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分享一个ToolTip类,趋于完美!package myas{import flash.display.*import flash.events.*import flash.f


package myas{        import flash.display.*;        import flash.events.*;        import flash.filters.*;        import flash.geom.*;        import flash.text.*;        //import flash.utils.Timer;        import fl.transitions.Tween;        import fl.transitions.easing.*;        import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;        /**         * Example:                var tt:ToolTip = new ToolTip();                tt.show( DisplayObject, "", "这里是信息" );         或:         var tf:TextFormat = new TextFormat();        tf.bold = true;        tf.size = 12;        tf.color = 0xff0000;        var contentFormat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();        contentFormat.size = 14;        contentFormat.color = 0xFFFFFF;        contentFormat.bold = false;                var tt:ToolTip = new ToolTip();        tt.hook = true;        tt.hookSize = 20;        tt.cornerRadius = 20;        tt.align = "center";        tt.titleFormat = tf;        tt.contentFormat = contentFormat;        tt.show( DisplayObject, "Title Of This ToolTip", "Some Copy that would go below the ToolTip Title" );         *         ****** by zcheng  2011-3-22 626272689@qq.com         基于* @author Duncan Reid, www.hy-brid.com  * @date October 17, 2008  * @version 1.1         *         */        public class ToolTip extends Sprite        {                //objects                private var _stage:Stage;                private var _parentObject:DisplayObject;                private var _tf:TextField;// title field                private var _cf:TextField;//content field                private var _tween:Tween;                //formats                private var _titleFormat:TextFormat;                private var _contentFormat:TextFormat;                /* check for format override */                private var _titleOverride:Boolean = false;                private var _contentOverride:Boolean = false;                //defaults                private var _defaultWidth:Number = 200;//宽                private var _buffer:Number = 10;//四周留白数                private var _align:String = "right";//箭头位置                private var _cornerRadius:Number = 4;//圆角度数                private var _bgColors:Array = [0xFFF4E1,0xFFF4E1];                //private var _bgColors:Array = [0xB5FEB4,0x003300];//背景色                private var _autoSize:Boolean = false;//自动调整大小                private var _hookEnabled:Boolean = true;//有无箭头                //private var _delay:Number = 0;  //延迟出现毫秒数,已精简                private var _hookSize:Number = 10;//箭头大小                //offsets                private var _offSet:Number;                private var _hookOffSet:Number;                public function ToolTip():void                {                        //do not disturb parent display object mouse events                        this.mouseEnabled = false;                        this.buttonMode = false;                        this.mouseChildren = false;                        //setup delay timer                        /*_timer = new Timer(this._delay, 1);                                    _timer.addEventListener("timer", timerHandler);*/                        this.animate(true);                }                public function show( p:DisplayObject, title:String, content:String=null ):void                {                        //get the stage from the parent                        this._stage = p.stage;                        this._parentObject = p;                        this.addCopy( title, content );                        this.setOffset();                        this.drawBG();                        this.bgGlow();                        //initialize coordinates                        var parentCoords:Point = new Point(_parentObject.mouseX,_parentObject.mouseY);                        var globalPoint:Point = p.localToGlobal(parentCoords);                        this.x = globalPoint.x + this._offSet;                        this.y = globalPoint.y - this.height - 10;                        this.alpha = 0;                        this._stage.addChild( this );                        this._parentObject.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this.onMouseOut );                        //removed mouse move handler in lieu of enterframe for smoother movement;                        //this._parentObject.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, this.onMouseMovement );                        this.follow( true );                        //_timer.start();                }                public function hide():void                {                        this.animate( false );                }                /*private function timerHandler( event:TimerEvent ):void {                this.animate(true);                }*/                private function onMouseOut( event:MouseEvent ):void                {                        event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(event.type, arguments.callee);                        this.hide();                }                private function follow( value:Boolean ):void                {                        if (value)                        {                                addEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.eof );                        }                        else                        {                                removeEventListener( Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.eof );                        }                }                private function eof( event:Event ):void                {                        this.position();                }                private function position():void                {                        var speed:Number = 3;                        var parentCoords:Point = new Point(_parentObject.mouseX,_parentObject.mouseY);                        var globalPoint:Point = _parentObject.localToGlobal(parentCoords);                        var xp:Number = globalPoint.x + this._offSet;                        var yp:Number;                        if ((_hookEnabled &&globalPoint.y>this.height) || (!_hookEnabled &&globalPoint.y>this.height+10))                        {                                yp = globalPoint.y - this.height - 10;                                if (! _hookEnabled)                                {                                        _hookEnabled = true;                                        this.graphics.clear();                                        drawBG();                                }                        }                        else if (stage.stageHeight/2>this.height)                        {                                yp = globalPoint.y + 25;                                if (_hookEnabled)                                {                                        _hookEnabled = false;                                        this.graphics.clear();                                        drawBG();                                }                        }                        var overhangRight:Number = this._defaultWidth + xp;                        if (overhangRight > stage.stageWidth)                        {                                xp = stage.stageWidth - this._defaultWidth;                        }                        if (xp < 0)                        {                                xp = 0;                        }                        if (yp < 0)                        {                                yp = 