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10条UI设计评估规则The following are nine heuristics listed in Nielsen (1993) and one (the lastone)


The following are nine heuristics listed in Nielsen (1993) and one (the last one) is from Nielsen and Mack (1994).

Visibility of System Status (可视化原则)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. The computer should keep the user informed about what is going on; what input it, the computer, has received; what processing it is currently doing; and what the results of processing are.


Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. The computer has to supply information to the user through sight or sound; otherwise, the user will not have the information necessary to understand what is happening.

Match Between System and the Real World(和现实世界相结合)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. The UI design should use concepts, language, and real-world conventions that are familiar to the user. This means that the developers need to understand the task the system is going to perform—from the point of view of the user. This also makes cultural issues relevant for the design of systems that are expected to be used globally.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. Familiar concepts, language, and real-world conventions in the interface can make use of knowledge already in a user’s long-term memory because of their experience with the task domain (independent of the computer).


User Control and Freedom(用户具有自主控制系统的权力)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. Allow the user to have control of the interaction. Users should be able to undo their actions easily, exit from any interaction quickly at any time, and not be forced into a series of actions controlled by the computer.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. Users will make errors, and, therefore, they will need easy ways to recover from them.



Consistency and Standards(系统的一致性原则)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. Information that is the same should appear to be the same (same words, icons, and positions on the screen). Information that is different should be expressed differently. This consistency should be maintained within a single application and within a platform. Developers therefore need to know platform conventions.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. As with the Match Between System and the Real World heuristic, this heuristic makes use of a user’s prior knowledge and experience with other parts of the same application as well as with other applications on the same platform.


Error Prevention(预防用户出错)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. As much as possible, prevent errors from happening in the first place. For instance, if there are a limited number of legal actions at some point in the application, then help users select from among these legal actions—rather than allowing them to perform any action and telling them after the fact when they've made an error. This could be considered a subset of the first heuristic, visibility of system status (what input the computer system is ready to accept), but it is so important and so often violated that it warrants its own heuristic.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. Errors can come about because users make mistakes in perception, lack knowledge about what to do next, recall the gist of a command rather than the exact details, or slip when they type or point. Some of these mistakes can be prevented by showing only those actions that are acceptable at that particular point in an interaction (e.g., graying out inappropriate buttons) or caught as soon as the user performs them (e.g., not accepting an incorrect abbreviation of a US state in an address form).


Recognition Rather Than Recall(系统需要有足够的提示信息让用户第一时间获得需要的信息)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. Show all objects and actions available to the user. Do not require them to remember information from one screen of the application to another.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. This heuristic is a direct application of theories of human memory. It is much easier for someone to recognize that they know what to do if there are cues in the environment coming into working memory through perception as well as knowledge in long-term memory of what to do.


Flexibility and Efficiency of Use(提供灵活高效的使用方式)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. The design should have accelerators (keyboard shortcuts) to allow skilled users to speed up their interaction (as opposed to always using menus or icons with the mouse). Skilled users should also be able to tailor their interface to speed up frequent actions.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. The value of accelerators comes primarily from the motor processes of the user. Typing single keys is typically faster than continually switching the hand between the keyboard and the mouse and pointing to things on the screen. Furthermore, skilled users will develop plans of action, which they will want to execute frequently, so tailoring can capture these plans in the interface itself.


Aesthetics and Minimalist Design(提高系统的易读性)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. Eliminate irrelevant screen clutter.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. This heuristic relates to the visual search aspect of perception and also to memory. The more clutter, the more information the eyes must search through to find the desired information. In addition, the more information coming in through perception as the visual search proceeds, the more this information interferes with the retrieval from long-term memory of the information that is actually relevant to the task at hand.


Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors(给用户足够的错误提示信息,以帮助用户从错误中恢复)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. Error messages should be written in plain language, tell the user what the problem is, and give constructive advice about how to recover from the error. Again, this could be considered a subset of the first heuristic, visibility of system status, but it is so important and so often violated that it warrants its own heuristic.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. This is simply an admonition to give the user sufficient information to understand the situation.


Help and Documentation(给出必要的文档和说明帮助)

Brief explanation of the heuristic. If the system is not an extremely simple, walk-up-and-use application, it is going to need help and documentation. This should be always available, easily searchable, and give concrete advice applicable to users’ tasks.

Relationship to the information-processing model of a user. This is again an admonition to give the user sufficient information to understand the application. The search feature should allow information to be found by asking for the gist of the meaning, rather than only the exactly right keyword, because people will remember only the gist, not the exact words (if they ever knew them).


