5478 TOEFL Essay 2012年12月22日托福写作真题范文:患难朋友(Friends in Need)
托福写作真题(20121222 China = 20110708 NA)--托福实验范文:
>Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to choose a friend with whom you can have fun than to choose a friend that will help you when you are in need. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Example Essay (Jeenn Lee Hsieh)
Each friendship can serve a purpose in your life--some just for fun and some offering much more. The sole test to tell a real friend from a fake one is adversity. In times of need, real friends will walk in and care about you while fake friends will walk out and talk about you behind your back.
Having friends with a sense of humor is fun. In social life, it is important to have fun with friends and laughter is such a huge part of a relationship. Often people who have a keen sense of humor also have a better grasp of friendship, unless it is false friendship. In many cases, choosing a friend with whom you can have fun may help you to overlook the unbecoming, understand the unconventional, tolerate the unpleasant, overcome the unexpected, and outlast the unbearable. Sometimes it seems that if you do not have friends with a sense of humor, life is not funny anymore. In short, laughing heartily with friends may just turn out to be a good medicine of life that is sometimes sick with all its stress and complexity.
Nevertheless, you want to have true friends who will show their love to you in times of trouble. In real life, friends are needed both for joy and sorrow. Therefore, to have true friends is to have your needs answered. It is that kind of expectation which determines the quality of friendship. How lucky you are to be able to choose a friend who will help you when you are in need? Such a friend will never try to hurt you, not even in a joke under the disguise of a bitter sense of humor. In contrast, a fake friend laughs every time you fall, whereas a real friend runs over to help you on your feet.
On the whole, real friends, like precious and rare diamonds, are hard to find; and fake friends for having fun are everywhere like autumn leaves. Only in times of need can you realize who are your true friends and who are your fake friends. After all, having fun is not the ultimate purpose of friendship. (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh, ielts360toefl@hotmail.com )
TOEFL (List 185) Topics about Friends:
>Topic 062
What do you want most in a friend--someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a sense of humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.
>Topic 111
Some people prefer to spend time with one or two close friends. Others choose to spend time with a large number of friends. Compare the advantages of each choice. Which of these two ways of spending time do you prefer? Use specific reasons to support your answer.
>Topic 117
Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why? Give specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
>Topic 173
It is sometimes said that borrowing money from a friend can harm or damage the friendship. Do you agree? Why or why not? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your answer.
比方说,雅思写作成绩8.0或8.5或9.0,若换算成托福分数就都等于满分30. 雅思7.5=托福29. 雅思7.0=托福27-28. 雅思6.5=托福24-26. 雅思6.0=托福21-23。雅思5.5=托福18-20. 以此类推。
阅读雅思+托福范文有利于预备口语的吹牛素材和写作的论证素材。谢振礼Jeenn Lee Hsieh初选200+篇原创,作为培训补充资料。IELTS Essays 与 TOEFL Essays 全部影射18句话装配的【隐形模板】--起3承6转6合3。准留学生想过目其中几遍都无所谓,完全不看也可以,可是千万不要连任何人的范文都不瞄一眼。多读优秀作品的好处是模仿--清楚简洁正确的【造句】,还有收集【论证】的理由例子细节。虽然范文只是针对写作答题,其实内容的范围却是和口语的话题多处息息相关,这种现象可谓不解自明。口语考试,谁不想英语出口成章?如果多多浏览写作范文的内容,有助于发挥口语的话题。
企图利用丢不起的时间来钻牛角尖很不划算。写作之事,如意高分虽不易,过关留学却不难(谁都知道获取Uniersity's Offer 的分数要求并不苛刻)。一般过关分数是指雅思6.5,托福24. (同样考生若稍微耍点花招,可以借力使力,可望成绩超越雅思7.0,托福27).
写作考试并没有唯一的标准答案,却是有答案标准,也是评分标准。说得玄一点,英文作文的游戏规则就是玩【同一】+【变化】。作文【同一】于英文的【变化】中;英文【变化】于作文的【同一】中。猫头鹰引用一个座右铭:Unity in Variety; Variety in Unity.
