Highcharts 中文文档翻译
While the jQuery adapter is built into Highcharts and Highstock, the MooTools adapter and the Prototype adapter has to be included separately. Use this code to include Highcharts with MooTools:(因为jQuery适配器是内建于Hightcharts和Highstock,MooTools适配器和Prototype适配器要分开导入。使用以下的代码导入MooTools适配器。)<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/mootools/1.4.2/mootools-yui-compressed.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/js/adapters/mootools-adapter.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/js/highcharts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>and use this code to include Highcharts with Prototype:(使用以下的代码去导入prototype适配器。)
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/prototype/" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/js/adapters/prototype-adapter.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/js/highcharts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>If you're installing Highstock, the procedure is the same as above, except the JavaScript file name is highstock.js rather than highcharts.js.?*) Highcharts version 1.x relied on excanvas.js for rendering in IE. From Highcharts 2.0 (and all Highstock versions) IE VML rendering is build into the library.(安装Highstorck的时候,步骤和上面的一致,除了Javascript文件的名字是highcharts.js而不是highcharts.js.*。也就是说要用具体版本的hightcharts.js.*替换highcharts.js)
?tag in the?head
?of your web page, or in a separate .js file, add the JavaScript code to initialize the chart. Note that the id of the div where you want to put the chart (see #3) is given in the?renderTo?option below:(在页面的head标签里的script标签中,或者在一个单独的.js文件里,添加以下代码去初始化图表。需要注意的时,你想放置图表所在div的id会被设置在下面代码中的renderTo?项:)var chart1; // globally available$(document).ready(function() { chart1 = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', type: 'bar' }, title: { text: 'Fruit Consumption' }, xAxis: { categories: ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Oranges'] }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Fruit eaten' } }, series: [{ name: 'Jane', data: [1, 0, 4] }, { name: 'John', data: [5, 7, 3] }] }); });The code above uses the jQuery specific way of launching code on document ready, as explained at the?jQuery website. If you use MooTools, instead of the$(document).ready()?syntax you do it slightly differently:(上面的代码使用jQuery自己的加载方法,这是在文档加载完成后执行,可以看jQuery website里的解释。如果你使用MooTools,会略有不同,就要用以下的代码去替换$(document).ready()??这样的语法。)
<script type="text/javascript"> window.addEvent('domready', function() { var chart1 = .......If you're inserting a Stock chart, there is a separate constructor method called?
. In these chart, typically the data is supplied in a separate JavaScript array, either taken from a separate JavaScript file or by an Ajax call to the server.(如果你正在安装一个柱状图表,有一个单独的构造方法Highcharts.StockChart。通常在这里图表里,数据会是由一个单独的Javascript数组提供,也可以是一个单独的Javascript文件,或者用Ajax调用服务器里的数据。)var chart1; // globally available$(document).ready(function() { chart1 = new Highcharts.StockChart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container' }, rangeSelector: { selected: 1 }, series: [{ name: 'USD to EUR', data: usdtoeur // predefined JavaScript array }] }); });
<div id="container" style="width: 100%; height: 400px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/themes/gray.js"></script>2. 如何设置选项How to set up the options
Highcharts uses a JavaScript object structure to define the options. The options are nested into categories. The options are mainly strings and numbers, but some are arrays, other objects or even functions. When you initialize the chart using?new Highcharts.Chart, the options object is the first parameter you pass.(Highcharts使用一个Javascript对象结构去定义这些选项。选项被内嵌入分类。选项主要是字符串和数值,但有些是数组、其它对象甚至是方法。当你使用new Highcharts.Chart去初始化图表时,该选项对象是你第一个要传的参数。)