<h4><strong>Evidence for the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>Heuristic: Consistency and standards (in particular, the "standards"
part of this heuristic) </p>
<p><strong>Interface aspect:</strong> </p>
<p>The buttons at the bottom of the screen are labeled "OK", "Cancel",
and "Apply"-as shown in the picture below. </p>
<p><br/><img src='/upload/attachment/49269/50064ad1-4540-3cab-8c37-48ae1fc0af92.png' alt=''/></p>
<p>In the online <em>MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 (see Books/The
Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design/ Chapter 8 Secondary
Windows/Property Sheets and Inspectors/Property Sheet Commands)</em>, it
lists the following standard ways to close the property sheet: </p>
<table border='0' width='50%'>
<th width='23%'>
<td width='64%'><strong>Action</strong></td>
<td valign='top' width='23%'><em>OK</em></td>
<td width='64%'>Applies all pending changes and closes the
property sheet window.</td>
<td valign='top' width='23%'><em>Apply</em></td>
<td width='64%'>Applies all pending changes but leaves the
property sheet window open.</td>
<td valign='top' width='23%'><em>Cancel</em></td>
<td width='64%'>Discards any pending changes and closes the
property sheet window. Does not cancel or undo changes that have
already been applied.</td>
<h4><strong>Explanation of the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>All the standard ways to close the property sheet are present and
work as described. </p>
<h4><strong>Benefit of the good feature:</strong> </h4>
<p>Users will be able to use their prior knowledge of Microsoft
products with this control panel. </p>
<h4><strong>Solution:</strong> </h4>
<p>I cannot think of any drawbacks to using the standard button labels
and actions at this time. </p>
<h4><strong>Relationship to other UARs:</strong> </h4>
<p>None when this UAR was originally written.</p>
<h3><strong><a name='eu2'/>Example UAR: Aspect 2 - Button Names Are Very
Similar</strong> </h3>
<p>At the same time that the "OK" and "Apply" button labels conform to
the standards part of the <strong>consistency and standards</strong> heuristic,
those words are so similar in meaning that they may violate the
"consistency" part of the same heuristic. That is, when very similar
words are used to describe different actions, the user is likely to
become confused. First, we'll write up this UAR and then discuss the
problem of what to do when heuristics give conflicting design advice. </p>
<div style='background-color: #eeeeee;'>
<h4><strong>UAR Identifier</strong> </h4>
<p>HE6-Problem </p>
<h4><strong>Succinct description:</strong> </h4>
<p>The difference between "OK" and "Apply" is not obvious. </p>
<h4><strong>Evidence for the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>Heuristic: Consistency and standards (in particular, the
"consistency" part of this heuristic) </p>
<p><strong>Interface aspect:</strong> </p>
<p>The button labels "OK" and "Apply" have very similar definitions in
lay English. </p>
Definition of "OK" in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary:
approve, authorize. <br/>
In the context of just making changes to something, the changes are the
things that are approved or authorized.
<p>Definition of "apply" in Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary: To put
into effect. <br/>
In the context of just making changes to something, these changes are
the things that will be put into effect. </p>
<h4><strong>Explanation of the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>The difference between "OK" and "Apply" is not obvious to the user.
From common definitions of the words, it would seem that they do the
same thing: make the changes that the user just indicated in the
control panel. Since the words are different, the actions should also
be different according to the <strong>consistency and standards</strong>
heuristic, but the difference between the actions should be reflected
in the words used to label them. </p>
<p>According to the <em>Design Guide </em>passage quoted<em> above</em>,
both buttons <em>apply</em> the changes the user made to the property
sheet. The only difference is that the Apply button leaves the property
sheet open and the OK button closes the property sheet. Unfortunately,
this difference is not inherent in the meanings of the labels. </p>
<h4><strong>Severity of the problem:</strong> </h4>
<p>The users will probably learn the difference between these buttons
pretty quickly, especially if they use other Windows products. </p>
<h4><strong>Solution:</strong> </h4>
<p>Change the labels to reflect the real difference in the actions.
Perhaps use "Apply" and "Apply &amp; Close". </p>
<p>However, following this solution will violate the <em>Windows Design
Guide</em> conventions and, therefore, will violate the standards part
of the same heuristic. The buttons "OK" and "Cancel" were standardized
long before dialog boxes that needed "Apply" were in use. Therefore,
the terms have been "inherited" with a lot of users knowing what they
