Oracle Spatial的简单应用补充——shapefile导入ORACLE
Oracle Spatial的简单应用补充——shapefile导入ORACLE
Shapefile文件是美国环境系统研究所(ESRI)所研制的GIS文件系统格式文件,是工业标准的矢量数据文件。 Shapefile将空间特征表中的非拓扑几何对象和属性信息存储在数据集中,特征表中的几何对象存为以坐标点集表示的图形文件—SHP文件,Shapefile文件并不含拓扑(Topological)数据结构。一个Shape文件包括三个文件:一个主文件(*.shp),一个索引文件 (*.shx),和一个dBASE(*.dbf)表。
1 下载shp2sdo.exe,把此文件复制到PATH变量包含的目录下,
如我的oracle客户端安装后自动注册的环境变量是 path :D:/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_1/BIN;
2 在dos(WINDOWS运行CMD)下定位到shp文件的目录,使用命令:cd /d 文件目录 进入需要操作的文件目录。(注意:文件目录不能含有汉字);
3 在文件目录下操作。输入命令为:shp2sdo.exe BOUNT_poly t_areainfo -g geom -d -x (-180,180) -y (-90,90)
-s 8307 -t 0.5 -v。 命令结束后会在当前目录生成t_areainfo.ctl 和t_areainfo.sql两个文件
4 连接数据库C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator>sqlplus user/password@orcl,登陆ORACLE成功后,执行脚本SQL> @t_areainfo.sql; 然后退出 SQL> exit;
5 导入控制文件t_areainfo.ctl : C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator>sqlldr user/password@orcl 回车,然根据提示control = 输入t_areainfo.ctl 回车,导入结束。
最后就是验证成果的时候,首先要创建MDSYS.SPATIAL_INDEX序列 语句如下:
select * from t_areainfo t
where SDO_RELATE( t.geom,
MDSYS.Sdo_Geometry(2001, 8307, MDSYS.Sdo_Point_Type(113.119526, 34.84593, null), null, null ),
'mask=ANYINTERACT querytype=WINDOW' ) = 'TRUE';
shp2sdo [-o] <shapefile> <tablename> -g <geometry column>
-i <id column> -n <start_id> -p -d
-x (xmin,xmax) -y (ymin,ymax) -s <srid>
shp2sdo -r <shapefile> <outlayer> -c <ordcount> -n <start_gid> -a -d
-x (xmin,xmax) -y (ymin,ymax)
shapefile - name of input shape file
(Do not include suffix .shp .dbf or .shx)
tablename - spatial table name
if not specified: same as input file name
Generic options:
-o - Convert to object/relational format (default)
-r - Convert to the relational format
-d - store data in the control file
if not specified: keep data in separate files
-x - bounds for the X dimension
-y - bounds for the Y dimension
-v - verbose output
-h or -? - print this message
Options valid for the object model only:
-g geometry column - Name of the column used for the SDO_GEOMETRY object
if not specified: GEOM
-i id_column - Name of the column used for numbering the geometries
if not specified, no key column will be generated
if specified without name, use ID
-n start_id - Start number for IDs
if not specified, start at 1
-p - Store points in the SDO_ORDINATES array
if not specified, store in SDO_POINT
-s - Load SRID field in geometry and metadata
if not specified, SRID field is NULL
-t - Load tolerance fields (x and y) in metadata
if not specified, tolerance fields are 0.00000005
-8 - Write control file in 8i format
if not specified, file written in 9i format
-f - Write geometry data with 10 digits of precision
if not specified, 6 digits of precision is used
Options valid for the relational model only:
-c ordcount - Number of ordinates in _SDOGOEM table
if not specified: 16 ordinates
-n start_gid - Start number for GIDs
if not specified, start at 1
-a - attributes go in _SDOGEOM table
if not specified, attributes are in separate table