Ruby怎样传递参数给子进程(最简单的进程之间通信方法)1. 主进程main.rbENV[ttt]yanzilee9292system
1. 主进程main.rb
ENV["ttt"]="yanzilee9292"system 'ruby t.rb'
puts ENV["ttt"]
ruby main.rb
Environment variables are variables passed to programs by the command line or the graphical shell. Though there are a number of environment variables that only affect the command line or graphical shell itself (such as PATH or HOME), there are also several that directly affect how Ruby scripts execute.
Accessing Environment Variables from RubyRuby has direct access to environment variables via the ENV hash. Environment variables can be directly read or written to by using the index operator with a string argument. Note that writing to environment variables will only have an effect on child processes of the Ruby script. Other invocations of the script will not see the changes in environment variables.