mean. It will not be easy to change away from the "OK" label. </p>
<h4><strong>Relationship to other UARs:</strong> </h4>
UAR# HE5 – Good Feature: <br/>
"OK", "Cancel," and "Apply" button labels follow Windows standards.
<p>This heuristic seems to give conflicting advice. Perhaps we'll have
to do user testing-or at least conduct a survey or some interviews-to
see if our users will really have problems with "Apply" and "OK". </p>
</div>an application. Users get frustrated when they don’t feel in control of
the computer, and for this reason, users should initiate actions, not
the computer. Also, carefully consider the wording of messages; their
tone should suggest that the computer is ready and compliant, not
commanding or threatening, and that the user, not the computer, is in
<p><span style='color: #0000ff;'>交谈之中,听者为大。软件生产,客户为大。软件运行,用户为大。软件始终需要灌输一个思想:用户是软件运行的主导,他需要具有很好的软件控制权。</span></p>
<h3> <a name='pu'/>Provide an Undo Mechanism(<span style='color: #0000ff;'>提供撤销操作</span>)</h3>
The user should be able to reverse the steps in a process and retreat
back to a previous state. Some of the ways applications implement undo
are listed below:</p>
<li> An undo command that reverses the most recent command is common
in many applications. The simplest form only allows the user to reverse
the most recent command. Some applications allow the user to reverse
several steps.</li>
<li> A "Reset" or "Factory Settings" button is another form of undo
mechanism.? These buttons will reverse?certain edits.?
The Reset button will reverse settings that have been set in the
current editing session.? The Factor Settings button will cause
the settings to be returned to their out-of-the-box configuration。</li>
<p><span style='color: #0000ff;'>人人都会犯错,软件使用者亦不例外。我们需要给用户提供良好的用户体验。提供Redo和Undo.这一点我非常佩服Google,人家让WEB应用也如此的人性化了。在这里略微谈下原理:利用栈结构。</span></p>
<h3> <a name='rc'/>Require Confirmation(<span style='color: #0000ff;'>在重要操作时,需要给用户提供确认操作</span>)</h3>
The user should be warned when an irreversible action is about to be
initiated. An application should require an explicit confirmation
before allowing an irreversible step to be set in motion.
<h3> <a name='per'/>Provide an Escape Route(<span style='color: #0000ff;'>提供及时退出功能</span>)</h3>
Users should be able to halt processes. A typical way to provide for
this is to offer a Cancel button at all times. However, when canceling
a process may leave the computer in an unstable state - such as
an install process when only a subset of the necessary files have been
transferred - the user should be warned that canceling could have
negative consequences and should be advised of an alternative way to
halt or?reverse the process.
<h3><strong><strong>Date/Time Control Panel Applications of this
<h3><strong>Example UAR: Aspect 1 — Cancel Button Is Good</strong>
<div style='background-color: #eeeeee;'>
<h4><strong>UAR Identifier</strong> </h4>
<p>HE7 - Good Feature </p>
<h4><strong>Succinct description:</strong> </h4>
<p>"Cancel" button provides an "emergency exit." </p>
<h4><strong>Evidence for the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>Heuristic: User control and freedom </p>
<p><strong>Interface aspect:</strong> </p>
<p>There is a Cancel button at the bottom of the screen, as shown in
the picture below: <br/><img src='/upload/attachment/49284/c2d55d8b-8984-3540-a71b-93ab02544769.png' alt=''/></p>
<p>In the online <em>MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 </em>(see section<em>
Books/The Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design/ Chapter 8
Secondary Windows/Property Sheets and Inspectors/Closing a Property
Sheet)</em>, it lists the following specification of the Cancel button's
action: </p>
<table border='0' width='55%'>
<th width='21%'>
<td width='79%'><strong>Action</strong></td>
<td valign='top' width='21%'>?</td>
<td width='79%'>?</td>
<td valign='top' width='21%'><em><strong>Cancel</strong></em></td>
<td width='79%'>Discards any pending changes and closes the
property sheet window. Does not cancel or undo changes that have
already been applied.</td>
<h4><strong>Explanation of the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>If users setsthe time and then change their minds, they can cancel
all the changes by clicking the Cancel button. The button is prominent
and is the standard way to undo a sequence of changes made in a
property box. </p>
<h4><strong>Benefit of the good feature:</strong> </h4>
<p>Users will be able change their mind and undo a series of changes
with just one button click. </p>
<h4><strong>Solution:</strong> </h4>
<p>Although the Cancel button discards all the changes that have not
been applied and closes the window, if the Apply button was clicked
prior to clicking the Cancel button, no changes will be undone, though
the window will be closed. See UAR #HE8 for more discussion of this
control panel operation. </p>
<h4><strong>Relationship to other UARs:</strong> </h4>
<p>UAR# HE8 Cancel doesn't give feedback when it doesn't cancel
? <br/>
