fifty-fifty 各半的;对半的;平均
by one hundred percent 百分之百的;全部
a long hundred 一百多;一百二十
a few tenths of 十分之几;有几成
by twos and threes 三三两两
by ones or twos 三三两两;零零落落
in two twos 转眼;立即
at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
one or two 少许;几个
twenty and twenty 三分之二,2/3
first of all 首先
second to none 首屈一指
last but one 倒数第二
a decade of 十个,10
a score of 二十,20
a dozen of 一打,12个
Thousands of people attended the meeting.
Ten to one she has forgotten it.