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经典散文赏析——睡眠偷窃者 Sleep-Stealer(双语赏析)(2)

睡眠偷窃者 Sleep-Stealer(双语赏析)

  I would bind her two wings securely, set her on the bank of the river, and then let her play at fishing with a reed among the rushes and water-lilies. 我要把她的双翼缚得紧紧的,把她放在河边,然后叫她拿一根芦苇在灯心草和睡莲间钓鱼为戏。
  When the marketing is over in the evening, and the village children sit in their mothers' laps, then the night birds will mockingly din her ears with: 黄昏,街上已经收了市,村里的孩子们都坐在妈妈的膝上时,夜鸟便会讥笑地在她 耳边说:
  "Whose sleep will you steal now?" “你现在还想偷谁的睡眠呢?”
