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当前位置: 首页 > 外语考试 > 职称英语 > 理工类 >



  unbelievable – incredible 难以置信的

  diligent – hardworking 勤劳的, 刻苦的

  principal –chief -- leading--- main 主要的, 首要的

  employ – hire 雇佣

  fire – dismiss – send away解雇

  assume – suppose 假定

  on the verge of --- close to 接近于, 濒临于

  gaze at – look at – stare at 凝视,注视

  entitled – qualified 有资格的

  employment – work – job 工作

  encourage – inspire – push 鼓励, 激励

  no longer – no more 不再

  admit – acknowledge 承认

  allow – permit 允许
