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  ► 今年的产量比去年高。

  This year’s outcome is greater than last year’s.

  ► 中国的人均农业土地面积比不上世界许多其他国家。

  China’s per capita agricultural land can not compare with that of many other countries in the world.

  ► 不会取得过去7次会议上的那种结果。

  The outcomes would be different from these of previous 7 times.

  ► 学习外语的方法和学习游泳一样,必须把实践放第一位。

  The way of learning foreign language is the same as that of learning swimming. Practice must be put first.

  ► 这简直把我急疯了,真想一死了之,是艺术拦住了我。

  Such circumstances brought me to the brink of despair and almost made me put an end to my life. Nothing but my art held my hand.

  ► 后来病情恶化了,他的最后几年什么也听不见。

  The disease worsened and for the last years of his life he was completely deaf.

  ► 然而他仍全力以赴的创作,只可惜他的大部分优秀作品他自己从未听过。

  But he went on working with all his strength, though much of his finest music he was never able to hear.

  ► 他终身未娶,晚年还过得很惨,他为不争气的侄子操碎了心,经济上极不宽裕,身体一日不如一日。

  He never married and his last years were made wretched by anxiety over a ne’er do-well nephew (who was his ward) by poverty and by increasing ill health.

  ► 1827年,他死了。当时暴风骤雨,电闪雷鸣。他最后的动作是挥舞拳头,向外面的风雨挑战。

  In 1827, he died during thunderstorm, his last action being to shake his fist in defiance at the storm outside.

  ► 我现在说的这个(中东市场)一进门就是以个哥特式拱门门廊,它的砖石显得年久月深。

  The one I am thinking of particularly is entered by a Gothic arched gateway of aged brick and stone.

  ► 小驴子披挂着叮当作响的铃铛,穿梭于人群中,市场中心人山人海,熙熙攘攘。

  The little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs entering and leaving the bazaar.