<h3><strong><a name='exu2'/>Example UAR: Aspect 2 — UARs Sometimes Lead
to More UARs</strong> </h3>
<p>It is quite possible that as you write up one UAR about a good
feature or problem, you will discover other usability aspects that
warrant their own UARs. When this happens, just record in the first UAR
that another UAR is connected; then write the second UAR. For example,
while writing UAR# HE7 above, we discovered that the Cancel button
doesn't always cancel something, and when it does not, it doesn't
indicate that fact. We discovered this when we were thinking about
trade-offs and writing in the <strong>Solution</strong> slot. Therefore, we put
a note in that slot referring readers to the next UAR, UAR# HE8.
Likewise, we listed UAR# HE8 in UAR# HE7's <strong>Relationship to other
UARs</strong> slot. </p>
<h4><strong>UAR Identifier</strong> </h4>
<p>HE8 - Problem </p>
<h4><strong>Succinct description:</strong> </h4>
<p>Cancel doesn't give feedback when it doesn't cancel anything </p>
<h4><strong>Evidence for the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>Heuristic: Visibility of system status </p>
<p><strong>Interface aspect:</strong> </p>
<p>There is a Cancel button at the bottom of the screen, as shown in
the picture below: <br/>
? <br/><img src='/upload/attachment/49284/c2d55d8b-8984-3540-a71b-93ab02544769.png' alt=''/></p>
<p>In the online <em>MSDN Library Visual Studio 6.0 </em>(see section<em>
Books/The Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design/ Chapter 8
Secondary Windows/Property Sheets and Inspectors/Closing a Property
Sheet)</em>, it lists the following specification of the Cancel button's
action: </p>
<table border='0' width='51%'>
<th align='left' width='38%'><strong>Command</strong></th>
<td width='59%'><strong>Action</strong></td>
<td valign='top' width='38%'>?</td>
<td width='59%'>?</td>
<td valign='top' width='38%'><em>Cancel</em></td>
<td width='59%'>Discards any pending changes and closes the
property sheet window. Does not cancel or undo changes that have
already been applied.</td>
<p>As specified in the <em>Design Guide</em>, if changes are made in the
property box and then the Apply button is pressed, those changes are
made permanent and cannot be discarded by clicking the Cancel button.
However, there is no visual indication that these changes are not
available to be canceled; the Cancel button still looks active. In
effect, if the Cancel button is clicked right after the Apply button is
clicked, the Cancel button will behave exactly like the OK button: it
will simply close the window (because the changes have already been
applied). </p>
<h4><strong>Explanation of the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>The <em>Windows Design Guide</em> does not seem to give advice about
whether the standard buttons should be available (black) or unavailable
(gray) at any particular time. However, this Date/Time control panel
tab (labeled "Date &amp; Time") makes the Apply button unavailable
(gray) when there are no changes to be applied, and it will have no
effect. The Cancel button is not grayed out when there are no changes
to cancel, presumably because it will still have <em>an</em> effect
(i.e., closing the window), but it will NOT have <em>the</em> effect it
was labeled for (i.e., canceling something) if the changes have been
applied. </p>
<h4><strong>Severity of the problem:</strong> </h4>
<p>This can be a rather severe problem if there is no way the user can
check the status of the property box once it is closed - or even if the
information is on the screen but difficult to see. In this case, many
users will have the clock in very small font down in the bottom right
corner where they may never have occasion to look. This is severe
because users may <em>think</em> they've canceled changes when they
haven't: in reality, the changes have been applied to the system clock.
This change will affect the dating of files and e-mail messages and,
therefore, can have wide-reaching consequences. </p>
<h4><strong>Solution:</strong> </h4>
<p>Make the Cancel button unavailable (gray) when there are no changes
to cancel. Thus, the Apply and Cancel buttons will either be available
(black) or unavailable (gray) at the same time - depending on whether
not there are changes to apply or cancel. </p>
<p>When there are no unapplied changes, only the OK button will be
available (black), and it will close the window. </p>
<em>Note that this train of thought could continue to the point of
reconsidering if the OK button should also be gray when there are no
unapplied changes made. The window could always be closed with the
Close button (labeled with an "x") in the top right corner of the
window. A complete analysis of this issue would generate at least one
more UAR to discuss the OK button, links between all these UARs, and a
group UAR to discuss them all as a group (to be discussed in a later
section of the course).</em>
The <em>Windows Design Guide</em> seems to be silent on the issue of
active/inactive Property Sheet command buttons, so graying the Cancel
