微机接口技术 Interface Technique of Microcomputer
电力拖动 Electric Traction
程序设计及算法语言 Program Designing & Algorithmic Language
应用写作 Applied Composition
文字处理系统 Word Processing System
经济基础 Basis of Economy
汉字信息处理系统设计 Design of Chinese Character Information Processing
办公自动化 Office Automatization
办公自动化系统设计 Office Automatization Design
Windows系统 Windows Operation System
多媒体计算机技术 Multimedia Computer Technology
办公自动化系统毕业设计 Office Automatization Thesis
制冷课程设计 Refrigeration Course Design
制冷装置及自动化 Refrigeration Equipment & Automatization
电视传感器图象显示 Television Sensor Graphic Display
电子线路的计算机辅助分析 Computer Associate Analysis of Electronic Circuit
自动检测技术与仪表 Automatic Measurement Technique & Meter
图形显示 Graphic Demonstration
外存储原理与技术 External Memory Principle & Technique
计算机原理及应用 Principle & Applications of Computer