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14831 2013年12月7日雅思写作真题




  ielts360toefl@hotmail.com 谢振礼


  >In recent years, "responsible tourists" have paid attention to preserving both culture and environment of the places they visit. Some people say that it is impossible to be a "responsible tourist". To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience to support your opinion.


  These days, the campaign for responsible tourism sounds as beautiful as an act of dancing, but it really takes two to tango. Figuratively, the two--hosts and visitors--ought to move simultaneously in rhyme with tourist sustainability. Such sustainability can only happen if all partners involved pay attention to increasing the benefits of the tourism industry and reducing the negative impact on the local culture and the natural environment.

  To begin with, for local people to have responsible tourists, it is important to upgrade the satisfaction level of holiday-goers. That is to say, the benefits of tourists should be maximized as an attempt to boost the sight-seeing business. By so doing, local people are able to provide more enjoyable experiences for visitors. As hosts they are also supposed to be culture-sensitive and eco-friendly, earnestly keeping in good conditions such sites of tourist interests as famous temples and shrines, historical ruins, churches, museums, old palaces and buildings, as well as beaches, rivers, lakes, resorts, and so on. In other words, positive contributions should be made to the conservation of natural and cultural heritage, and ultimately to maintenance of the world's diversity. Interestingly, some people ask if it is possible to be a "responsible" tourist, they might as well ask if it is possible to be a "responsible" host.

  No less important, tourist sustainability demands that the negative effects as a result of visitation should be minimized, referring invariably to preserving both culture and environment of the places they visit. It is expected that tourists can greatly enjoy their holidays and at the same time consciously appreciate the culture of the local people and also respect the local environment. As a whole, tourist behavior can be more or less responsible, so what is responsible in a particular place depends on environment and culture, of course. For example, tourists should think twice before purchasing a real object of cultural heritage or a gift item made of endangered species in that particular destination. Further, they should be mindful of local traditions and customs as well as environmental protection and rejuvenation. Needless to say, a "responsible" traveler should refrain from spoiling the scene--refraining from dressing inappropriately, drinking excessively, consuming illegal drugs, littering, using polluting transport systems, etc.

  Generally speaking, all tourism businesses have positive and negative impacts locally, to be sure, but tourist sustainability maximizes the benefits and minimizes the negative effects of tourism. On the one hand, it is necessary to generate profits for the tourist destinations; and on the other hand, it is also necessary to make as low damage on the environment and local culture as possible. Finally, the twin objectives are to make the tourist destinations better places for tourists to visit and to make these host communities better places for local people to live. (Essay by Jeenn Lee Hsieh ielts360toefl@hotmail.com)

  谢振礼:托福-雅思 Opinion Essay 引言


  ielts360toefl@hotmail.com Jeenn Lee Hsieh

  英文论说文写作的格式应该是越死板则速度越快,简直是把作文问题想成是填充题, 等于一个萝卜一个坑。猫头鹰在线写作实验室ielts360toefl@hotmail.com 发布360篇+英文写作范文,每一篇都是18句话,填充到死板的起承转合。想来,格式可以死板,英文造句但求生动。


  论说文(Opinion Essay)的要点之一就是话不离题(主题)。在格式上,最好写四段18句:起3承6转6合3。起=引言 (Introduction),承+转=中体 (Body A+Body B),合=结论 (Conclusion)。引言是论说文的缩影;结论是引言的倒影。起中有合;合中有起。首段引言的作用为预告中体两段的内容。尾段结论的作用为归纳中体两段的内容。你写论说文的时候必须从首到尾不离开主题 (Thesis)。





  你到底拿出什么相关的道理来支持主题呢?你所知道的道理不外乎是个人的知识 (Knowledge) 与经验 (Experience)。另外,从知识与经验中提出的支持--理由 (Reasons),例子 (Examples),细节 (Details)--必须和主题息息相关 (Relevant),说起话来有自圆其说的逻辑 (Logical Argument)。没有逻辑的论说文就是语无伦次,因为主题不知去向。


  每当考生针对独立作文考题来答题,先自定立场。有了立场就有主题。主题有了自定的焦点,好处多多。焦点既定,立刻可以从焦点上也自定中体两段的中心句(Topic Sentence),称之为指标句(Signpost Sentence)。中体承段的内容绝对支援承段的指标句。中体转段的内容也绝对支援转段的指标句。只需要从焦点上独立的提出两个指标。中体两段的技巧是话分两头。一头为承段;一头为转段。


  引言第一句》申论主题 Thesis (表明立场)

  引言第二句》集中焦点 Focus (缩小话题)

  引言第三句》话分两头 Signposting (引导内容)




