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Watir-Webdriver安装与小例子体验一、关于RubyRuby is a cross-platform interpreted language which has m


一、关于RubyRuby is a cross-platform interpreted language which has many features in common with other 'scripting' language such as Perl and Python. It has an 'English language' style syntax which looks somewhat Pascal-like at first sight. It is thoroughly object oriented, and has a good deal in common with the great-granddaddy of 'pure' OO languages, Smalltalk. It has been said that the languages which most influenced the development of Ruby wereWatir-Webdriver装配与小例子体验erl, Smalltalk,Eiffel,Ada and Lisp. The Ruby language was created by Matz and it was first released in 1995. 二、关于Watir Watir??=??Web Application Testing in Ruby


Watir project is a collection of open source tools that drive browsers and help you automate boring and repetitive parts of functional testing of web applications, so you have more time to test with your brain. Watir, pronounced "water", is an acronym standing for "Web Application Testing in Ruby". Watir is a toolkit used to automate browser-based tests during web application development.

Watir全称是“Web Application Testing in Ruby”,发音类似“water”。它是一种基于网页模式的自动化功能测试工具。 三、Ruby + Watir 安装方法 1、安装Ruby <Ruby下载地址>http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=167&release_id=44412 软件被墙了,可以在这下载:http://ishare.iask.sina.com.cn/f/24668376.html Ruby安装方法直接next就可以了。但是有一个注意点,如下面英文内容所说。You can leave all settings at default values, expect at the Installation Destination and Optional Tasks screen check both 'Add Ruby executables to your Path' and 'Associate .rb and .rbw files with this Ruby installation checkboxes. 安装好之后,check下是否Ruby安装成功了。在cmd窗口键入【Ruby -v】命令,能正常显示所安装的Ruby版本,就说明安装成功了。Watir-Webdriver装配与小例子体验


3、升级RubyGemsSoftware written in Ruby is usually distributed as RubyGems, Ruby package manager. Sometimes Ruby installations do not have the latest versions of RubyGems, so we will first update it. RubyGems is also a gem, and we get it's version with gem -v. 首先,cmd窗口键入下面命令确认当前的RubyGems版本。>gem -v 其次,cmd窗口键入下面命令进行RubyGems的升级。>gem update --system


最后,再次在cmd窗口键入下面命令确认当前的RubyGems版本,应该就能更新到最新版本了。>gem -v RubyGems是一个方便而强大的Ruby程序包管理器( package manager),类似RedHat的RPM.它将一个Ruby应用程序打包到一个gem里,作为一个安装单元。无需安装,最新的Ruby版本已经包含RubyGems了。特点:能远程安装包包之间依赖关系的管理简单可靠的卸载(uninstallation)查询机制,能查询本地和远程服务器的包信息能保持一个包的不同版本基于Web的查看接口,能查看你安装的gem的信息。
继第一节:Watir-Webdriver安装与小例子体验2 :http://bbs.naxsu.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=124