雅思+托福写作无需达到十全十美,因为考官可以看得过若干无伤大雅的小错误。虽说写作不怕错只怕不写作,但是大致还是要靠谱以下四项评分标准:(An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following.)
全面答题 Task Response>【TR】
雅思--fully addresses all parts of the task
雅思--presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant, fully extended and supported ideas
托福--effectively addresses the topic and task
逻辑连贯 Coherence and cohesion>【CC】
雅思--uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention
雅思--skillfully manages paragraphing
托福--is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details
托福--displays unity, progression, and coherence
词汇恰当 Lexical Resource>【LR】
雅思--uses a wide range of vocabulary with natural and sophisticated control of lexical features; rare minor errors occur only as slips
托福--uses appropriate word choice and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical errors
修辞句法 Grammatical Range and Accuracy>【GRA】
雅思--uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as slips
托福--displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, though it may have grammatical errors
结构公式:起Introduction=承Body A+转Body B=合Conclusion
议论文(Argument)+ 解说文(Report)。论说文首先要有主题。接着,缩小主题的范围成为焦点。议论的焦点是反向的冲突;解说的焦点是同向的解决。焦点的用处是引导出中体A+B的两条指标A+B,也就是话分两头:条条有理,顺理成章,自圆其说。
议论文 Argument: Side A vs. Side B>Conflict (Focus of Thesis)
起--Introduction (起=承+转。起中有合。)
申论主题 (Topic+Answer=Thesis)
集中焦点 (Thesis narrowed down to Focus)
话分两头 (Focus divided into Body A+Body B)
承--Body A (针对焦点,提出论证,支持主题)。
转--Body B (针对焦点,提出论证,支持主题)。
合--Conclusion (承+转=合。合中有起。)
二合为一 (Body A+Body B=Focus)
还原焦点 (Focus>Thesis)
重申主题 (Re-statement of Thesis)
解说文 Report: Causes vs. Effects>Solutions (Focus of Thesis)
起--Introduction (起=承+转。起中有合。)
申论主题 (Topic+Answer=Thesis)
集中焦点 (Thesis>Focus)
话分两头 (Focus>Body A and Body B)
承--Body A 因(针对焦点,提出论证,支持主题)。
转--Body B 果(针对焦点,提出论证,支持主题)。
合--Conclusion (承+转=合。合中有起。)
二合为一 (Body A+Body B=Focus)
还原焦点 (Focus>Thesis)
重申主题 (Re-statement of Thesis)
《作文逻辑》Composition--Thinking Logically about Thesis+Structure+Content.
主题 (Thesis) 有焦点 (答题立场)
结构 (Structure) 有组织 (起承转合)
内容 (Content) 有支持 (逻辑论证)
《英文文法》English--Writing Grammatically at the rhetorical, syntactic and lexical levels.
修辞 (Rhetoric) 语言效率 (language effectiveness)
句法 (Syntax) 句型变化 (sentence variety)
词汇 (Lexicon) 用字恰当 (word choice)
Introduction--Say what you are going to say.
Body A--Say it, with evidential evidence.
Body B--Say it, with evidential evidence.
Conclusion--Say what you have said.
红色论证=理由(R) + 例子(E) + 细节(D)
《实验范文》雅思+托福 写作 Task 2
询问 ielts360toefl@hotmail.com 短期写作复习计划。 (谢振礼Jeenn Lee Hsieh 免费答疑,分享心得。)
《分数对照》写作单项 (ETS 2010年官方信息)。准留学生:考雅思?考托福?你写作单项的目标是几分?考期?(你要多读多听多讲英语,因为阅读+听力+口语的锻炼绝对有利于写作。你何不寄一篇作文让猫头鹰点评吹牛!复习计划,与众不同。)
雅思 9.0 托福 30 满分。雅思 8.5 托福 30 满分。雅思 8.0 托福 30 满分。
雅思 7.5 托福 29。雅思 7.0 托福 27-28。雅思 6.5 托福 24-26。雅思 6.0 托福 21-23。
雅思 5.5 托福 18-20。雅思 5.0 托福 14-17。雅思 4.5 托福 12-13。雅思<4.0 托福 00-11。