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TOPIC: ISSUE69 - Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development

  TOPIC: ISSUE69 - "Government should place few, if any, restrictions on scientific research and development"

  WORDS: 357(610) TIME: 00:42:00 DATE: 2007-8-9 10:30:50

  People usually associate scientific research with government’s support or restrictions no matter what fields those researches belong to. When it comes to government’s influence on scientific research and development, there are always a host of different opinions held by different individuals in different fields. Should government place too many restrictions on scientific research? Admittedly,

  government should not involve too much into the development of scientific research, and sometimes government's supports to researches in different respects are required and indispensable. However, as for researches in some controversial fields, certain restrictions and regulations should be placed on them.

  To begin with, on most occasions, the less involvement into scientific research government makes, the better development of research will be gained. Firstly, the goals that government seeks for is not necessarily the same with what scientists purchase, for government usually pays much more attention to whether an immediate effect of research will be gained and whether the result of it, if successful, can to some extent promote people’s daily lives. Secondly, government’s values on research usually do not accord with the needs of the development of scientific research, which may have a negative influence on different scientists in different fields, if too much involvement of government was made.

  In addition, government should supply enough funds for most scientific researches so as to ensure that the development of science would not be prevented by some exterior reasons that are evitable/ avoidable. As for some Ularge programs U that require a vast investment of both materials and human resources, were there no enough funds from government, it is impossible to achieve any expected goal.

  UConsider, for example, the Human Genome Project, a large scientific research on a global scale that has a worth of three billion dollars, concerning scientists from six different countries, including America, British, France, Germany, J apan and China, and how can you imagine that such a large project could have been put into practice without governments' supports in economy U.