If you want to apply a set of options to all charts on the same page, use?Highcharts.setOptions?like shown below.(如果你想要去应用一个选项集合到同一个页面中的所有图表,就像下面那样子使用Highcharts.setOptions。)
See #3 above for an example of an options object. For more examples see the?Highcharts demo gallery?or the?Highstock demo gallery. For a full reference of the options available, see the?Highcharts options reference?and the?Highstock options reference.(看上面的#3的一个选项对象例子,更多的例子就看。。。。。。)
3. 理解轴的概念Understanding axesMany of the examples in the Highcharts demo come with an xAxis with categories. However, it is important to understand when to use categories and when you are better off with a linear or datetime xAxis.(在Highcharts demo里的很多例子是和x轴和分类相关的。但是去理解什么时候去使用分类和什么时候去更好地使用线性或者一个时间x轴是很重要的。)
Categories are groups of items, like for example "Apples", "Pears" and "Oranges", or "Red", "Green", "Blue", "Yellow". These categories have that in common that there are no intermediate values (there's no sliding transition between apples and pears). Also, if you leave one category out, the user isn't able to understand what is left out. Say if you print every second color of "Red", "Green", "Blue" or "Yellow", the user won't know what colors are missing. Therefore, Highchars doesn't have automatic methods to hide categories if they become to dense on the axis. If you have problems with overlapping axis labels, try either the?xAxis.labels.staggerLines?option, or give the labels a?rotation. If you find that you can skip category labels by the?xAxis.labels.step?option, chances are that you are better off using a linear or datetime axis.(分类就是一个项目的组合,像“Apples”,"Pears"和“Oranges”, 或者就是“Red”, "Green", "Blue", "Yellow"。这些分类有这样的共同点,它们都没有模棱两可的值,即在apples和pears里没有中间值。同样的,如果你)
An xAxis of the?linear or datetime type?has the advantage that Highcharts is able to determine how close the data labels should be because it knows how to interpolate. The labels will by default be placed with approximately 100px between them, which can be changed in the?tickPixelInterval?option. If you have predictable categories like "Item1", "Item2", "Item3" or "2012-01-01", "2012-01-02", "2012-01-03" etc., linear or datetime axis types combined with anxAxis.labels.formatter?would probably be a better choice.(一个坐标或者日期时间类型的X轴有如下优势,Highcharts可以确定数据标签如何关闭,因为它知道如何插入数据。该标签会默认地相隔大约100像素左右放置,并且可以根据tickPixelInterval?选项改变。如果你已经你已经大概确定分类会像是"Item1","Item2","Item3"或者"2012-01-01", "2012-01-02", "2012-01-03"?等,那么坐标轴或者时间轴可以和xAxis.labels.formatter相结合,这会是一个更好的选择。)
4. 预处理选项Preprocessing the optionsTo get the most out of Highcharts, it is important to understand how the configuration object works and how it can be altered programmatically. These are some key concepts on JavaScript objects:(为了更好地使用Highcharts,理解配置对象是如何作用,和它可以如何改写是很重要的。这里有一些关于JavaScript对象的关键概念。)
// Bad code:var options = new Object();options.chart = new Object();options.chart.renderTo = 'container';options.chart.type = 'bar';options.series = new Array();options.series[0] = new Object();options.series[0].name = 'Jane';options.series[0].data = new Array(1, 0, 4);As JavaScript object literals, we would write it like below. Note that the two options objects will produce exactly the same result.(做为JavaScript对象常量,我们可以像下面那样写。要注意的是,两个选项是的效果是一样的。)
// Good code:var options = { chart: { renderTo: 'container', defaultSeriesType: 'bar' }, series: [{ name: 'Jane', data: [1, 0, 4] }]};
?is an array, so it has a?push
?method.(用一个对象常量符号创建一个对象之后,我们可以通过点号拓展它的成员。也就是说,我们可以拥有一个像上面定义的代码一样。下面的代码给对象添加了另一个的series。)options.series.push({ name: 'John', data: [3, 4, 2]})
options.renderTois always the same as(和这个是一样的)
options['renderTo']4.1 学习例子:预处理CSV数据Case study: preprocessing the data from CSV
