splash 溅泼A passing car ~ed my dress
split 劈开,切开,裂开 ~ the firewood with an axe
spoil 损坏,毁掉 It would ~ my reputation
sponsor 发起者,主办者,保证人,赞助者the ~ of the annual Christmas parade
spot斑点,污点 a blue tie with ~s
spray 浪花,水花 The new shower heads reduce ~ and waste less water
sprout 抽条,发芽,长出 The seeds we planted finally ~ed
spur 靴刺,踢马刺a pair of ~s
squeeze 榨,挤 ~ juice from oranges
stab 刺,戳,猛的一击,突发的一阵 a ~ of anxiety
stack整齐的一叠 a ~ of bills
staff 全体职员,全体雇员 The company has got a ~ of about 40
stain 玷污,污染 His shirt was ~ed with blood
stale 食品等不新鲜的,走味的 These old peanuts taste ~
stall 牛舍
stamp 邮票 put a ~ on a letter
start 开始,动手 I’ve got so many things to do,I don’t know where to ~
startle 惊吓,使吃惊 The horse ~s easily
starve 使挨饿,饿死 Many live in luxury while others are starving
station 车站 at Victoria Station
stationary 固定的,静止的,非流动的 ~ troops
statistics 统计,统计资料 The recent ~ on marriage are interesting
steer 掌舵,驾驶 ~ a car through the entrance
stern 严厉的,苛刻的 a ~ punishment
stick 棍,棒,手杖 Grandfather walks with a ~
stimulate 刺激,促使 ~ economic growth
sting刺,螫,叮 A bee stung him on the neck
stir 使微动,移动 A breeze ~red my hair
stitch 一针,针脚 Make your ~es closer together
stock 原料,备料,库存,现货 Rags are used as a ~ for making paper
stoop 俯身,弯腰She ~ed to pick up her fan
storm 风暴,暴风雨,暴风雪 A ~ arose
straightforward 一直向前的,直接的 a ~ business transaction
strain 拉紧,绷紧 If you ~ the elastic any more, it will break
strap 带,皮带 silks ~s
stream 小河,溪流 on the banks of a ~
strength 力量,力气,活力,效力 the economic ~ of a nation
stress压力,紧张 Not all of us can cope with the ~es of modern life
stretch 伸直,伸长 He yawned and ~ed himself
stride阔步前进,大踏步走He strode to the platform
strike 打击,撞 A stone struck me on the head
string 细绳,线,带 She took the parcel and started to undo the string
strip 剥去,除去 The wind stripped the tree of all its leaves
strive 努力,奋力,力求~ towards a goal
stroke 敲,打,鸣 drive in a nail with one ~ of the hammer
stubborn 顽固的,倔强的 The ~ boy refused to listen to his parents’advice
stuff 原料,材料,物品,东西 He has got all the ~ ready for building his new house
subject 题目,主题 the ~ for a debate
submerge 浸没,淹没,湮没 The stream overflowed and ~d the farmland
submit 屈服,服从,投降 ~ to foreign pressure
subordinate 下级的 In the army ,captains are ~ to majors
substance 物质,实质 the ~ of pre-school education
substitute 代替者,代替物 He is the doctor’s ~ during holidays times
subtle 微妙的,巧妙的 His whole attitude has undergone a ~ change
subtract 减,减去 Subtract 4 from 10 you get 6
succession 连续,一系列 a ~ of debates
suck 吸,A large mosquito was sucking blood from the back of her hand
sue 控告,起诉 ~ sb for slander
summary 总结,概要 This book has a ~ at the end of each chapter
superb 极好的,一流的,杰出的 ~ science and engineering
superficial 表面的 a ~resemblance
superfluous过多的,剩余的,多余的a ~remark
supervise 监督,管理,指导 ~ sb’s every move
supplement增补,补充 a ~ to wages
suppress压制,镇压 ~human rights
supreme最高的,至上的 a ~ ruler
surpass超过,优于,强于,胜过 ~ advanced world
surplus过剩,剩余 a teacher ~
survey调查~ population growth in the southern provinces
survive 幸存,幸免于Only two people ~d the fire
suspect 怀疑 He ~ed a plot against his life
sustain支撑,承受The fountains were not strong enough to ~ the weight of the house