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求条SQL//考勤表CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t_scm_comm_attendance]([id] [varchar](255) ON PRIMARY KEY,[date]


CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t_scm_comm_attendance](
[id] [varchar](255) ON PRIMARY KEY,
[date] [datetime] NULL,
[real_name] [varchar](255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL //姓名


4028b2fb362f419801362d9699aa00042012-03-20 00:00:00.000张三
4028b2fb36300d3101362d7bac4b00022012-03-20 00:00:00.000李斯
4028b2fb363026d701362d69d0b300062012-03-20 00:00:00.000王武
4028b2fb363026d701362d90cf0f000c2012-03-20 00:00:00.000赵高
4028b2fb3632c1c90136328fb40800022012-03-21 00:00:00.000李斯
4028b2fb3632c1c9013632a3bbe700072012-03-21 00:00:00.000赵高
TABLE [dbo].[t_scm_bg_leave_register](
[id] [varchar](255) ON PRIMARY KEY,
[user_name] [varchar](255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL,//姓名
[type] [varchar](255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL,//请假类型
[start_date] [datetime] NULL,//开始时间
[end_date] [datetime] NULL,//结束时间
[stamped] [varchar](255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL,//批准人
[remark] [varchar](255) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL//备注
05d47c48-11e9-4c0e-b6f2-956364fca302admin张三事假2012-04-21 00:00:00.0002012-05-02 00:00:00.000秦皇



姓名 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 。。。。。。29 30 出勤天数 事假 产假 探亲


SQL code
--行列互转--摘自中国风博客,引用请标明内容来源--1、行换列if object_id('Class') is not  null    drop table ClassGoCreate table Class([Student] nvarchar(2),[Course] nvarchar(2),[Score] int)Insert Classselect N'张三',N'语文',78 union allselect N'张三',N'数学',87 union allselect N'张三',N'英语',82 union allselect N'张三',N'物理',90 union allselect N'李四',N'语文',65 union allselect N'李四',N'数学',77 union allselect N'李四',N'英语',65 union allselect N'李四',N'物理',85 Go--2000方法:--动态:declare @s nvarchar(4000)set @s=''Select @s=@s+','+quotename([Course])+'=max(case when [Course]='           +quotename([Course],'''')+' then [Score] else 0 end)'from     Class group by[Course]--select @sexec('select [Student]'+@s+' from Class group by [Student]')--生成静态:select     [Student],    [数学]=max(case when [Course]='数学' then [Score] else 0 end),    [物理]=max(case when [Course]='物理' then [Score] else 0 end),    [英语]=max(case when [Course]='英语' then [Score] else 0 end),    [语文]=max(case when [Course]='语文' then [Score] else 0 end) from     Class group by [Student]GO--动态:declare @s nvarchar(4000)Select @s=isnull(@s+',','')+quotename([Course]) from Class group by[Course]select @sexec('select * from Class pivot (max([Score]) for [Course] in('+@s+'))b')--生成静态:select * from     Class pivot     (max([Score]) for [Course] in([数学],[物理],[英语],[语文]))b--生成格式:/*Student 数学         物理         英语         语文------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------李四     77          85          65          65张三     87          90          82          78(2 行受影响)*/go--加上总成绩(学科平均分)--2000方法:--动态:declare @s nvarchar(4000)set @s=''Select @s=@s+','+quotename([Course])+'=max(case when [Course]='+quotename([Course],'''')+'then [Score] else 0 end)'from Class group by[Course]exec('select [Student]'+@s+',[总成绩]=sum([Score])  from Class group by [Student]')--加多一列(学科平均分用avg([Score]))生成动态:select     [Student],    [数学]=max(case when [Course]='数学' then [Score] else 0 end),    [物理]=max(case when [Course]='物理' then [Score] else 0 end),    [英语]=max(case when [Course]='英语' then [Score] else 0 end),    [语文]=max(case when [Course]='语文' then [Score] else 0 end),    [总成绩]=([Score]) --加多一列(学科平均分用avg([Score]))from     Class group by [Student]go--2005方法:动态:declare @s nvarchar(4000)Select  @s=isnull(@s+',','')+quotename([Course]) from Class group by[Course] --isnull(@s+',','') 去掉字符串@s中第一个逗号exec('select [Student],'+@s+',[总成绩] from (select *,[总成绩]=sum([Score])over(partition by [Student]) from Class) a pivot (max([Score]) for [Course] in('+@s+'))b ')--生成静态:select     [Student],[数学],[物理],[英语],[语文],[总成绩] from     (select *,[总成绩]=sum([Score])over(partition by [Student]) from Class) a --平均分时用avg([Score])pivot     (max([Score]) for [Course] in([数学],[物理],[英语],[语文]))b 生成格式:/*Student 数学         物理         英语         语文         总成绩------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------李四     77          85          65          65          292张三     87          90          82          78          337(2 行受影响)*/go--2、列转行 if not object_id('Class') is null    drop table ClassGoCreate table Class([Student] nvarchar(2),[数学] int,[物理] int,[英语] int,[语文] int)Insert Classselect N'李四',77,85,65,65 union allselect N'张三',87,90,82,78Go--2000:动态:declare @s nvarchar(4000)select @s=isnull(@s+' union all ','')+'select [Student],[Course]='+quotename(Name,'''')--isnull(@s+' union all ','') 去掉字符串@s中第一个union all+',[Score]='+quotename(Name)+' from Class'from syscolumns where ID=object_id('Class') and Name not in('Student')--排除不转换的列order by Colidexec('select * from ('+@s+')t order by [Student],[Course]')--增加一个排序生成静态:select * from (select [Student],[Course]='数学',[Score]=[数学] from Class union all select [Student],[Course]='物理',[Score]=[物理] from Class union all select [Student],[Course]='英语',[Score]=[英语] from Class union all select [Student],[Course]='语文',[Score]=[语文] from Class)t order by [Student],[Course]go--2005:动态:declare @s nvarchar(4000)select @s=isnull(@s+',','')+quotename(Name)from syscolumns where ID=object_id('Class') and Name not in('Student') order by Colidexec('select Student,[Course],[Score] from Class unpivot ([Score] for [Course] in('+@s+'))b')goselect     Student,[Course],[Score] from     Class unpivot     ([Score] for [Course] in([数学],[物理],[英语],[语文]))b生成格式:/*Student Course Score------- ------- -----------李四     数学     77李四     物理     85李四     英语     65李四     语文     65张三     数学     87张三     物理     90张三     英语     82张三     语文     78*/ 