This example shows how to set up the basic chart options first, then do an Ajax call for the data, parse the data and add them in the proper format to the options. In this example, jQuery is used for handling Ajax, but you could just as well use MooTools' or Prototype's similar functions. All of the code runs in the$(document).ready
?event handler. The example can be seen live at?data-from-csv.htm.(该示例会先展示如何设置基本的图表选项,然后会调用一个Ajax方法去获取数据,并以对应的格式添加到该选项集合中。在该示例中jQuery用于处理Ajax,你也可以使用MooTools或者Prototype的相似函数。所有的这些代码都运行在$(document).ready这一事件柄中。该示例可以在线查看。)
var options = { chart: { renderTo: 'container', defaultSeriesType: 'column' }, title: { text: 'Fruit Consumption' }, xAxis: { categories: [] }, yAxis: { title: { text: 'Units' } }, series: []};
$.get('data.csv', function(data) { // Split the lines var lines = data.split('\n'); // Iterate over the lines and add categories or series $.each(lines, function(lineNo, line) { var items = line.split(','); // header line containes categories if (lineNo == 0) { $.each(items, function(itemNo, item) { if (itemNo > 0) options.xAxis.categories.push(item); }); } // the rest of the lines contain data with their name in the first position else { var series = { data: [] }; $.each(items, function(itemNo, item) { if (itemNo == 0) { series.name = item; } else { series.data.push(parseFloat(item)); } }); options.series.push(series); } }); // Create the chart var chart = new Highcharts.Chart(options);});
Loading data from an XML file is similar to the CSV approach. Highcharts does not come with a predefined XML data syntax, it is entirely up to you to write the XML and to define a parsing function for it. The downside of using XML over CSV is that it adds some markup to the data, leaving a larger footprint. How large the extra footprint is depends on how you mark up your data. For example, if you wrap each point with a <point> tag and load 1000 points, it will add some weight. If however you add a comma separated list of point values, it doesn't. The upside to using XML, at least for small data sets, is that you don't have to manually parse the incoming data. You can utilize jQuery's existing DOM parsing abilities to access the XML tree. We set up a live example for this at?data-from-xml.htm. The data can be viewed at?data.xml.(从XML文件中加载数据和从CSV相似。Highcharts不会与一个预先定义好的XML数据语法捆绑,它完全取决于你写的XML和定义的解析函数。使用XML的缺点就是会添加一些标记到数据中,这导致一个更大的脚本,这是CVS不会有的。额外的数据有多大取决于你如何搭建你的数据。打个比方,如果你用<point>标签去包装每个点,并且加载了1000个点,它会添加不少的工作量。但是如果你添加一个逗号去分隔点的数据,它就简单多了。说话回来,使用XML文件,至少对于少量的数据集合来说,你也是不需要手动去解析传来的数据。你可以利用jQuery中现有的DOM解析能力,从而访问XML树。我们有一个在线的示例。)
5. 在线图表Live chartsAfter a chart has been defined by the configuration object, optionally preprocessed and finally initialized and rendered using?new Highcharts.Chart()
, we have the opportunity to alter the chart using a toolbox of API methods. The chart, axis, series and point objects have a range of methods like?update
?and so on. The complete list can be seen in?the API Reference?under "Methods and Properties" at the left.(用一个配置对象定义一个图表,选择性地预处理,并被初始化然后用new Highcharts.Chart()显示之后,我们就可以使用很多的API方法去改变图表。这些图表,轴,系列和点对象都有若干的方法,像update,remove,addSeries,addPoints等等。完整的API列表可以查看左侧的"方法和属性"。)
The following example shows how to run a live chart with data retrieved from the server each second, or more precisely, one second after the server's last reply. It is done by setting up a custom function,?requestData
, that initially is called from the chart's?load
?event, and subsequently from its own Ajax success callback function. You can see the results live at?live-server.htm.(接下来的示例会说明如何运行一个动态图表,该图表每隔一秒从服务器检索数据。或者更确切地说,从服务器最近一次应答的下一秒。可以这样子完成,设置一个自定义的函数,requestData,它最初会在图表的load事件中被调用,并且在随后它自己的Ajax success回调函数中调用。你可以在线看到结果live-server.htm。)
<?php// Set the JSON headerheader("Content-type: text/json");// The x value is the current JavaScript time, which is the Unix time multiplied by 1000.$x = time() * 1000;// The y value is a random number$y = rand(0, 100);// Create a PHP array and echo it as JSON$ret = array($x, $y);echo json_encode($ret);?>
?variable globally, as we want to access it both from the document ready function and our requestData funcion. If the chart variable is defined inside the document ready callback function, it will not be available in the global scope later.(定义全局的图表变量,因为我们会在文档加载完毕函数和requestData函数里访问它。如果该图表变量被定义在document ready的回调函数里,那它在接下来的全局范围内无效。)var chart; // global
/** * Request data from the server, add it to the graph and set a timeout to request again */function requestData() { $.ajax({ url: 'live-server-data.php', success: function(point) { var series = chart.series[0], shift = series.data.length > 20; // shift if the series is longer than 20 // add the point chart.series[0].addPoint(point, true, shift); // call it again after one second setTimeout(requestData, 1000); }, cache: false });}
$(document).ready(function() { chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ chart: { renderTo: 'container', defaultSeriesType: 'spline', events: { load: requestData } }, title: { text: 'Live random data' }, xAxis: { type: 'datetime', tickPixelInterval: 150, maxZoom: 20 * 1000 }, yAxis: { minPadding: 0.2, maxPadding: 0.2, title: { text: 'Value', margin: 80 } }, series: [{ name: 'Random data', data: [] }] }); });
From version 2.0 an exporting module is available for Highcharts, which allows users to download images or PDF's of your charts. This module consists of an extra JavaScript file, exporting.js, and a web service or server module written in PHP. Highslide Software offers the exporting web service free of charge. If you include the exporting module in your charts, two buttons will appear in the upper right. One button prints the chart, which is done on the client side only. The other button handles exporting. By default, an SVG representation of the chart is sent by POST to http://export.highcharts.com, where it is converted using Apache's Batik converter to PDF, PNG or JPEG.
See the?navigation?and?exporting?reference items for a full documentation for the options available. Also see under "Methods and Properties" in the reference for members releated to exporting.
6.1 Client side setupAdd the exporting module JavaScript file after your highcharts.js file.
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/js/highcharts.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script src="/js/modules/exporting.js" type="text/javascript"></script>6.2 Server module setup
If you want to set up this web service on your own server, the?index.php
?file that handles the POST is supplied in the download package inside the/exporting-server
?file from the /exporting-server directory in the download package to your server.temp
?in the same directory as?index.php
?and chmod this new directory to 777 (Linux/Unix servers only).batik-rasterizer.jar
?and the entire?lib
?directory to a location on your web server.As an ASP.NET alternative to our Java/PHP based server module, Clément Agarini has kindly shared his?export module for ASP.NET.
7.0 Freeform drawingInternally, Highcharts is equipped with a rendering module that acts as a wrapper for JavaScript access to SVG in modern browsers and VML in IE < 9. It has much in common with drawing tools like Rapha?l or SVG jQuery. This drawing module can be used either to draw shapes or text on the chart, or even as a standalone drawing tool for HTML pages.
Inside a chart, the chart's renderer object is available as?chart.renderer
. To instanciate a new SVG drawing outside Highcharts, you call?new Highcharts.Renderer(parentNode, width, height)
, where parentNode is the div or container element where you want the drawing to be placed.
The drawing API is documented in detail at?/ref#renderer?and?/ref#element.
7. API referenceProceed to the API Reference.