1. Wear somebody out 使某人非常疲惫
2. Blow off steam 释放压力
3. Vent out pent-up stress 释放压力
4. As globalization is gaining growing momentum 随着全球化迅速发展
5. Global perspective 全球观
6. Broaden one’s horizons 开拓人们的视野
7. Gain a more comprehensive and profound understanding of something 更好的了解
8. Amount to $ 达到多少钱
9. Take up a part-time job 做兼职工作
10. Gain relevant useful work experience 获得相关的有用的工作经验
11. Reduce the financial burden on the family 减少对家庭的经济压力
12. Well-off families 家境不错的家庭
13. Be unaware of something 不清楚什么
14. Make attempts at something 尝试做某事
15. Know exactly where your interest lies 知道你的兴趣在哪里
16. Make accurate judgment 做出正确的判断
17. Win the trust of employers 赢得雇主的信任
18. Outstanding academic performance 出色的学术表现
19. Lay a solid foundation for something 为...打下坚实的基础
20. It is of paramount importance to something 对什么来说非常重要
21. Hinder their learning 阻碍他们的学习