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双语阅读:华人画家赵无极去世 终年93岁(2)

华人画家赵无极去世 终年93岁

  The artist's career was rejuvenated following a major retrospective in Paris in 2003. Since then, his blend of Chinese techniques with Western modernist aesthetics has caught the eye of wealthy Asian collectors -- especially from Taiwan and mainland China -- who have paid significant sums for his works. 2003年在巴黎举办了一次大型的回顾展之后,这名艺术家的事业获得新生。此后,他将中国画技巧与西方现代主义美学融合在一起,吸引了富有的亚洲收藏家,尤其是来自台湾和中国大陆的藏家,他们不惜重金购买他的作品。

  In 2011, Mr. Zao was the top-selling, living Chinese artist at auction, with his works fetching $90 million in sales that year. Demand remains strong: Last week, his painting '10.03.83' sold for $4.8 million at a Sotheby's sale in Hong Kong. 2011年,赵无极成了拍卖会上作品最畅销的在世华人画家,这一年,他的作品拍出的总额达9,000万美元。人们对他的画作的需求仍然强劲。上周,他的画作《10.03.83》在香港的苏富比(Sotheby's)拍卖行拍出了480万美元的高价。

  His estate, which includes hundreds of paintings, is the subject of a legal dispute between Ms. Marquet and Mr. Zhao.