0;                        }                        this.x += ( xp - this.x ) / speed;                        this.y += ( yp - this.y ) / speed;                }                private function addCopy( title:String, content:String ):void                {                        if (! this._titleOverride)                        {                                this.initTitleFormat();                        }                        var titleIsDevice:Boolean = this.isDeviceFont(_titleFormat);                        this._tf = this.createField(titleIsDevice);                        this._tf.htmlText = title;                        this._tf.setTextFormat( this._titleFormat);                        //this._tf.setTextFormat( this._titleFormat, 0, title.length );                        if (this._autoSize)                        {                                this._defaultWidth = this._tf.textWidth + 4 + ( _buffer * 2 );                        }                        else                        {                                this._tf.width = this._defaultWidth - ( _buffer * 2 );                        }                        this._tf.x = this._tf.y = this._buffer;                        this.textGlow( this._tf );                        addChild( this._tf );                        if (content != null)                        {                                if (! this._contentOverride)                                {                                        this.initContentFormat();                                }                                //check for device font                                var contentIsDevice:Boolean = this.isDeviceFont(_contentFormat);                                this._cf = this.createField(contentIsDevice);                                this._cf.htmlText = content;                                var bounds:Rectangle = this.getBounds(this);                                this._cf.x = this._buffer;                                this._cf.y = bounds.height + 5;                                this.textGlow( this._cf );                                this._cf.setTextFormat( this._contentFormat );                                if (this._autoSize)                                {                                        var cfWidth:Number = this._cf.textWidth + 4 + ( _buffer * 2 );                                        this._defaultWidth = cfWidth > this._defaultWidth ? cfWidth:this._defaultWidth;                                }                                else                                {                                        this._cf.width = this._defaultWidth - ( _buffer * 2 );                                }                                addChild( this._cf );                        }                }                //create field, if not device font, set embed to true                private function createField( deviceFont:Boolean ):TextField                {                        var tf:TextField = new TextField();                        tf.embedFonts = ! deviceFont;                        tf.gridFitType = "pixel";                        //tf.border = true;                        tf.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;                        tf.selectable = false;                        if (! this._autoSize)                        {                                tf.multiline = true;                                tf.wordWrap = true;                        }                        return tf;                }                //draw background, use drawing api if we need a hook                private function drawBG():void                {                        var bounds:Rectangle = this.getBounds(this);                        var fillType:String = GradientType.LINEAR;                        //var colors:Array = [0xFFFFFF, 0x9C9C9C];                        var alphas:Array = [1,1];                        var ratios:Array = [0x00,0xFF];                        var matr:Matrix = new Matrix();                        var radians:Number = 90 * Math.PI / 180;                        matr.createGradientBox(this._defaultWidth, bounds.height + ( this._buffer * 2 ), radians, 0, 0);                        var spreadMethod:String = SpreadMethod.PAD;                        this.graphics.beginGradientFill(fillType, this._bgColors, alphas, ratios, matr, spreadMethod);                        if (this._hookEnabled)                        {                                var xp:Number = 0;                                var yp:Number = 0;                                var w:Number = this._defaultWidth;                                var h:Number = bounds.height + ( this._buffer * 2 );                                this.graphics.moveTo( xp + this._cornerRadius, yp );                                this.graphics.lineTo( xp + w - this._cornerRadius, yp );                                this.graphics.curveTo( xp + w, yp, xp + w, yp + this._cornerRadius );                                this.graphics.lineTo( xp + w, yp + h - this._cornerRadius );                                this.graphics.curveTo( xp + w, yp + h, xp + w - this._cornerRadius, yp + h );                                //hook                                this.graphics.lineTo( xp + this._hookOffSet + this._hookSize, yp + h );                                this.graphics.lineTo( xp + this._hookOffSet , yp + h + this._hookSize );                                this.graphics.lineTo( xp + this._hookOffSet - this._hookSize, yp + h );                                this.graphics.lineTo( xp + this._cornerRadius, yp + h );                                this.graphics.curveTo( xp, yp + h, xp, yp + h - this._cornerRadius );                                this.graphics.lineTo( xp, yp + this._cornerRadius );                                this.graphics.curveTo( xp, yp, xp + this._cornerRadius, yp );                                this.graphics.endFill();                        }                        else                        {                                this.graphics.drawRoundRect( 0, 0, this._defaultWidth, bounds.height + ( this._buffer * 2 ), this._cornerRadius );                        }                }                /* Fade In / Out */                private function animate( show:Boolean ):void                {                        var end:int = show == true ? 1:0;                        _tween = new Tween(this,"alpha",Strong.easeOut,this.alpha,end,.5,true);                        if (! show)                        {                                _tween.addEventListener( TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onComplete );                                //_timer.reset();                        }                }                private function onComplete( event:TweenEvent ):void                {                        event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(event.type, arguments.callee);                        this.cleanUp();                }                /* End Fade */                /** Getters / Setters */                public function set tipWidth( value:Number ):void                {                        this._defaultWidth = value;                }                public function set titleFormat( tf:TextFormat ):void                {                        this._titleFormat = tf;                        if (this._titleFormat.font == null)                        {                                this._titleFormat.font = "_sans";                        }                        this._titleOverride = true;                }                public function set contentFormat( tf:TextFormat ):void                {                        this._contentFormat = tf;                        if (this._contentFormat.font == null)                        {                                this._contentFormat.font = "_sans";                        }                        this._contentOverride = true;                }                public function set align( value:String ):void                {                        var a:String = value.toLowerCase();                        var values:String = "right left center";                        if (values.indexOf(value) == -1)                        {                                throw new Error(this + " : Invalid Align Property, options are: 'right', 'left' & 'center'");                        }                        else                        {                                this._align = a;                        }                }                /*public function set delay( value:Number ):void {                this._delay = value;                this._timer.delay = value;                }*/                public function set hook( value:Boolean ):void                {                        this._hookEnabled = value;                }                public function set hookSize( value:Number ):void                {                        this._hookSize = value;                }                public function set cornerRadius( value:Number ):void                {                        this._cornerRadius = value;                }                public function set colors( colArray:Array ):void                {                        this._bgColors = colArray;                }                public function set autoSize( value:Boolean ):void                {                        this._autoSize = value;                }                /* End Getters / Setters */                /* Cosmetic */                private function textGlow( field:TextField ):void                {//对显示对象应用发光效果                        var color:Number = 0x000000;                        var alpha:Number = 0.2;                        var blurX:Number = 2;                        var blurY:Number = 2;                        var strength:Number = 1;                        var inner:Boolean = false;                        var knockout:Boolean = false;                        var quality:Number = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH;                        var filter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(color,                                                          alpha,                                                          blurX,                                                          blurY,                                                          strength,                                                          quality,                                                          inner,                                                          knockout);                        var myFilters:Array = new Array();                        myFilters.push(filter);                        field.filters = myFilters;                }                private function bgGlow():void                {//对显示对象应用发光效果                        var color:Number = 0x000000;                        var alpha:Number = 0.40;                        var blurX:Number = 2;                        var blurY:Number = 2;                        var strength:Number = 1;                        var inner:Boolean = false;                        var knockout:Boolean = false;                        var quality:Number = BitmapFilterQuality.HIGH;                        var filter:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(color,                                                          alpha,                                                          blurX,                                                          blurY,                                                          strength,                                                          quality,                                                          inner,                                                          knockout);                        var myFilters:Array = new Array();                        myFilters.push(filter);                        filters = myFilters;                }                private function initTitleFormat():void                {                        _titleFormat = new TextFormat();                        _titleFormat.font = "_sans";                        _titleFormat.bold = true;                        _titleFormat.size = 16;                        _titleFormat.color = 0x01430E;                }                private function initContentFormat():void                {                        _contentFormat = new TextFormat();                        _contentFormat.font = "_sans";                        _contentFormat.bold = false;                        _contentFormat.size = 14;                        _contentFormat.color = 0x000000;                }                /* End Cosmetic */                /* Helpers */                /* Check if font is a device font */                private function isDeviceFont( format:TextFormat ):Boolean                {                        var font:String = format.font;                        var device:String = "_sans _serif _typewriter";                        return device.indexOf( font ) > -1;                        //_sans                        //_serif                        //_typewriter                }                private function setOffset():void                {                        switch ( this._align )                        {                                case "left" :                                        this._offSet = - _defaultWidth +  ( _buffer * 3 ) + this._hookSize;                                        this._hookOffSet = this._defaultWidth - ( _buffer * 3 ) - this._hookSize;                                        break;                                case "right" :                                        this._offSet = 0 - ( _buffer * 3 ) - this._hookSize;                                        this._hookOffSet = _buffer * 3 + this._hookSize;                                        break;                                case "center" :                                        this._offSet = - ( _defaultWidth / 2 );                                        this._hookOffSet =  ( _defaultWidth / 2 );                                        break;                                default :                                        this._offSet = - ( _defaultWidth / 2 );                                        this._hookOffSet =  ( _defaultWidth / 2 );                                        break;                        }                }                /* End Helpers */                /* Clean */                private function cleanUp():void                {                        this._parentObject.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, this.onMouseOut );                        this.follow( false );                        this._tf.filters = [];                        this.filters = [];                        removeChild( this._tf );                        this._tf = null;                        if (this._cf != null)                        {                                this._cf.filters = [];                                removeChild( this._cf );                        }                        this.graphics.clear();                        parent.removeChild( this );                }                /* End Clean */        }}
