1 Part-time job makes students get in touch with certain ugly phenomenon in the society earlier,because they are in shaping period and can not distinguish the right from the wrong clearly, which may make them go astray easily.
1 Students can not tell the right from the wrong clearly due to their staying at shaping period, so the part-time job, which may get them in touch with certain ugly phenomenon in the society earlier, might easily make them go astray.
1 Lacking of the ability to distinguish the right and wrong, students are in the period of shaping; as a result they may easily go astray if they take part in part-time job which may make them contact some ugly phenomenon in the society.
1 Students may easily go astray when they have part-time jobs which may let then face some ugly phenomenon in the society earlier, because of the shaping period in which they lack the ability to tell right and wrong clearly.