//IO开启异常
??????????? Logger.getLogger(SerialServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
??????? }
??????? try {
??????????? serialPort.addEventListener(this); // 给当前串口天加一个监听器
??????? } catch (TooManyListenersException e) {
??????????? flag = 6;//监听器添加异常
??????????? Logger.getLogger(SerialServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, e);
??????? }
??????? serialPort.notifyOnDataAvailable(true); // 当有数据时通知?
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public int send(String comCode, String splitFlag) {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? try {
??????????? bs = CodeConvert.StringToByte(comCode, splitFlag);
??????? } catch (NoByteException ne) {
??????????? flag = 1;
??????? }
??????? flag = send(bs);
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public int send(String comCode) {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? try {
??????????? bs = CodeConvert.StringToByte(comCode);
??????? } catch (NoByteException ne) {
??????????? flag = 1;
??????? }
??????? flag = send(bs);
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public int send(char[] comCode) {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? bs = CodeConvert.CharsToBytes(comCode);
??????? flag = send(bs);
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public byte[] recevie(String endFlag, long timeout) {
??????? byte[] bs = null;
??????? byte ef = 0;
??????? try {
??????????? ef = CodeConvert.StringToByte(endFlag)[0];
??????? } catch (NoByteException ne) {
??????????? int flag = 1;
??????? }
??????? this.recevie(ef, timeout);
??????? return bs;
??? }
??? public int close() {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? try {
??????????? if (is != null) {
??????????????? is.close();
??????????? }
??????????? if (os != null) {
??????????????? os.close();
??????????? }
??????????? if (serialPort != null) {
??????????????? serialPort.close();
??????????? }
??????????? try {
??????????????? Thread.sleep(1000);
??????????? } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
??????????????? Logger.getLogger(SerialServerHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
??????????? }
??????? } catch (IOException e) {
??????????? flag = 1;
??????? }
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public List<String> getListPortName() {
??????? List<String> listPortName = new ArrayList<String>();
??????? CommPortIdentifier portId;
??????? @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
??????? Enumeration<CommPortIdentifier> en = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
??????? while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
??????????? portId = en.nextElement();
??????????? if (portId.getPortType() == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL) {
??????????????? listPortName.add(portId.getName());
??????????? }
??????? }
??????? return listPortName;
??? }
??? public void setRate(int rate) {
??????? this.rate = rate;
??? }
??? public void setDataBit(int dataBit) {
??????? this.dataBit = dataBit;
??? }
??? public void setStopBit(int stopBit) {
??????? this.stopBit = stopBit;
??? }
??? public void setParity(int parity) {
??????? this.parity = parity;
??? }
??? public void setPortName(String portName) {
??????? this.portName = portName;
??? }
?* To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
?* and open the template in the editor.
package anole.server.common.comm.serial;
import gnu.io.SerialPort;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
?* @author Administrator
public class SerialServerManagement extends Thread {
??? private Map<String, SerialServerHandler> portInstance = new HashMap<String, SerialServerHandler>();
??? private SerialPort serialPort;
??? private long timeOut = 4000;
??? private String portName;
??? private int rate = 9600;
??? private int dataBit = SerialPort.DATABITS_8;
??? private int stopBit = SerialPort.STOPBITS_1;
??? private int parity = SerialPort.PARITY_NONE;
??? private boolean isComplate = true;
??? private byte[] readBuffer;
??? private int bufferSize = 10240;
??? @Override
??? public void run() {
??????? int i = this.open();
??? }
??? public List<String> listPortName() {
??????? SerialServerHandler serialServerHandler = new SerialServerHandler();
??????? return serialServerHandler.getListPortName();
??? }
??? public int open() {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? SerialServerHandler serialServerHandler = new SerialServerHandler();
??????? serialServerHandler.setBufferSize(bufferSize);
??????? serialServerHandler.setDataBit(dataBit);
??????? serialServerHandler.setParity(parity);
??????? serialServerHandler.setPortName(portName);
??????? serialServerHandler.setRate(rate);
??????? serialServerHandler.setStopBit(stopBit);
??????? serialServerHandler.setTimeOut(timeOut);
??????? flag = serialServerHandler.open();
??????? getPortInstance().put(portName, serialServerHandler);
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public int close(String serialPort){
??????? SerialServerHandler ssh=getPortInstance().get(serialPort);
??????? return ssh.close();
??? }
??? public int close() {
??????? int flag = 0;
??????? Iterator<String> iter =getPortInstance().keySet().iterator();
??????? String key;
??????? SerialServerHandler ssh;
??????? while(iter.hasNext()){
??????????? key=iter.next();
??????????? ssh=getPortInstance().get(key);
??????????? ssh.close();
??????? }
??????? return flag;
??? }
??? public int send(String hexString, String serialPort){
??????? SerialServerHandler ssh=getPortInstance().get(serialPort);
??????? return ssh.send(hexString);
??? }
??? public byte[] receive(String serialPort){
??????? SerialServerHandler ssh=getPortInstance().get(serialPort);
??????? return ssh.recevie();
??? }
??? public byte[] receive(String serialPort, String endFlag, int timeOut) {
??????? SerialServerHandler ssh=getPortInstance().get(serialPort);
??????? return ssh.recevie(endFlag, timeOut);
??? }
??? public byte[] receive(String serialPort, int dataLength, int timeOut) {
??????? SerialServerHandler ssh=getPortInstance().get(serialPort);
??????? return ssh.recevie(dataLength, timeOut);
??? }
??? public void setSerialPort(SerialPort serialPort) {
??????? this.serialPort = serialPort;
??? }
??? public void setTimeOut(long timeOut) {
??????? this.timeOut = timeOut;
??? }
??? public void setPortName(String portName) {
??????? this.portName = portName;
??? }
??? public void setRate(int rate) {
??????? this.rate = rate;
??? }
??? public void setDataBit(int dataBit) {
??????? this.dataBit = dataBit;
??? }
??? public void setStopBit(int stopBit) {
??????? this.stopBit = stopBit;
??? }
??? public void setParity(int parity) {
??????? this.parity = parity;
??? }
??? public void setIsComplate(boolean isComplate) {
??????? this.isComplate = isComplate;
??? }
??? public void setReadBuffer(byte[] readBuffer) {
??????? this.readBuffer = readBuffer;
??? }
??? public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
??????? this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
??? }
??? public Map<String, SerialServerHandler> getPortInstance() {
??????? return portInstance;
??? }
??? public void setPortInstance(Map<String, SerialServerHandler> portInstance) {
??????? this.portInstance = portInstance;
??? }
package anole.server.service.comm.impl;
import anole.server.common.comm.serial.SerialServerManagement;
import anole.server.service.comm.SerialService;
import java.util.List;
import javax.jws.WebService;
@WebService(endpointInterface = "anole.server.service.comm.SerialService", serviceName = "SerialService")
public class SerialServiceImpl implements SerialService {
??? private SerialServerManagement serialServerManagement;
??? @Override
??? public int open(String serialPort) {
??????? serialServerManagement.setPortName(serialPort);
??????? return serialServerManagement.open();
??? }
??? @Override
??? public List listPortName(){
??????? return serialServerManagement.listPortName();
??? }
??? @Override
??? public int close(String serialPort) {
?????? return serialServerManagement.close(serialPort);
??? }
??? @Override
??? public int send(String hexString, String serialPort) {
??????? return serialServerManagement.send(hexString, serialPort);
??? }
??? @Override
??? public byte[] receive(String serialPort) {
??????? return serialServerManagement.receive(serialPort);
??? }
??? @Override
??? public byte[] receive(String serialPort, String endFlag, int timeOut) {
??????? return serialServerManagement.receive(serialPort, endFlag, timeOut);
??? }
??? @Override
??? public byte[] receive(String serialPort, int dataLength, int timeOut) {
?????? return serialServerManagement.receive(serialPort, dataLength, timeOut);
??? }
??? public SerialServerManagement getSerialServerManagement() {
??????? return serialServerManagement;
??? }
??? public void setSerialServerManagement(SerialServerManagement serialServerManagement) {
??????? this.serialServerManagement = serialServerManagement;
??? }
package anole.server.service.comm;
import java.util.List;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebParam;
import javax.jws.WebService;
public interface SerialService {
??? public List listPortName();
??? public int open(@WebParam(name = "serialPort") String serialPort);
??? public int close(@WebParam(name = "serialPort") String serialPort);
??? public int send(@WebParam(name = "hexString") String hexString, @WebParam(name = "serialPort") String serialPort);
??? public byte[] receive(@WebParam(name = "serialPort") String serialPort);
??? @WebMethod(operationName = "receiveByEndFlag")
??? public byte[] receive(@WebParam(name = "serialPort") String serialPort, @WebParam(name = "endFlag") String endFlag, @WebParam(name = "timeOut") int timeOut);
??? @WebMethod(operationName = "receiveByDataLength")
??? public byte[] receive(@WebParam(name = "serialPort") String serialPort, @WebParam(name = "dataLength") int dataLength, @WebParam(name = "timeOut") int timeOut);