结尾:在cue card的结尾部分,对于大部分话题,学生的收尾能力还是欠缺的,因为他们更多的是浮在表面去说明正面性,而这恰恰是很难去深挖的,尤其是对于电影,音乐,人物。朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生们说说自己从中的受益,这往往是更有感染力的,也更有利于烤鸭们的发挥。
This experiment told me how the magnifying glass worked. What is ridiculous, I even could not stop wondering if was left behind on an isolated island, all what I would need might be the magnifying glass. And the thing that got me hooked with the experiment is my curiosity on physics which always reveals a mysterious world which we know very little.