Prep2012-Pack1-CR-048 VCR005666 Medium
FastMart, a convenience store chain, is planning to add pancake syrup to the items it sells. FastMart stores do not have shelf space to stock more than one variety of syrup. Surveys of FastMart customers indicate that one-fourth of them prefer low-calorie syrup, while three-fourths prefer regular syrup. Since FastMart's highest priority is to maximize sales, the obvious strategy for it is to stock regular syrup.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A. People buying pancake syrup at convenience stores, those buying it at supermarkets, generally buy it only a few times.
B. People who prefer low-calorie syrup generally use about the same amount of syrup on their pancakes as those who prefer regular syrup.
C. Regular syrup does not sell for a higher price per unit than low-calorie syrup.
D. In general, customers who prefer regular syrup buy low-calorie syrup if regular is unavailable, but those who prefer low-calorie will not buy regular syrup.
E. Sales of syrup are not expected to account for a large proportion of total dollar sales at the average FastMart store.
Prep2012-Pack1-CR-049 VCR005745 Medium
Which of the following, if true, most logically completes the argument? Aroca County's public schools are supported primarily by taxes on property. The county plans to eliminate the property tax and support schools with a new three percent sales tax on al retail items sold in the county. Three percent of current retail sales is less than the amount collected through property taxes, but implementation of the plan would not necessarily reduce the amount of money going to Aroca County public schools, because____________.
A. many Aroca County residents have already left the county because of its high property taxes
B. a shopping mall likely to draw shoppers from neighboring counties is about to open in Aroca County
C. at least some Aroca County parents are to use the money they will save on property taxes to send their children to private schools not funded by the county
D. a significant proportion of parents of Aroca County public school students do not own their homes and consequently do not pay property taxes
E. retailers in Aroca County are not to absorb the sales tax by reducing the pretax price of their goods
Prep2012-Pack1-CR-050 VCR006430 Medium
The OLEX Petroleum Company has recently determined that it could cut its refining costs by closing its refinery and consolidating all refining at its Tasberg refinery. Closing the Grenville refinery, however, would mean the immediate loss of about 1,200 jobs in the area. Eventually the lives of more than 10,000 people would be seriously disrupted.
Therefore, OLEX's decision, announced yesterday, to keep open shows that at OLEX social concerns sometimes outweigh the desire for higher profits.
Which of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument given?
A. The Grenville refinery, although it operates at a higher cost than the Tasberg refinery, has nevertheless been moderately profitable for many years.
B. Even though OLEX could consolidate all its refining at the Tasberg plant, doing so at the Grenville plant would not be feasible.
C. The Tasberg refinery is more favorably situated than the refinery with respect to the major supply routes for raw petroleum.
D. If the Grenville refinery were ever closed and operations at the Tasberg refinery expanded, job openings at Tasberg would to the extent possible be filled with people formerly employed at
E. Closure of the Grenville refinery would mean compliance, at enormous cost, with demanding local codes regulating the cleanup of abandoned industrial sites.