从我开始教雅思写作的时候,所谓的“套句”和“模板”在雅思写作当中是否有用就一直是一个有争议的问题。2005年我刚从一个基础英语教师转型为雅思培训师的时候,当时的主流回答是“有用”。翻看当时出版的各种雅思写作参考书,几乎范文里都或多或少有类似"Today, the issue that...... has aroused great controversy in the modern society. While some people believe that ......, this view, nevertheless, is counterargued by some other people who firmly stand by the viewpoint that....... In my opinion, both viewpoints have their merits and in this article, I would like to exploit the issue with the following aspects."这样的“经典套句”。于是当时本人也跟风设计了一套自己的模板,并在我当时教授的雅思写作课程中专门开辟了“快速模板”这样一个单元。然而实践下来教学成果却让我非常困惑,因为同样使用本人开发的“俞式模板”去写雅思作文的考生,既有拿到7分的高分的,也有只拿到5分并且愤而在网上把我骂到臭头的。本人这次特别翻箱倒柜,找出了当年的“俞式模板”:
(以问句的形式复述核心问题)+ The traditional theory/average people hold(s) that (观点1=你所反对的观点) + Nevertheless, combined with my experience and some scientific evidence (the viewpoint of some researchers/experts), we could draw a totally different conclusion that + (观点2=你支持的观点)
Some people believe that it is more important for buildings to serve its practical purpose than to look beautiful. So architects need not worry about constructing buildings as works of art. However, some others hold the opposite opinion. Discuss both viewpoints and give your own opinion. (2005年12月17日)
Is it more important for a building to look beautiful just like a work of art or simply to serve its purpose as a place for living? Average people may hold that a building’s practical purpose carries more weight than its appearance . Nevertheless, combined with my experience and the viewpoints of some experts, we could draw a totally different conclusion that it is the beautiful appearance of a building that plays a more significant role.