button would not violate an explicit platform standard. However, we
might want to look at several other applications with property boxes to
see if there is a de facto standard, or see if people in user tests are
confused by the Cancel button becoming unavailable (gray).
<h4><strong>Relationship to other UARs:</strong> </h4>
UAR# HE7 - Good Feature:
<p>"Cancel" button provides an "emergency exit." </p>
<li> Common commands like opening and closing documents in an
application, printing, saving, and quitting can be issued using
keyboard shortcuts such as CTRL-O (under Windows) or Command-O (under
<li> Windows 95/NT/98 provides an additional keyboard shortcut
mechanism. The underlined letter of a menu item indicates that that
menu option can be invoked by hitting the ALT key and the underlined
letter together. For example, opening a file can be accomplished by
hitting the F key and then the O key while holding down the ALT key -
simply by pressing CTRL-O.</li>
<h3><strong><a name='af'/>Allow for Customization(<span style='color: #0000ff;'>为专家级用户提供定制功能</span>)</strong> </h3>
<p>Giving users control over how their computer looks and behaves
allows users to tailor their environment to suit their preferences.
This gives users a sense of being in charge that has an overall
positive effect on their experience. It also allows users with special
needs to adapt their computing environment to meet their needs. For
example, a user with difficulty using their left hand can move
important keyboard shortcuts to the right side of the keyboard. Some
other examples are </p>
<li> <strong>Speed</strong>: Power users want to maximize speed, typically by
adding keyboard shortcuts in order to reduce the amount of time they
use the mouse.</li>
<li> <strong>Appearance</strong>: Some people are strongly affected by the
amount of clutter on their screen. Giving users control over secondary
menus and toolbars within an application as well as icon placement on
the background gives users control over how their computer looks.</li>
<li> <strong>Readability</strong>: Other users (such as elderly users) may
require a large font for readability reasons or reverse-video (white
text on a black background) to reduce eyestrain. Giving users control
over the computer’s background, font face and size, and other display
settings allows users to adapt these according to their needs and
<h3><strong>Example UAR: Button Accelerators Exist</strong> </h3>
<div style='background-color: #eeeeee;'>
<h4><strong>UAR Identifier</strong> </h4>
<p>HE9 - Good Feature </p>
<h4><strong>Succinct description:</strong> </h4>
<p>"OK" and "Apply" buttons have keyboard shortcuts. </p>
<h4><strong>Evidence for the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>Heuristic: Flexibility and efficiency of use: keyboard accelerators.
<p><strong>Interface aspect:</strong> </p>
<p>The buttons at the bottom of the screen labeled "OK" and "Apply"
have keyboard accelerators, as shown in the picture below. The "OK"
button is in focus, so pressing the ENTER key will activate that
command. And, notice that the "Apply" button has a keyboard shortcut:
typing ALT-A (as indicated by the underlined "<span style='text-decoration: underline;'>A</span>" in "<span style='text-decoration: underline;'>A</span>pply")
will activate that command. <br/>
? <br/><img src='/upload/attachment/49326/922c91dc-0515-3d7a-afe0-e46382ef418a.png' alt=''/></p>
<h4><strong>Explanation of the aspect:</strong> </h4>
<p>OK and Apply are the actions the users will most frequently want to
take (assuming that Cancel is used only for undoing errors and changing
courses of action - both of which should be relatively rare in
to other actions people choose and carry out.) </p>
<p>The OK button is the default, indicated in the standard way (with a
bold outline). The Apply button can be activated by typing ALT-A, also
indicated in the standard way: by underlining the "<span style='text-decoration: underline;'>A</span>" in "<span style='text-decoration: underline;'>A</span>pply".
Both of these interaction techniques can be found in the <em>Design
Guide.</em> (See the following sections in Chapter 8: "Characteristics
of Secondary Windows/Default Buttons" and "Characteristics of Secondary
Windows/Navigation in Secondary Windows" respectively.) </p>
<h4><strong>Benefit of the good feature:</strong> </h4>
<p>Users who are skilled at using Windows will be able to operate these
two commands without their hands leaving the keyboard (which is faster
than using the mouse - see "1.1.3 Basic
Psychology Needed for Interface Design"). Since the commands are
indicated visually in standard ways, skilled users will see these
indications and know them for what they are - clues to the keyboard
shortcuts. </p>
<h4><strong>Solution/Discussion:</strong> </h4>
<p>I cannot think of any drawbacks to using the standard button labels
and actions at this time. </p>
<h4><strong>Relationship to other UARs:</strong> </h4>
None when this UAR was originally written. </div>
