烹调术 cookery
色、香、味 color, aroma and taste
佐料 seasoning
刀功 slicing technique
清炒 plain-frying
煸 stir-frying
爆 quick-frying
炸 deep-frying
煎 pan-frying
焙 roasting
清蒸 steaming
氽 quick-boiling
熏 smoking
腌 salting
食谱 recipe
回锅肉 twice-cooked pork slices in brown sauce
炸猪排 fried pork chop
北京烤鸭 roast Beijing duck
什锦炒蔬 stir-fried mixed vegetables
酸辣汤 hot and sour soup
鸡茸蘑菇汤 cream of mushroom with chicken
主食 staple food