Solr 创建索引 XML格式
Solr receives commands and possibly document data through HTTP POST.One way to send an HTTP POST is through the Unix command line program curl (also available on Windows through Cygwin: and that's what we'll use here in the examples. An alternative cross-platform option that comes with Solr is post.jar located in Solr's example/exampledocs directory. To get some
basic help on how to use it, run the following command:
To use the stream.body feature for the preceding example, you would do this:
The overwrite attribute defaults to true to guarantee the uniqueness of values in the field that you have designated as the unique field in the schema, assuming you have such a field. If you were to add another document that has the same value for the unique field, then this document would overwrite the previous document. You will not get an error.
The boost attribute affects the scores of matching documents in order to affect ranking in score-sorted search results. Providing a boost value, whether at the document or field level, is optional. The default value is 1.0, which is effectively a non-boost. Technically, documents are not boosted, only fields are. The effective boost value of a field is that specified for the document multiplied by that specified for the field.
Deleting documents
You can delete a document by its unique field. Here we delete two documents:
<delete><query>timestamp:[* TO NOW-12HOUR]</query></delete>?Commit
Data sent to Solr is not immediately searchable, nor do deletions take immediate effect. Like a database, changes must be committed first. The easiest way to do this is to add a commit=true request parameter to a Solr update URL. The request to Solr could be the same request that contains data to be indexed then committed or an empty request—it doesn't matter. For example, you can visit this URL to issue a commit on our mbreleases core: http://localhost:8983/solr/update?commit=true. You can also commit changes using the XML syntax by simply sending this to Solr:
<commit />