VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of…
I think some of you may encountered this “wonderful” runtime error, mostly when you work in a team, building different applications that will load in another one.
Shortly the application is telling us that parts are build using different versions of Flex SDK. In my case the main application was build using Flex SDK version 3.1.0 and the application to be loaded was build using Flex SDK 3.2.0
This are some possible errors:
VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of removeChildBridge in mx.managers.SystemManagerProxy.
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable _*_mx_managers_SystemManager is not defined.
VerifyError: Error #1014: Class ISWFLoader could not be found.
ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable _SWFLoaderStyle__embed_css_Assets_swf___brokenImage_1003344314 is not defined.
To get rid of these errors compile your application’s parts with the same Flex SDK.
You can download Flex SDK from here:
Also you can update your Flex Builder to the last version which includes also the last version of Flex SDK:
VerifyError: Error #1053 Illegal override of removeChildBridge in mx.managers.SystemManagerProxy.
2009-03-10 14:29
在这里分析,主要的会碰上这种问题的情况是: 如果你在一个开发团队中,同事们制作编译不同的App,并且被其他的App加载.你们彼此用的Flex SDK不同就会造成这个错误.
我所遇到的: 我用的SDK 3.2.0 ,其他人用的3.0.0
VerifyError: Error #1053: 在 mx.messaging.channels.NetConnectionChannel 中非法覆盖 getPollSyncMessageResponder。
把引用的包swc 用当前工程的sdk版本再编译一次,否则版本冲突。当然这个只会在 rsl引用时会报。
When you upgrade your flex sdk, you'd better recompile all your models with the same sdk version, such as 3.4. Otherwise, there maybe some error like this:
VerifyError: Error #1053: 在 mx.messaging.channels.NetConnectionChannel 中非法覆盖 getPollSyncMessageResponder。
VerifyError: Error#1053: Illegal override of FlexModuleFactory in mx.core.FlexModuleFactory.
If you are using the third-part library and load it at runtime, you should update your third-part library to your sdk version also, or you can compile the library yourself with the updated sdk if it's a opensource library.