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TOEFL Essay Writing: 托福作文开头要写多长?

TOEFL Essay Writing: 托福作文开头要写多长?

TOEFL Essay Writing: 托福作文开头要写多长?


  以下举例Simon老师的introduction。(来源ielts-simon.com 不代表谢振礼的思维模版。)



  It is true that ......


  While..........., personally, I agree (disagree) with the idea that ......

  》另外一套引言模板 (两句话):


  Many people have different views about whether ......


  Although there are several advantages to ......., I would argue that .........


  People have different views about how much choice students should have with regard to what they can study at university. While some argue that it would be better for students to be forced into certain key subject areas, I believe that everyone should be able to study the coure of their choice.


  It is true that ex-prisoners can become normal, productive members of society. I completely agree with the idea that allowing such people speak to teenagers about their experiences is the best way to discourage them from breaking the law.


  It is true that many older people believe in traditional values that often seem incompatible with the needs of younger people. While I agree that some traditional ideas are outdated, I believe that others are still useful and should not be forgotten.


  It is true that foreign films are more popular in many countries than domestically produced films. There could be several reasons why this is the case, and I believe that governments should promote local film-making by subsidising the industry.


  People have different views about whether or not governments should help senior citizens. I completely disagree with the idea that elderly people should not receive support from the state.


  People have differing views with regard to the question of how to make our roads safer. In my view, both punishments and a range of other measures can be used together to promote better driving habits.


  It is true that men are increasingly likely to take on the role of househusband, while more women than ever are the breadwinners in their families. There could be several reasons for this, and I consider it to be a very positive trend.


  People have different views about whether parents or schools should bear the responsibility for helping children to become good citizens. In my view, this responsibility should be shared.


  Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals because we humans have no need for them. I completly disagree with this point of view.


  It is true that video surveilance has become commonplace in many cities in recent years. While I understand that critics may see this as an invasion of privacy, I believe that there are more benefits than drawbacks.


  It is no doubt true that the majority of people would like to be happy in their lives. While the personal nature of happiness makes it difficult to describe, there do seem to be some common needs that we all share with regard to experiencing or achieving happiness.


  Some people believe that parents of children who attend private schools should not need to contribute to state schools through taxes. Personally, I disagree with this view.


  It is true that some celebrities are known for their glamous lifestyles rather than for the work they do. While I agree that these celebrities set a bad example for children, I believe that other famous people act as positive role models.


  Many people choose their jobs based on the size of the salary offered. Personally, I disagree with the idea that money is the key consideration when deciding on a career, because I believe that other factors are equally important.


  The current trend towards teleworking is a positive one in many respects. However, I strongly disagree with the idea that it should be introduced in all work contexts.


  People have different views about whether we are more or less dependent on others nowadays. In my view, modern life forces us to be more independent than people were in the past.


  Technological progress has taken place throughout the course of human history. While early technologies certainly changed the lives of normal people, I believe that recent breakthroughs have had an even greater impact.


  It is true that many people criticize modern society because it seems to be too materialistic. I agree with this to some extent, but I do not think it is the case that everyone is a victim of consumer culture.


  It is sometimes arged that tourists from overseas should be charged more than local residents to visit important sites and monuments. I completely disagree with this idea.


  It is sometimes arged that we live in a materialistic world and that we value money too highly. In my opinion, some people are extremely money oriented, but many of us place more importance on other values.


  The relative success of different countries is usually defined in economic terms. There are several other factors, apart from the economy, that could be used to assess a country, and in my opinion education is the most important of all.


  People have different views about the funding of creative artists. While some people disagree with the idea of government support for artists, I believe that money for art projects should come from both governments and other sources.


  It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the development of medicines.


  It is true that top sports people earn incredibly high salaries. Although reasons can be given to justify this, I personally believe that sports stars should be paid less.


  Some people make their career choices according to what they enjoy doing, whereas others place more importance on earning a high salary. Personally, I support the view that job satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment are much more important than money.


  It is true that people in industralised nations can expect to live longer than ever before. Although there will undoubtedly be some negative consequences of this trend, societies can take stepts to mitigate these potential problems.


  Traffic and pollution are growing problems in today's society. Personally, I disagree with the idea that higher petrol prices could solve these problems, and I believe that various other measures would be more constructive.


  Many people, children in particular, enjoy playing video games. While I accept that these games can have a positive effect on the user, I believe that they are more likely to have a harmful impact.


  It is true that the populations of many countries are growing, and that new housing is therefore needed. In my opinion, it would be better to increase the provision of housing by creating new town, rather than by further developing existing towns and cities.


  It is true that a rich variety of musical styles can be found around the world. Music is a vital part of all human cultures for a range of reasons, and I would argue that traditional music is more important than modern, international music.


  It is true that sports stars often earn huge salaries. While there are some good reasons why this is the case, I personally believe that it is wrong for these people yo be paid more than other professionals.


  It is undeniable that wildlife habitas are being destroyed and whole species of plants and animals are disappearing. There are several causes of this alaming trend, but measures could certainly be taken to tackle the problem.


  Many young people work on a volunteer basis, and this can only be beneficial to both the individual and society as a whole. However, I do not agree that we should therefore foce all teenagers to do unpaid work.


  Some hobbies are relatively easy, while others present more of a challenge. Personally, I believe that both types of hobby can be fun, and I therefore disagree with the statement that hobbies need to be difficult in order to be enjoyable.


  It is true that new technologies have had an influence on communication between people. Technology has affected relationships in various ways, and in my opinion there are both positive and negative effects.


  There are various benefits and drawbacks of books, radio and television as ways to convey information. In my view, television is definitely the most effective of all these three media.


  It is true that some people know from an early age what career they want to pursue, and they are happy to spend the rest of their lives in the same profession. While I accept that this may suit many people, I believe that others enjoy changing careers or seeking job satisfaction in different ways.


  Some people believe that we should not help people in other countries as long as there are problems in our own society. I disagree with this view because I believe that we should try to help as many people as possible.


  In my opinion, an egalitarian society is one in which everyone has the same rights and the same opportunities. I completely agree that people can achieve more in this kind of society.


  When they finish school, teenagers face the dilemma of whether to get a job or continue their education. While there are some benefits to getting a job straight after school, I would argue that it is better to go to college or university.


  Agree: People have different views about what the main purpose of schools should be. Personally, I agree that a school's role is to prepare children to be productive members of society.

  Disagree: Many people argue that the main role of schools is to prepare children for their future jobs. However, I believe that the purpose of education should be to help to grow up as individuals.


  It is true that many aspects of culture are becoming increasingly similar throughout the world. Although this trend has some benefits, I would argue that there are more drawbacks.


  In my opinion, men and women should have the same educational opportunities. However, I do not agree with the idea of accepting equal proportions of each gender in every university subject.


  People have different views about the role and function of museums. In my opinion, museums can and should be both entertaining and educational.


  It is true that some minority languages may disappear in the near future. Although it can be argued that governments could save money by allowing this to happen, I believe that these languages should be protected and preserved.


  People have different views about how children should be taught. While there are some good arguments in favour of teaching children to be competitive, I believe hat it is better to encourage cooperation.


  People have different views about whether punishments for crimes should be fixed. Although there are some advantages of fixed punishments, I believe that it is better to judge each crime individually.


  Humans are responsible for a variety of environmental problems, but we can also take stepts to reduce the damage that we are causing to the planet. This essay will discuss environmental problems and the measures that governments and individuals can take to address these problems.
