14513 problem
TOEFL Independent Writing Task
Essay Question: World's Most Important Problems
Sample Answer by Jeenn Lee Hsieh
TOEFL Essay Topic:
>Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? "The most important problems in today's world would be solved in our lifetime." Use specific reasons and examples or details (based on your knowledge or experience) to support your answer.
>introduction--we are not likely to solve global warming+population growth in our lifetime
>body A--global warming causes climate to change
>body B--population growth causes over-population
>conclusion--global warming+population growth=not likely to be solved in the foreseeable future
TOEFL Example Essay (Jeenn Lee Hsieh):
For decades measures have been taken to cope with the most important issues facing our planet; however, the prospects have been so far not so good. It may be because today's high-level concerns are too many too pressing while solutions are too few too slow. This leads us to think that those critical problems which would threaten humanity must focus on global warming along with population growth.
Why does global warming appear to be a hopeless issue today? Global warming is causing climate to change, and with that would appear a range of disasters ranging from prolonged droughts to severe floods to rising sea levels. Being too late, we know we have a serious problem due to the "greenhouse effects" from air pollution, so what now? In the end, we may need every trick we know to get out of this problem, which seems unlikely in the foreseeable future and beyond. Meanwhile, we ought to admit that for many years we have been powerless over fossil fuels, and that our lives have become unmanageable, and that we seem to have no regrets at all. Although we are aware that global warming is everybody's business, a majority of us pretend to act as if it were nobody's business.
The issue that there are so many of us in this world is directly related to the impact that humanity is having on climate change. It goes without saying that more people not only consume more food but also burn more fossil fuels to power transportation. As a result, there would be food shortage and damage to environment. Now that the world's population has passed the milestone of seven billion, it is not clear how we conduct our behavior to have a future on this planet that is sustainable and might go for centuries and centuries. Since we did not do enough to manage our population growth, we now are confronted with the consequences of mindless over-population. At this crossroad, we really have very few options, other than to accept zero planetary population growth and to end all burnings of fossil fuels by finding replacement energy sources that are renewable and environment-friendly.
Not to mention other large-scale problems, the combined threat of climate change and over-population would NOT be easily handled in our lifetime. Judging from the fact that effective efforts to avert the trend have largely been made too little too late, it is feared that the situation might go from bad to worse in the decades to come. In all events, the world's problems require global solutions, and that soon. (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh ielts360toeflhotmail.com pigai zuowen)
TOEFL 作文如不先立定大纲,则思路不知去向
Creating An Outline for An Opinion Essay TOEFL 论说文
【起3承6转6合3】。参考目录标题可以索取部分免费英文范文+讲解: ielts360toefl@hotmail.com
简而言之,中体写两段(承+转),其论证的理由例子细节则完全支持引言起段中的主题。结论合段是开头起段的倒影,重申主题。 你可要接受【起中有合,合中有起】。
接着,从焦点又引出你自己觉得有把握的论证方向。不多不少,只需要两个方向指标。一个指标朝向中体的承段;一个指标朝向中体的转段。两个指标投射中体两段的Topic Sentence 指标句,其一对承段,其一对转段。一个萝卜一个坑。
谢振礼的英文不是母语,若干英文错误或可自我原谅,不能原谅自己的是作文的逻辑大纲。懂中文真好,来论语则想中文,来莎士比亚则想英文,毫无冲突。身为龙的传人,不可能忘记中文血液在身上流。顺其自然,所以你在英文写作时,千万不要怪自已的中文思维可能害了你的雅思作文或托福作文。可以用中文立定大纲, 也可以用英文立定大纲,也可以两者混用。只要尽量写出道地的英文论说文,谁在乎?
Jeenn Lee Hsieh 谢振礼
English Composition:
TOEFL Opinion Essays
>Writing in English as a foreign language
TOEFL Independent Writing Task
IELTS Writing Task 2 (academic/general)
When answering an essay question, you shoud always...
read the question carefully
make sure your ideas are directly relevant and specific to the question
address all parts of the question and stick to a 4-paragraph format
change the focus of your thesis (or the topic), if you have no ideas related to the question
re-read the task regularly to check that you are answering the question
>Introduction (3 sentences): Thesis-Focus-Signposts (from general to specific)
Answer the essay topic in one sentence as your Thesis Statement in which you present your position in answer to the question.
Create a relevant and specific Focus for discussion by narrowing down the scope of your Thesis Statement.
Signpost the 2 main points (Signpost A and Signpost B) that are relevant and specific to your Focus, and say what you are going to say in the Body Paragraph A and Body Paragraph B, respectively.
>Body Paragraph A (6 sentences): PEE=Point A + Examples + Explanations
Topic Sentence A (Signpost Point A)
+5 Supporting Sentences=6 sentences
>Body Paragraph B (6 sentences): PEE=Point B + Examples + Explanations
Topic Sentence B (Signpost Point B)
+5 Supporting Sentences=6 sentences
>Conclusion (3 sentences): Signposts+Focus+Thesis (from specific to general)
Summarize Signpost A and Signpost B.
Widen the scope of your Focus.
Re-state your Thesis Statement.
# Say, say, say: Opinion Essays (Thesis, Focus, Signpost Points are abstract ideas, not facts)
>Introduction: Say what you are going to say.
>Body Paragraphs A and B: Say it with evidence.
>Conclusion: Say what you have said.
# Scoring Standards: Writing Guides
IELTS: Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience to support your opinion. (40 minutes; 250 words+; handwriting)
TOEFL: Use reasons and specific examples or details (based on your knowledge or experience) to support your answer. (30 minutes; 300 words+; typing)
To score higher in an independent writing task, whether it is about IELTS or TOEFL, it is important to get a clear idea regarding how a test essay is rated. For example, how well one writes is much more important than how much one writes. According to the official scoring guides of TOEFL and IELTS, a most successful paper should typically include the following features--
>英文合文法 (Grammatical English)
1. language effectiveness=rhetoric 语言效率
TOEFL--displays consistent facility in the use of language
IELTS--uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention
2. sentence variety=syntax 句型变化
TOEFL--demonstrates syntactic variety
IELTS--uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as 'slips'
3. word choice=lexicon 字汇恰当
TOEFL--demonstrates appropriate word choice
IELTS--uses a wide range of vocabulary with very natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as 'slips'
>作文合逻辑 (Logical Composition)
1. [a thesis well-focused] 主题有焦点
TOEFL--effectively addresses the writing task
IELTS--fully addresses all parts of the task
2. [a structure well-organized] 结构有组织
TOEFL--is well organized and well developed
IELTS--skillfully manages paragraphing
3. [a content well-supported] 内容有支持
TOEFL--uses clearly appropriate details to support a thesis or illustrate ideas
IELTS--presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas